Hearts and Minds

Hearts and Minds
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  • This quest is part of the Witches of Dathomir questline.

    Hearts and Minds is a repeatable quest given by Rubina.

    Level: 85
    Speak with an Outcast Dathomiri Witch and aid her in deciding between the way of the Singing Mountain Clan or that of the Nightsisters.
    Recommended combat level: 80

    Find and Speak with an Outcast Witch​

    Follow Rubina's directions to find an Outcast Witch and speak with her to help her reach a decision.
    • Travel to the waypoint provided to an Outcast Witch
    • After you've arrived to the waypoint, the quest will update

    Speak with the Outcast​

    Speak with the Outcast.
    • There are six total Outcast Witches, each with a different conversation
      • The Outcast Witch is randomly chosen each time you do this quest
    • Depending on which Outcast Witch you've gotten, the conversation is different
      • Tip: The Singing Mountain Clan conversation options are more peaceful and non-violent, while Nightsister options are aggressive and violent
    • After choosing your side, the conversation ends like this
    You: So you're joining the Singing Mountain Clan/Nightsisters?
    An Outcast Witch: Yes. When my year-and-a-day exile is over I will travel to the Singing Mountain Clan/Nightsister Stronghold. You have my gratitude.
    • After helping the Outcast Witch determine a decision, the quest updates

    Report to Rubina​

    Report back to Rubina that, with your input, the Outcast has chosen in favor of the Singing Mountain Clan/Nightsisters.
    • Travel back to Rubina, at the waypoint provided
    • After arriving, speak with Rubina
    Rubina: So, through your input, the Singing Mountain Clan/Nightsisters have gained.
    You: Yes, it seems that I feel pretty much the way the Singing Mountain Clan/Nightsisters do about a number of things; who knew?
    Rubina: Indeed. My thanks for your efforts, Dearie.

    Speak with Rubina again to receive another one of her quests.

    Possible Outcast Witches​

    Here are a list of all the outcast witches possible, their coordinates, and conversations.

    Outcast Witch 1​

    /way dathomir -7121 2933 Outcast Witch 1;

    An Outcast Witch: Though her motives remain a mystery, Rubina's wisdom knows no bounds. I accept any assistance you have to offer.
    You: Describe to me three situations and I will advise you on each.
    An Outcast Witch: I have been sent to establish trade with a far Clan. The Clan Mother is agreeable to trade but insults my Clan during dinner.

    Singing Mountain Clan - You: Let the insult pass; words are not weapons.
    Nightsister - You: Angrily slay her; your Clan need not stand for this disrespect.

    An Outcast Witch: Interesting point; I will consider it. Are you ready for the second situation?
    You: I am.
    An Outcast Witch: Though I am a warrior, I have been asked by a Clan Elder to bring in a flock of herd beasts.

    Singing Mountain Clan - You: Do as the Elder wishes; none of us are any better than another.
    Nightsister - You: Coerce a lesser Clan sister to do the task but take credit yourself if asked.

    An Outcast Witch: Hmmmm... yes, I see. And now the final situation?
    You: I'm ready, let me hear it.
    An Outcast Witch: I caught my favored slave sharing the sleeping pallets of another Clan sister.

    Singing Mountain Clan - You: If she desires him for her own then allow her to offer you a suitable trade.
    Nightsister - You: Angrily strike them both down for their betrayal.

    An Outcast Witch: I thank you for your honesty; you have given me much to consider.
    You: Like what?
    An Outcast Witch: For the most part, your advice follows the course of my own heart and leads to the Singing Mountain Clan/Nightsisters.

    Outcast Witch 2​

    /way dathomir 1125 -1022 Outcast Witch 2;

    An Outcast Witch: The mysterious Crone Rubina has taken an interest in me and sent you to speak with me? Amazing. Well then, let us delay no further!
    You: Yes. Three situations and I'll tell you what I think of each.
    An Outcast Witch: In a duel to the death, I have disarmed my opponent.

    Singing Mountain Clan - You: Allow her to regain her weapon or end the duel without death.
    Nightsister - You: Slay her for her weakness.

    An Outcast Witch: Interesting point; I will consider it. Are you ready for the second situation?
    You: I am.
    An Outcast Witch: I am faced with an enemy patrol and risk capture or worse. The use of a Forbidden Spell would insure my freedom.

