Deliver Radio

Deliver Radio
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  • This quest is part of the Quarantine Zone Theme Park questline.

    Deliver Radio is a quest series that is considered a side-quest in the Quarantine Zone Theme Park. The quest series is designed to encourage players to head out into the sea of undead and locate the other survivors' camps.

    It is a good opportunity to complete the Camp Location and Camp Collectables collections!

    You may start the quest at Camp Alpha inside the Quarantine Zone and by speaking with Jeb Maris.
    /waypoint dathomir -5915 -6645 Camp Alpha;

    Jeb Maris: You look new.
    You: I am, actually.
    Jeb Maris: I lost count of the days I have been here. Gets harder to count when you don't sleep much.
    You: Aren't you a pilot?
    Jeb Maris: Yes, a Tie-Bomber pilot to be exact.
    You: How did you get here?
    Jeb Maris: A rookie tie pilot clipped my wing and we lost altitude. I hate atmospheric flight...and gravity for that matter.
    You: What are you doing now, sending distress signals?
    Jeb Maris: Actually the Empire knows our location, and anyone else who is listening. I'm actually trying to establish a communication network with other hold out camps in the quarantine zone. That way if anyone else goes down, we can direct them to the closest defensive position.
    You: That is a good idea.
    Jeb Maris: I think so too. I have some radios but I can only get people on the outside of the quarantine zone. I want to talk to survivors in the quarantine zone.
    You: What makes you so certain there are other survivor camps?
    Jeb Maris: Every once in a while a survivor will show up and report that there are other camps. Some of them are in bad shape and they send runners in search of medical and food supplies. It is really risky without knowing exact locations. Radio communication sure would help.
    You: Would you like me to deliver the radios?
    Jeb Maris: I'll tell you what. If you deliver this radio, I'll give you more. Between the two of us we could really save some lives. Are you serious about this?
    You: Yeah, give me the first radio.
    Jeb Maris: Here you go. The first location, I call it Camp Beta, is south west of here. I gave you a waypoint of where I think it is. Good luck.

    After your conversation, the first quest in the series starts.

    Deliver Radio (Camp Beta)​

    Level: 5
    Find the next closest camp. Jeb Maris only knew an approximate location so you may need to search the area for the camp. When found, deliver a radio so that supplies can be coordinated.
    Recommended combat level: 5

    Find Survivor Camp​

    You are given a waypoint that Jeb thinks will take you to the next camp.

    Make your way towards the waypoint. When you arrive at the waypoint Jeb sends you a comm-message.

    Jeb Maris: Comm-message - Well, I guess those coordinates were wrong. You should search the immediate area. Put a waypoint down if you think you'll get lost.

    You will need to find Camp Beta.
    /waypoint dathomir -6290 -7529 Camp Beta;

    Once you find and enter Camp Beta, the quest updates.

    Find Someone in Charge​

    Once you have arrived there you should hand the radio to Volo Madine.

    When you enter Camp Beta, find and speak with Volo Madine.

    Volo Madine: It's been a while since we have seen a survivor. Glad you found us.
    You: Actually I was sent here to deliver a radio.
    Volo Madine: A radio? That is the best news I have heard since...uh, in a long time. Please hand it over.

    After your conversation ends, you will get another comm-message from Jeb and the quest updates.

    Jeb Maris: Comm-message - Great job! Come back to my location and I'll give you the rest of the radios.

    Tip: Before heading back to Jeb Maris at Camp Alpha, might be a good idea to do the Camp Beta Items collection.

    Return to Maris​

    Return to Jeb.

    Return to Jeb Maris at Camp Alpha and speak with him.

    Jeb Maris: Great work on delivering that radio. Here is some credits to make the deal even sweeter. Come back when you are ready to do the others.

    Reward: XP

    You may speak to Jeb Maris again to continue the quest series.

    Jeb Maris: So you ready to deliver more radios?
    You: Yes.
    Jeb Maris: Okay your next location is Camp Gamma. It should be North West of here.
    You: I thought you said I'd get the rest of the radios.
    Jeb Maris: Yeah, about isn't that I don't trust you, it's just...these are the only radios I have. You understand right?
    You: You worry too much.
    Jeb Maris: You still want to do it right? I'll sweeten the deal.
    You: Sure.
    Jeb Maris: I put the expected coordinates in your datapad. Hope you have an easier time with this one.

    After your conversation, the next quest starts.

    Deliver Radio (Camp Gamma)​

    Level: 25
    Find the next camp using an approximate location. You'll probably have to search the surrounding area around the waypoint before delivering the radio.
    Recommended combat level: 60

    Find Survivor Camp​

    You are given a waypoint that Jeb thinks will take you to the next camp.

    Make your way towards the waypoint. When you arrive at the waypoint Jeb sends you a comm-message.

    Jeb Maris: Comm-message - Looks like I was wrong again. You should search the immediate area. Put a waypoint down if you think you'll get lost.

    You will need to find Camp Gamma.
    /waypoint dathomir -6815 -6454 Camp Gamma;

    Once you find and enter Camp Gamma, the quest updates.

    Find Someone in Charge​

    Once you have arrived you should give your radio to Tripp D'jek.

