Jedi Artifact Collection - Meditative Discipline

Jedi Artifact Collection - Meditative Discipline
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  • Contents

    Jedi Artifact Collection - Meditative Discipline is a collection that be started by adding any of the collection items to your collections.

    In order to complete these collection, you will need to collect all of these items:
    • Jedi holocrons
      • Strange Jedi Holocron 1/5 (Meditative Discipline)
      • Strange Jedi Holocron 2/5 (Meditative Discipline)
      • Strange Jedi Holocron 3/5 (Meditative Discipline)
      • Strange Jedi Holocron 4/5 (Meditative Discipline) (Rare)
      • Strange Jedi Holocron 5/5 (Meditative Discipline)
    • Sith holocrons
      • Strange Sith Holocron 1/5 (Meditative Discipline)
      • Strange Sith Holocron 2/5 (Meditative Discipline)
      • Strange Sith Holocron 3/5 (Meditative Discipline)
      • Strange Sith Holocron 4/5 (Meditative Discipline) (Rare)
      • Strange Sith Holocron 5/5 (Meditative Discipline)

    Reward: XP and Force Sensitive Meditate (Ability). The ability is found within your "commands browser". It has a bugged icon, hence the old pre-cu moving icon as its placeholder. No confirmation of it working in any instance as there is no animation change.


    Both types of holocrons have a low drop-rate, this collection will take a while to complete. Be patient!

    If you are spawning any NPCs via dynamic spawning (running through a planet and it spawns enemies near you), it is recommended to be in a large group. The larger one's group is, the higher the chance to spawn a big group of enemies that the planet is known to spawn. This works exceptionally well for force-sensitive NPCs on Dantooine. Continue to go around such areas until you see a big group spawn.

    The Jedi holocrons can be looted from:
    • Force-sensitive NPCs located on Dantooine, mostly in the north-east near the Jedi Temple Ruins
    • Spiderclan NPCs located in the Spiderclan Cave on Dathomir (they drop both Jedi and Sith holocrons)
    • Dark Jedi who protect Buried Treasure from Treasure Maps
    The Sith holocrons can be looted from:
    Note: Holocrons are no longer obtainable through the treasure chests from treasure maps on the Restoration server.
