Take Out the Mining Guild Ace

Take Out the Mining Guild Ace
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  • This quest is part of Lando Calrissian's questline from the Ace of Aces space content.

    Previous Quest: << Test the Waters

    Level: 1
    Lando is fed up and wants you to take out the Mining Guild Ace

    Recommended combat level: 1

    Fight Fire with Fire - Take Out Their Ace​

    If they want to play dirty, we will too. Take down the Mining Guild Ace
    • Launch your ship and travel to the Naboo System
    • A few seconds after you arrive in the Naboo System, you will be given a waypoint, where waves of enemies will spawn
    You must defeat all of the waves of enemies, in order to get the Mining Guild Ace to hyperspace in.
    • Wave 1:
      • Tier 7 Ixiyen
      • Tier 7 Rihkxyrk
    • Wave 2:
      • Tier 7 Ixiyen
      • Tier 7 Rihkxyrk
      • Tier 7 Mining Guild Ship
    • Wave 3:
      • Tier 7 Ixiyen
      • Tier 7 Rihkxyrk
      • Tier 7 Mining Guild Ship
      • Tier 7 Krayt (it has a turret)
    • Wave 4:
      • Tier 7 Ixiyen
      • Tier 7 Rihkxyrk
      • Tier 7 Mining Guild Ship
      • Tier 7 Krayt (it has a turret)
      • Tier 7 Kimogila
    • Wave 5:
      • Tier 7 Ixiyen
      • Tier 7 Rihkxyrk
      • Tier 7 Mining Guild Ship
      • Tier 7 Krayt (it has a turret)
      • Tier 7 Kimogila
      • Tier 8 Mining Guild Ship
      • Tier 8 KSE Firespray
    • Wave 6:
      • Tier 5 Assault Gunboat
      • Tier 7 Ixiyen
      • Tier 7 Rihkxyrk
      • Tier 7 Mining Guild Ship
      • Tier 7 Krayt (it has a turret)
      • Tier 7 Kimogila
      • Tier 8 Mining Guild Ship
      • Tier 8 KSE Firespray
    Once you destroy all of the ships in the final wave, you will be given a reward and your quest will update.
    • 18,000 credits
    • 144 Duty Mission Tokens

    Destroy the Mining Guild Ace​

    Destroy the Mining Guild Ace
    • Make your way to the waypoint provided
      • As soon as you arrive, a Tier 10 Mining Guild Ship will hyperspace in
    • Once you defeat the Mining Guild Ace, the quest will update

    Report back to Lando​

    Report back to Lando on Corellia
    • Return to Lando Calrissian in the Idiot's Array lounge
    • Once you arrive, speak with Lando Calrissian
    Lando Calrissian: Yes! That'll show 'em. I think our work is done for now in the Naboo system.

    This completes the quest. Speak with Lando Calrissian again to progress the questline.

    Lando Calrissian: We need to continue pushing back against the surrounding Bespin systems. Let's exert our influence on Tatooine next.
    You: That old dusty rock in the Outer Rim?
    Lando Calrissian: That's the one, Ace. I'd like you to do a thorough sweet of the system. Really take out the trash there.