Escort Precious Cargo

Escort Precious Cargo
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  • This quest is part of Lando Calrissian's questline from the Ace of Aces space content.

    Level: 1
    Lando wants you to escort some special goods without hassle from the Mining Guild

    Recommended combat level: 1

    Rendezvous with the shipment​

    Head to the beginning waypoint to rendezvous with the shipment.
    • Launch your ship and travel to the Tatooine System
    • Upon arrival, you will be given a waypoint - go to it
    • When you get to the waypoint, the quest will update

    Escort the shipment convoy​

    Escort the shipment convoy to their destination. Be wary of the Mining Guild.
    • 3 transport ships will hyperspace in
    • Target any one of them and communicate with them
      • enter /comm
    • Select Get moving from the dialogue option when you are ready
    • The convoy will start to move and you will need to escort them
    As the convoy follows its routes, they will be ambushed by numerous waves of Tier 8 and Tier 9 ships and Tier 5 Assault Gunships.
    • The time between waves is very short, you will most likely not be able to destroy the wave before the next one spawns
    You do not need to destroy all of the waves to complete this step. Only 1 transport from the convoy needs to make it to the end of its route.
    • Once a transport from the convoy reaches the end of its route, it will hyperspace out and the quest will update
    • If all three transports survive, you will receive 50,000 credits

    Report back to Lando​

    Report back to Lando on Corellia
    • Return to Lando Calrissian in the Idiot's Array lounge
    • Once you arrive, speak with Lando Calrissian
    Lando Calrissian: Nicely done, Ace. I've just received word the package reached its buyer.

    This completes the quest. Speak with Lando Calrissian again to progress the questline.

    Lando Calrissian: The Mining Guild has sent a brigade of reinforcements to Tatooine.
    You: They must mean business.
    Lando Calrissian: Well I do, too. In fact, I may have hired a few friends on Tatooine to help even the score. Go support our new friends and finish off the Mining Guild in the Tatooine system.