    Singing Mountain Clan - You: The spells are forbidden for a reason. You must find another way to defeat the patrol.
    Nightsister - You: If you have the power, use it and gain victory.

    An Outcast Witch: Hmmmm... yes, I see. And now the final situation?
    You: I'm ready, let me hear it.
    An Outcast Witch: I encounter a fledgling Rancor whose mother has been slain.

    Singing Mountain Clan - You: Treat it gently and over time develop a bond of love and trust so that it will serve you faithfully.
    Nightsister - You: Use the force of your greater will to overpower its mind insuring that it will serve you without question.

    An Outcast Witch: I thank you for your honesty; you have given me much to consider.
    You: Like what?
    An Outcast Witch: Your words have helped me see that, for the most part, my beliefs mirror those of the Singing Mountain Clan/Nightsisters.

    Outcast Witch 3​

    /way dathomir -1000 862 Outcast Witch 3;

    An Outcast Witch: Rubina is something of a legend in my clan, if she sent you then I'm sure you can help. Tell me what you think of these three situations.
    You: Okay, let's hear them.
    An Outcast Witch: A Trader owes payment to my Clan Sister which is now long overdue. One day, I see this Trader drop a bag of goods.

    Nightsister - You: Angrily inform the Trader that you are claiming the goods as payment and if it happens again it'll be his life.
    Singing Mountain Clan - You: Return the bag with a reminder of the debt owed, trusting in his gratitude to prompt him to repay it.

    An Outcast Witch: Interesting point; I will consider it. Are you ready for the second situation?
    You: I am.
    An Outcast Witch: During a duel, my enemy constantly taunts, insults, and curses me.

    Nightsister - You: Use the anger and gain strength from it.
    Singing Mountain Clan - You: Face the anger; her taunts mean nothing.

    An Outcast Witch: Hmmmm... yes, I see. And now the final situation?
    You: I'm ready, let me hear it.
    An Outcast Witch: A Clan sister has captured a number of Offworlder slaves and is torturing them for information.

    Nightsister - You: I don't see the problem.
    Singing Mountain Clan - You: Confront her or report her misdeeds to the Clan Mother.

    An Outcast Witch: You make excellent points. Rubina was correct; you have been a great help!
    You: How was I able to help?
    An Outcast Witch: Your input has guided me to see things, for the most part, in the same way as the Singing Mountain Clan/Nightsisters.

    Outcast Witch 4​

    /way dathomir -2597 4952 Outcast Witch 4;

    An Outcast Witch: So Rubina is not just a legend? Then I am honored to have your assistance! Tell me what you think of these three situations. Please be honest.
    You: I'll do my best.
    An Outcast Witch: My Clan sister and I both battle a rogue Rancor which I defeat but which she believes she did.

    Nightsister - You: Proudly claim the vistory and defend your honor with a duel if necessary.
    Singing Mountain Clan - You: Allow her to claim the victory; it doesn't matter who ultimately slew the beast.

    An Outcast Witch: Interesting point; I will consider it. Are you ready for the second situation?
    You: I am.
    An Outcast Witch: While hunting, I find my path blocked by a small patrol from a rival clan.

    Singing Mountain Clan - You: Sneak past them or go well around; it is best to avoid conflict when possible.
    Nightsister - You: Confront them; it is only through conflict that we grow and evolve.

    An Outcast Witch: Hmmmm... yes, I see. And now the final situation?
    You: I'm ready, let me hear it.
    An Outcast Witch: During a pitched battle, I see a Clan sister desert her post. As she flees, she is set upon be several enemies.

    Nightsister - You: Leave the coward to fight lone and earn the fate she deserves.
    Singing Mountain Clan - You: Even after a momentary lapse of reason, she is still a Clan sister and deserves aid.

    An Outcast Witch: I thank you for your honesty; you have given me much to consider.
    You: Like what?
    An Outcast Witch: With your input, I see now that, for the most part, my beliefs lie alongside those of the Singing Mountain Clan/Nightsisters.

    Outcast Witch 5​

    /way dathomir -856 2788 Outcast Witch 5;

    An Outcast Witch: You have truly been sent by the Mysterious Crone Rubina to aid me? I'm speechless.
    You: Describe to me three situations and I will advise you on each.
    An Outcast Witch: A harmless Baz Nitch is sneaking into camp and stealing food.

