Darth Vader's Inquiries, Part II

Darth Vader's Inquiries, Part II
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  • This quest is part of the Imperial Theme Park questline.

    Level: 90
    Darth Vader is curious about the pilot who destroyed the Death Star. Help him satisfy that hunger for knowledge.

    Recommended combat level: 80

    Gathering More Information​

    Ahnyx Pollard had information regarding a boy from Tatooine and a connection to the destruction of the Death Star. Travel to Yavin IV and find the Rebel leaders that Ahnyx claimed would have more information.
    • You are given two waypoints to two Rebel leaders on Yavin IV. You need to kill both of them to complete this task:
      • First Rebel Leader
      • Second Rebel Leader

    First Rebel Leader​

    First Rebel leader, Captain Demaia Maru.
    • Head to do the waypoint provided by Darth Vader to the Rebel camp on Yavin IV and kill Captain Demaia Maru to complete this task
      • The Rebel camp is full of CL85 elite Rebel troopers
      • Captain Demaia Maru is CL85
    /way yavin4 589 4654 Captain Demaia Maru;

    Second Rebel Leader​

    Second Rebel leader, Major Osto Elrad.
    • Head to do the waypoint provided by Darth Vader to the Rebel base on Yavin IV and kill Major Osto Elrad to complete this task
      • The Rebel base is full of CL85 elite Rebel troopers
      • Major Osto Elrad is CL85
    /way yavin4 -6280 5360 Major Osto Elrad;

    Once both of the tasks are complete, your quest will update.

    Sifting Through Debris​

    The Rebels told a story of a young boy from Tatooine who possessed the powers of a Jedi. Darth Vader dismisses this as a hoax as he himself had scoured the planet years earlier and found no trace of anyone with the slightest Force sensitivity. While on Yavin IV, travel to a hidden enclave of Dark Jedi and convince them to pool their abilities and read the debris of the Death Star for an imprint of the boy who has been given credit for its destruction. First gather some debris from the Death Star.
    • Head to the waypoint provided and click on debris from the Death Star to update the quest
    /way yavin4 5507 -539 Debris from the Death Star;

    Speak with the Dark Jedi Leader​

    Speak with the Dark Jedi Leader, Magus Jocle.
    • Magus Jocle is located inside of the Dark Jedi bunker, speak with him to update the quest, where he will turn hostile and attack you
      • The Dark Jedi Bunker is full of CL85 Dark Jedi
      • Magus Jocle is an CL85 elite
    /way yavin4 5191 49 509 Magus Jocle;

    Magus Jocle: Hmmph. I am not at anyone's bidding. But I also do not wish to die at Vader's hand. I can be pragmatic. I will do as he asks.
    You: Your usefulness is at an end!
    Magus Jocle: I should have expected such treachery!

    Eliminate the Dark Jedi Leader​

    The Dark Jedi found strong emanations of the Force from the Death Star debris. Not wishing to leave a trail of his inquiries, Darth Vader wants you to eliminate the Dark Jedi Leader, Magus Jocle.
    • Kill Magus Jocle and your quest will update

    Return to Darth Vader​

    Return to Darth Vader at the Emperor's Retreat on Naboo.
    • Head back to the Emperor's Retreat on Naboo and speak to Darth Vader
    Darth Vader: Magus Jocle claimed to find strong emanations of the Force from the Death Star debris. I feel certain that my own presence there have caused this. But I would be foolish not to be certain.

    This completes the quest. Continue your conversation with Darth Vader to receive his final quest.

    • XP
    You: What would you have me to do, Lord Vader?
    Darth Vader: Travel to Dathomir and recover a shard from a Force crystal in the possession of some nightsisters.