Shut Down the Separatist Computer

Shut Down the Separatist Computer
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  • This quest is part of Agent Ember's questline from the Ace of Aces space content.

    Level: 1
    Shut Down the Separatist Computer

    Recommended combat level: 1

    Locate the Separatist Computer​

    Locate the Separatist Computer on Nova Orion Station
    • You can find a Computer a short walk away, in one of the larger rooms on the lower level
    /way 85 -29 -51 a Computer;
    • Click on a Computer and you will receive an in-game popup
    The computer appears to be voice activated with a code word. The computer displays:

    Once you hit OK, the quest updates.

    Voice Activation: OUR FOUNDER​

    The computer is voice activated and is asking for a passcode to the phrase: OUR FOUNDER
    • In spatial chat, enter Count Dookuand press enter to send the message
      • You will need to be close to the computer for the message to register
    • After sending the message, you will get another you will receive an in-game popup
    The computer appears to be voice activated with a code word. The computer displays:

    Once you hit OK, the quest updates.

    Voice Activation: OUR HOME WORLD​

    The computer is voice activated and is asking for a passcode to the phrase: OUR HOME WORLD
    • In spatial chat, enter Raxus Secundusand press enter to send the message
      • You will need to be close to the computer for the message to register
    • After sending the message, you will get another you will receive an in-game popup
    The computer appears to be voice activated with a code word. The computer displays:

    Once you hit OK, the quest updates.

    Voice Activation: OUR HIGHEST VALUE​

    The computer is voice activated and is asking for a passcode to the phrase: OUR HIGHEST VALUE
    • In spatial chat, enter Independenceand press enter to send the message
      • You will need to be close to the computer for the message to register
    • After sending the message, you will get another you will receive an in-game popup
    The computer comes to life and displays attack plans. The target appears to be Nova Orion Station itself and entails a massive assault on the Station.

    Once you hit OK, the quest updates.

    Return to the Separatist Engineer​

    Return to the Separatist Engineer
    • Return to the Nova Orion Industries employee on the Nova Orion station
    • Once you arrive, speak with the Nova Orion Industries employee
    a Nova Orion Industries employee: What did you find, you simple pilot?
    You: You're targeting Nova Orion Station
    a Nova Orion Industries employee: Mwahahaha!

    This completes the quest. Speak with the Nova Orion Industries employee again to progress the questline.

    a Nova Orion Industries employee: Nova Orion? And why would I choose such a fitting location for my revenge?
    You: The Battle of Ord Mantell.
    a Nova Orion Industries employee: How right you are. I see you know your history. The Battle of Ord Mantell indeed. Where General Grievous and Count Dooku were captured by their treasonous enemies. On this day, however, the Separatist will have their revenge in Ord Mantell.