Peculiar Happenings

Peculiar Happenings
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  • This quest starts the Chasing a Phantom questline.

    Note: Some steps and waypoints in this guide are hidden intentionally, in case the player wants to search for them themselves. To show the steps and waypoints, simply click on the SPOILER textbox.

    You can start this quest by walking up to the group of malfunctioning droids at the back of the Theed Starport on Naboo.
    /way naboo -4732 4244 Group of Malfunctioning Droids;

    Once you accept the quest, you will get an in-game popup.

    You feel a chill. Something primal. Unnatural. The air is noticeably colder, with almost a tangible menace inside it. Looking around, you sense rage and chaos. A most uneasy feeling washes over you. You need to leave.

    As soon as you click OK, your quest will update.

    Level: 1
    You notice strange behavior from droids in the Theed Starport. You should report this to the Shipping Master. In doing so, you may begin to unravel mysteries of the Phantom...
    Recommended combat level: 30

    Report Activity to the Shipping Master​

    Report the malfunctioning droid and voices you heard to the Shipping Master.

    Make your way to the outside of the Theed Starport, where you will find the Theed Starport Shipping Master under a tent. Speak with them.
    /way naboo -4821 4140 Theed Starport Shipping Master;

    Theed Starport Shipping Master: Good day to you!
    You: I need to report some... strange activities.
    Theed Starport Shipping Master: Oh no. Not you too.
    You: I'm not exactly sure how to explain. I noticed a droid behaving strangely and felt a... chill...
    Theed Starport Shipping Master: A chill?
    You: Yeah. All of a sudden I felt almost a menacing throughout my entire body.
    Theed Starport Shipping Master: That tracks. We have been receiving reports of and witnesses to oddities in the hangar. Workers experiencing mental breakdowns. Droids malfunctioning. Items moving around on their own.
    You: What do you know about this place? The history.
    Theed Starport Shipping Master: Suppose I know a few things. Constructed under the reign of King Bon Tapalo. Connects to the city's state of the art plasma power plant. A big battle was fought here during the occupation.
    You: What battle?
    Theed Starport Shipping Master: Well the Battle of Naboo of course. From what I understand there were some of those (cough) knowledgeable with the Force if you catch my drift.
    You: I do catch your meaning.
    Theed Starport Shipping Master: Got me thinking. I only really heard whispers about them space wizards and the Force. You think this could be related?
    You: Hard to tell. But I know I felt something I've never felt before in there.
    Theed Starport Shipping Master: I don't know anyone who was around during the Battle of Naboo. But I'm willing to bet someone on this planet was there during the occupation. Maybe start with that.

    After your conversation the quest updates.

    Learn more about the Battle of Naboo​

    Find someone who was around the Battle of Naboo. They may be able to provide clues about what is happening at the Theed Starport.
    Make your way to the Gungan Sacred Place Point of Interest, where you will find An Old Gungan. Speak with them.
    /way naboo -2134 -5428 An Old Gungan;

    An Old Gungan: Ohaisa dere! What'n yousa doin way outn here in da swamps?
    You: Looking for someone like yourself, actually.
    An Old Gungan: Liken me? Isa just an olden gungan makin meesa way in dissa worlden.
    You: Right. Well, I actually had some questions about the Battle of Naboo. Were you around back then?
    An Old Gungan: Mmmm... Longa tima go meesa tinkin. Yesn I was dere fighten. Harden to memba dessen detailen.
    You: Do you remember anything about the Force during the battle?
    An Old Gungan: Da Forces? Mmm... maybes. But isa be needin meesa journal to recall. Don gone losten it doh.
    You: It's hard to understand you. Your journal is lost?
    An Old Gungan: Yessen! Meesa journal be gonen. Beena writing in der forever. Butn I tink one of dem ultragungans be takin it from me. Ifn I hadden it back I beesa tellin you all abouten dem Force.

    After your conversation the quest updates.

    Find and Return the Gungan Journal​

    The Gungan thinks dem bombads took his journal. See if you can get it back from them one way or another.
    Make your way to the Ultragungan battle droids that are around 100 meters from the Gungan Sacred Place Point of Interest. These droids are around CL20.
    /way naboo -1822 -5314 Ultragungan Battle Droids;

    You will need to loot an item from these droids. Keep killing the droids until you loot An Old Gungan's Soggy Journal.

    Once you've looted it, return to the Old Gungan.
    /way naboo -2134 -5428 An Old Gungan;

    You will need to open your inventory and drag An Old Gungan's Soggy Journal onto the Old Gungan.

    Once you've successfully done this, the quest will complete. Speak with the Old Gungan again to progress the questline.

    An Old Gungan: Heysa lookey at dat. Meessa journal! Yousa bein my hero!
    You: Yes those ultragungans had it after all. So what can you tell me about that big battle on Naboo? What happened there?
    An Old Gungan: Let meesa see here. Okie day here is da page. Ohhh, big boom-boom! Gungans fight droids, make lotsa noise! Lemme see, lemme see... (rustling sound) Ah, here it is! Gungans and Nabooians join forces, beat droids at their own game!
    You: Wow, sounds intense! Were there any people using the Force or anything during the battle? I heard Jedi were supposed to be there.
    An Old Gungan: Jedi, Jedi... Ah, yes! Jedi come swing lightsabers, like whoosh-whoosh! My journal says... they save the day, they do! And lookie like there beesa one baaad bad Jedi with red face.
    You: Nice! So, where can I find more of these Jedi folks?
    An Old Gungan: Hmm, Jedi hard to find dese days. Me tinks most of dem gone by now or beesa hidin. But I did be hearin of some Jedi on... (whispers) Dathomir...
    You: Dathomir you say?
    An Old Gungan: Ohhh, spooky place! Meesa never gonna be dere oh no! But I be hearin there be witches there and use Force, do magic tricks! They call themselves... Nightsistas!
    You: Witches? Like spells and stuff?
    An Old Gungan: Yes, yes! Dey not like Jedi, but dey be doing magick. If you be goin dere you be da most carfuls you hearin me?
    Following Quest: Unnatural Magick >>