Scout the Naboo System

Scout the Naboo System
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  • This quest is part of Lando Calrissian's questline from the Ace of Aces space content.

    Level: 1
    Lando wants you to scout the Naboo system for Mining Guild activity.

    Recommended combat level: 1

    See if there is any Mining Guild activity​

    See if there is any Mining Guild activity in the Naboo System
    • Launch your ship and travel to the Naboo System
    • You will need to travel to 3 patrol waypoints
      • After reaching the third patrol waypoint, you will be ambushed by 5 Tier 7 Mining Guild ships

    Surprise Attack! Destroy the Attack Ships!​

    All attacking ships must be destroyed!
    • Defeat all 5 Tier 7 Mining Guild ships and quest will update

    Report back to Lando​

    Report back to Lando on Corellia
    • Return to Lando Calrissian in the Idiot's Array lounge
    • Once you arrive, speak with Lando Calrissian
    Lando Calrissian: What'd you find in the Naboo system, Ace?
    You: Not exactly a welcome party up there.
    Lando Calrissian: Just as I suspected. We'll need to make them know we mean business.

    This completes the quest. Speak with Lando Calrissian again to progress the questline.

    Lando Calrissian: After seeing what the Mining Guild did in the Naboo system, I want to test the water a bits more.
    You: This doesn't sound good for me.
    Lando Calrissian: I have faith in you, Ace. I set up a fake shipment transport I'd like you to escort. No loss here but let's see what they send at you. Shall we?
    Following Quest: Test the Waters >>