    Nightsister - You: Slay the useless scavenger.
    Singing Mountain Clan - You: Capture and release the creature away from the camp so that it may return to the cycle of life.

    An Outcast Witch: Interesting point; I will consider it. Are you ready for the second situation?
    You: I am.
    An Outcast Witch: While meditating far from my clan I receive a vision of a harsh winter coming soon.

    Singing Mountain Clan - You: Return to your clan to warn them.
    Nightsister - You: Provision yourself to insure your own survival.

    An Outcast Witch: Hmmmm... yes, I see. And now the final situation?
    You: I'm ready, let me hear it.
    An Outcast Witch: Among the children I see a large bully roughly shove a smaller child to the ground who then begins to weep.

    Nightsister - You: Do nothing; even a child must learn to fight her own battles and draw strength from her fear and pain.
    Singing Mountain Clan - You: Intervene and council the bully on the error of her ways.

    An Outcast Witch: I thank you for your honesty; you have given me much to consider.
    You: Like what?
    An Outcast Witch: Yes, yes, I see now that it is the Singing Mountain Clan/Nightsisters to which I am drawn.

    Outcast Witch 6​

    /way dathomir 866 1095 Outcast Witch 6;

    An Outcast Witch: So Rubina has sent you to speak with me? Many strange tales are told around the cook fires of the one called Rubina. Very well. I will present you with three situations and you will tell me how you believe each should be handled.
    You: Got it. What are the situations?
    An Outcast Witch: I have been entrusted to deliver an uncounted bag of precious jewels, and I meet a diseased beggar along the way.

    Nightsister - You: The gift of a swift death will remove one more parasite from the galaxy.
    Singing Mountain Clan - You: The gift of a small gem can perhaps save the beggar and will never be missed.

    An Outcast Witch: Interesting point; I will consider it. Are you ready for the second situation?
    You: I am.
    An Outcast Witch: I prepared myself a meal and placed it into storage for later. Someone else ate it. Days later I find the same meal in storage.

    Singing Mountain Clan - You: Leave it be. You cannot know that it belong to the person who ate yours.
    Nightsister - You: Eat it. It is only fair that you take from others what has been taken from you.

    An Outcast Witch: Hmmmm... yes, I see. And now the final situation?
    You: I'm ready, let me hear it.
    An Outcast Witch: A clan sister has been stung by a poisonous insect.

    Nightsister - You: If you seek to aid everyone that suffers you will only weaken them and yourself; if she is strong enough to deserve to survive then she shall.
    Singing Mountain Clan - You: Aid her in any way that you can.

    An Outcast Witch: I thank you for your honesty; you have given me much to consider.
    You: Like what?
    An Outcast Witch: For the most part your solutions align closely with the philosophy of the Singing Mountain Clan/Nightsisters.

    Outcast Witch 7​

    /way dathomir 1481 3515 Outcast Witch 7;

    An Outcast Witch: I do not know if I believe that Rubina really exists, but I do know that I can use some help.
    You: Give me three situations and I'll do my best to help.
    An Outcast Witch: A Clan Leader is blind and no longer has strength in her hands.

    Nightsister - You: If she cannot craft, cook, or kill then she should be slain as a burden.
    Singing Mountain Clan - You: Elders hold wisdom and that is their contribution and value.

    An Outcast Witch: Interesting point; I will consider it. Are you ready for the second situation?
    You: I am.
    An Outcast Witch: The tide of a battle has turned against me and my Clan. The Clan Mother has called for a retreat. I see a Clan sister fall, wounded.

    Singing Mountain Clan - You: Stop and aid your fallen Clan sister.
    Nightsister - You: Leave her to fend for herself; if she's strong enough then she'll survive.

    An Outcast Witch: Hmmmm... yes, I see. And now the final situation?
    You: I'm ready, let me hear it.
    An Outcast Witch: A Clan sister seeks the love of her slave.

    Nightsister - You: Teach her a spell to control his mind and bind his will to hers.
    Singing Mountain Clan - You: Council her in the way in which she might win his heart.

    An Outcast Witch: Many thanks, you have helped me to see the wisdom of the Singing Mountain Clan/Nightsisters.