Once and for All

Once and for All
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  • This quest is part of the Chasing a Phantom questline.

    Note: Some steps and waypoints in this guide are hidden intentionally, in case the player wants to search for them themselves. To show the steps and waypoints, simply click on the SPOILER textbox.

    Depending on which dialogue option you choose, you will receive a different quest and rewards.
    • The Box of Achievements item is exactly the same, functionality-wise, across all quests - the only difference is the color
    • You will be granted a Heroic token depending on which ending you choose

    Sand - Tusken King
    You: Bury in the sands of time.

    Ice - Echo Base
    You: Freeze until it shatters.

    Fire - IG-88
    You: Burn with an eternal flame.

    Void - Lost Star Destroyer
    You: Cast into the Void.

    Banish - Axkva Min
    You: Banish with dark magick.

    Force - Exar Kun
    You: Crush with the Force.

    Once and for All (Sand)​

    The Shipping Master said "Find those who are desert dwellers who will help you bury the artifact in the sand never to be found again."
    Make your way to the Fort Tusken Point of Interest on Tatooine. You will find A Tusken Leader outside the fort. Speak with them.
    /way tatooine -4036 6264 A Tusken Leader;

    TODO: Insert conversation here.

    You will need to open your inventory and drag the Talisman of Finding onto the Tusken Leader.

    Once you've successfully done this, you will get a comm-message from the Theed Shipping Master and the quest completes.

    Theed Shipping Master - comm message: We're all cleared up and fully operational here at the Theed Starport. Wanted to send you a little Token of appreciation.

    Once and for All (Ice)​

    The Shipping Master said "Go where the snow and cold never end and someone will be able to shatter the artifact forever."
    Make your way to Doaba Guerfel on Corellia. You will find A Hoth Trooper in front of the Guild Hall just outside of the Starport. Speak with them.
    /way corellia 3384 5482 A Hoth Trooper;

    A Hoth Trooper: Sure has a nice chill in the air here.
    You: Brrr...
    A Hoth Trooper: Not as cold as Hoth. That place has to be one of the coldest places in the Galaxy. That's where I'm stationed. (Whispers) But don't tell anyone. Headed back there soon.
    You: Say, this is going to sound crazy but would you mind taking this artifact with you? I need it to be frozen for eternity.
    A Hoth Trooper: Well friend, that is crazy but I'll do it for you. I know a place on Hoth that never sees sunshine. I'll make sure to drop it off on my way back to base.
    You: Thank you.
    A Hoth Trooper: Take care now!

    You will need to open your inventory and drag the Talisman of Finding onto the Hoth Trooper.

    Once you've successfully done this, you will get a comm-message from the Theed Shipping Master and the quest completes.

    Theed Shipping Master - comm message: We're all cleared up and fully operational here at the Theed Starport. Wanted to send you a little Token of appreciation.

    Once and for All (Fire)​

    The Shipping Master said "The explosives of a proton warhead used in the self-destruct sequence of a droid are sure to melt the artifact once and for all."
    Make your way to a Droid Compound on Lok. You will find An Assassin Droid in front of the compound. Speak with them.
    /way lok -7667 3449 An Assassin Droid;

    TODO: Insert conversation here.

    You will need to open your inventory and drag the Talisman of Finding onto the Assassin Droid.

    Once you've successfully done this, you will get a comm-message from the Theed Shipping Master and the quest completes.

    Theed Shipping Master - comm message: We're all cleared up and fully operational here at the Theed Starport. Wanted to send you a little Token of appreciation.

    Once and for All (Void)​

    The Shipping Master said "Someone who lives in the Void will be able to send the artifact to the vastness of space forever."
    Make your way to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system.
    • You will need to launch your ship and then hyperspace there
    You will find An Off Duty Stormtrooper in the hangar you land in. Speak with them.
    /way 80 -79 An Off Duty Stormtrooper;

    An Off Duty Stormtrooper: Yes, Citizen?
    You: What are you doing here?
    An Off Duty Stormtrooper: I'm on leave from the Blackguard Star Destroyer nearby. About to head back.
    You: I need an favor.
    An Off Duty Stormtrooper: Depends on what is it.
    You: I need an item to be destroyed in space, can you do that?
    An Off Duty Stormtrooper: That's against protocol.... But I suppose I could do that. I better get going now.

    You will need to open your inventory and drag the Talisman of Finding onto the Off Duty Stormtrooper.

    Once you've successfully done this, you will get a comm-message from the Theed Shipping Master and the quest completes.

    Theed Shipping Master - comm message: We're all cleared up and fully operational here at the Theed Starport. Wanted to send you a little Token of appreciation.

    Once and for All (Banish)​

    The Shipping Master said "Dark magick can be used to send the artifact to the World Between Worlds."
    Make your way to the Nightsister Stronghold Point of Interest on Dathomir. You will find A Nightsister Guardian. Speak with them.
    /way dathomir -4008 -29 A Nightsister Guardian;

    TODO: Insert conversation here.

    You will need to open your inventory and drag the Talisman of Finding onto the Nightsister Guardian.

    Once you've successfully done this, you will get a comm-message from the Theed Shipping Master and the quest completes.

    Theed Shipping Master - comm message: We're all cleared up and fully operational here at the Theed Starport. Wanted to send you a little Token of appreciation.

    Once and for All (Force)​

    The Shipping Master said "Only the most powerful Force wielders ever known will be able to destroy this artifact."
    Make your way to the Exar Kun Temple Point of Interest on Yavin IV. You will find An Exar Kun Cultist Leader. Speak with them.
    /way yavin4 4918 5571 An Exar Kun Cultist Leader;

    An Exar Kun Cultist Leader: Have you come for the final ceremony?
    You: I'm afraid not. I seek a strong Force wielder.
    An Exar Kun Cultist Leader: We will soon be in the presence of the Dark Lord of the Sith! He is who you seek!
    You: I am not sure exactly who you're referring to, but I need this artifact destroyed. Only someone extremely powerful can do it.
    An Exar Kun Cultist Leader: A challenge so it seems? Yes, we shall have our Dark Lord crush this simple trinket as a display of his strength.
    You: Yes that sounds... Great.

    You will need to open your inventory and drag the Talisman of Finding onto the Exar Kun Cultist Leader.

    Once you've successfully done this, you will get a comm-message from the Theed Shipping Master and the quest completes.

    Theed Shipping Master - comm message: We're all cleared up and fully operational here at the Theed Starport. Wanted to send you a little Token of appreciation.