Revenge in the Desert

Revenge in the Desert
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  • This quest is part of the Chasing a Phantom questline.

    Note: Some steps and waypoints in this guide are hidden intentionally, in case the player wants to search for them themselves. To show the steps and waypoints, simply click on the SPOILER textbox.

    Level: 1
    With both the Talzin Pendant and Talisam, you know you must now destroy them. However, the will of the spirits compels you to follow a different path and do their bidding...

    Recommended combat level: 1

    Find the Nemesis​

    The voice in your head demand you find someone the spirit hates on the Twin Sun planet.
    Make your way to Ben Kenobi's House Point of Interest on Tatooine. When you arrive, the quest will update.
    /way tatooine -4512 -2270 Ben Kenobi's House;

    Give Enchanted Talzin Pendant to the Spirit​

    Give the Talzin Pendant to the Spirit and destroy it forever.
    Outside of Ben Kenobi's House, you will find An Old Man.
    /way tatooine -4489 -2333 An Old Man;

    You will need to open your inventory and drag the Talzin Pendant onto the Old Man.

    Once you've successfully done this, you will get an in-game popup.

    You hear the voice in your head exploding with anger.
    "We have done it my young apprentice! Soon we will... But wait... Haven't I... Done this...? Nooooooooooo!!! KENOBI!!!!"
    As the scream fades out, you suddenly feel like yourself again.
    As soon as you click OK, you will receive a comm-message from the Theed Shipping Master and your quest will update.

    Theed Shipping Master - comm message: Come in! Come in! Finally I have been trying to reach you for over 36 hours. What was your Comlink not working? You'll want to hear this. I have been doing some digging in your unique problem with the Theed Librarian and think I have a possible solution for you. Ancient Sith artifacts and dark magicks are not to be taken lightly as it seems you are aware. They can alter a person's mind, and yes, drive them mad. Better we talk further in person.

    Return to the Theed Starport Shipping Master​

    The Theed Starport Shipping Master says he has made progress in finding out what's going on with you.

    Return to the Theed Starport Shipping Master and speak with them.
    /way naboo -4821 4140 Theed Starport Shipping Master;

    Theed Starport Shipping Master: Whew! There you are. I was worried I wouldn't ever see you again. What happened?
    You: Well. You'll probably find this hard to believe. Are you sure?
    Theed Starport Shipping Master: Hard to top what we've been seeing around here.
    You: Well here goes. I found artifacts that belonged to the spirits in my head when they were alive. They were brothers. I gave one of the artifacts to a glowing ghost and the voices stopped. Now I'm still left with one artifact belonging to the brother and need to destroy it as well.
    Theed Starport Shipping Master: Yeah that is hard to believe.
    You: Told you.
    Theed Starport Shipping Master: Either way, I did some research with the Theed Librarian and have a few ideas on how to get rid of that artifact.
    You: Anything. Lay it on me.

    This completes this quest. Speak with the Theed Starport Shipping Master again to progress the questline.

    Theed Starport Shipping Master: Been doing research into your predicament. A cursed object must carefully be destroyed or hidden forever. We came up with six options.
    You: And what are those options?
    Theed Starport Shipping Master:
    Bury in the sands of time.
    Freeze until it shatters.
    Burn with an eternal flame.
    Cast into the Void.
    Banish with dark magick.
    Crush with the Force.

    Depending on which dialogue option you choose, you will receive a different quest. Continue to the Following Quest for more information.
    Following Quest: Once and for All >>