    When you enter Camp Gamma, find and speak with Tripp D'jek.

    Tripp D'jek: Report to the medic in the camp if you have any injuries...or if you are feeling sick in any way.
    You: I'm not sick or injured, I have a radio for you.
    Tripp D'jek: A radio? Well, I suppose talking to the Empire beats talking to the hasty walls. Maybe they'll drop supplies.
    You: Check in with camp alpha. Your call sign is 'camp gamma.'
    Tripp D'jek: Will do.

    After your conversation ends, you will get another comm-message from Jeb and the quest updates.

    Jeb Maris: Comm-message - Great job! Come back to my location and I'll give you the rest of the radios.

    Tip: Before heading back to Jeb Maris at Camp Alpha, might be a good idea to do the Camp Gamma Items collection.

    Return to Maris​

    Return to Jeb.

    Return to Jeb Maris at Camp Alpha and speak with him.

    Jeb Maris: Great work on delivering the radio to camp gamma. As promised, here is the same amount plus extra. Come back when you are ready to do the others.

    Reward: XP

    You may speak to Jeb Maris again to continue the quest series.

    Jeb Maris: That is 2 for 2. You are really doing better than I expected.
    You: Thanks for the vote of confidence.
    Jeb Maris: I'll tell you what. I'll give you the last two radios I have. Unfortunately I only have one other location that I know of, so you are on your own for finding the last camp. Trig Longo thinks it is in the research and prison facility...but I don't think anyone would have lived at that location long after the virus outbreak.
    You: So I don't have to come back here again? Great!
    Jeb Maris: Oh you don't have to, but if you want to be paid, then might want to come back.
    You: ...
    Jeb Maris: Here is the last location I know of. Happy hunting.

    After your conversation, the next quest starts.

    Deliver Radio (Camp Delta and Camp Epsilon)​

    Level: 50
    Find the next two camps and deliver the radios. Camp delta is somewhere near the waypoint provided. Camp epsilon is somewhere inside the research and prison facility.
    Recommended combat level: 80

    Find Survivor Camp​

    You are given two radios this time, one for each of the remaining two camps.

    Make your way towards the waypoint. When you arrive at the waypoint Jeb sends you a comm-message.

    Jeb Maris: Comm-message - I was hoping I would be right this time! Oh well, I am a bomber...I deal in approximate locations. I'm sure you can find the camp on your own...make sure to put down a waypoint just in case.

    You will need to find Camp Delta.
    /waypoint dathomir -7142 -6941 Camp Delta;

    Once you find and enter Camp Delta, the quest updates.

    Find Someone in Charge​

    Talk to TR-522 to hand over your radio.

    When you enter Camp Delta, find and speak with TR-522.

    TR-522: Report to supply if you need anything. You'll be taking up a defensive position at the fort entrance.
    You: I have a radio for you.
    TR-522: A working radio? Call in our position, we need to get out of here.
    You: Feel free to try. But don't get your hopes up.
    TR-522: So it is as bad as I thought then. We'll never get out of here alive. Do me a favor...don't share this with anyone here. Morale is already really low.
    You: Don't be so quick to give up hope. Medical and food supplies are being dropped.
    TR-522: Well I suppose the Empire wouldn't bother unless they had a plan.
    You: Right. By the way, your call sign is 'camp delta.'
    TR-522: Roger.

    After your conversation ends, you will get another comm-message from Jeb and the quest updates.

    Jeb Maris: Comm-message - A radio check with camp delta was received. Good work. I hope you can find the next camp, their call sign is camp epsilon. Good luck.

    Tip: Before continuing to Camp Epsilon, might be a good idea to do the Camp Delta Items collection.

    Find Camp Epsilon​

    Without returning to Jeb, you will have to make your way to the remaining camp.

    You will need to find Camp Epsilon and are not given a waypoint for Camp Epsilon.
    /waypoint dathomir -7463 -7392 Camp Epsilon;

    Once you find and enter Camp Epsilon, speak with Sogan Varga.

    Sogan Varga: You probably want HX-138, I'm just a technicial in borrowed armor.
    You: Actually I have a radio for you.
    Sogan Varga: A radio? I think I am qualified to use there someone listening for communications?
    You: The radio is to coordinate supply drops.
    Sogan Varga: Wow...I can finally be of use around here. Thank you...thanks a lot!

    After your conversation ends, you will get one last comm-message from Jeb and the quest updates.

    Jeb Maris: Comm-message - You did it! Camp epsilon has checked in. You're done. When you get a chance, come back to my location.

    Tip: Before heading back to Jeb Maris at Camp Alpha, might be a good idea to do the Camp Epsilon Items collection.

    Return to Maris​

    Return to Jeb.

    Return to Jeb Maris at Camp Alpha and speak with him.

    Jeb Maris: Well, well. You did it. I guess I am a few thousand credits poorer, but it'll be worth it if we can save a few lives and coordinate supply drops.
    You: You seem a little to altruistic for an Imperial.
    Jeb Maris: And you seem to care a lot about your credits or you wouldn't have come back. Good luck to you.

    After your conversation, this completes the quest series.

    Reward: XP