Nym's Slicer

Nym's Slicer
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    This quest starts the pre-requisite questline for IG-88(IG) heroic instance.

    You can start this quest by visiting Nym's Envoy in Mos Eisley on Tatooine.
    /way Tatooine 3360 -4852 Nym's Envoy;

    Level: 90
    Nym has a slicer on retainer that can deactivate IG-88's security protocols. Find Kaibe and work with him to deactivate the security protocals..
    Recommended combat level: 90+

    ym's Envoy: Greetings. I represent the great pirate lord Nym. He has asked for the assistance of able adventurers, such as yourself.
    You: What does Nym require?
    Nym's Envoy: This is very sensitive information. The Droid IG-88 has taken over a very sensitive factory location of my masters. IG-88 is attempting to replicate himself. My master needs him removed before he draws unwanted attention. Are you up to this task?
    You: No problem. Just point the way.
    Nym's Envoy: Excellent. My master will be contacting you shortly.

    After you speak with Nym's Envoy, you are sent to Nym's Slicer and this is where the quest really starts.

    Nym: Hello there. I am glad that you have decided to take on my little problem. In order to get into the compound, you will need to fool the security system into believing you belong.
    Nym: Luckily I have someone on retainer who can do this. His name is Kaibe, and you can find him in my stronghold. Whatever question he has just answer by barking. Trust me on this.

    Meet with the Slicer Kaibe

    Go speak with Nym's slicer, Kaibe, behind the Nym's Stronghold cantina on Lok.

    /way Lok 490 5021 Nym's Slicer;

    Kaibe: Are you a bird lover? Tell me the sound a Peko Peko makes.
    You: Whoof! Whoof!
    Kaibe: Good ol'e Nym. He sent you to find me, didn't he. What can I do for you?
    You: Nym needs your expertise to allow me access to a certain factory.
    Kaibe: That's the Nym I know, playing both sides of this war. No matter, I have been expecting you. If I am to get you past that security checkpoint, I am going to need a few things.
    You: What things, and where?
    Kaibe: Straight to the point, I like that. I need you to meet with a Bothan brother and sister team. They have already scouted out the parts I require. They can tell you how to get them. You will find them on Endor.
    You: I'll be back.
    Kaibe: What is that, some kind of hokey one-liner? Just come back with my supplies.

    Meet with kaibe's Associates on Endor

    Kaibe sends you to go speak to his two associates, Tupit and Galody, on Endor at the Smuggler Outpost.

    /way Endor -944 1712 Tupit and Galody;

    They will each assign you a quest:
    You can complete the quests at the same time (infact, it's easier that way).

    Return to Kaibe with the items​

    After you have turned in the quests from Galody and Tupit, you are told to return the items to Kaibe back on Lok.

    Kaibe: Yes, you have all the data?
    You: Yes, here. Those Bothans are.... strange.
    Kaibe: Strange, but effective. Let's see what we have here...
    You: ... and?
    Kaibe: Patience, patience. I am remotely hacking into the security clearance levels...
    You: Done? Now what?
    Kaibe: Now you just go to the factory, use the retinal scanner, and you will be allowed entry.

    You're done! You will also be given the quest "Enter the Factory Compound" for your first run of IG-88.