The Emperor and the Queen, Part I

The Emperor and the Queen, Part I
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  • This quest is part of the Imperial Theme Park questline.

    Level: 90
    Aid the Emperor in his plan to manipulate the Queen of Naboo into revealing the location of a Rebel General she is believed to be hiding.

    Recommended combat level: 80

    Mercenary Leader Recruited​

    Deliver a message from the Emperor to the ringleader of a group of mercenaries, Vurrha Jantsk. Only Vurrha will know who you are, so expect some hostility from others.
    • You are given a waypoint to a mercenary bunker located on the northeast side of Endor, make your way there
      • The bunker is full of CL85 Jantsk mercenaries
    • Once there, you will need to find and speak with Vurrha Jantsk, who is on the lower levels of the bunker. After speaking with him, your quest will update
    /way 3461 7419 Elevator to Lower Level;
    /way 3631 7357 Vurrha Jantsk;

    Vurrha Jantsk: The Emperor sent you? I understand his wishes. But first you need to retrieve a datadisk from a Rebel base on Dantooine. Return after you have it and after it has been altered by an Imperial operative in Kaadara.

    Rebel Datadisk​

    Travel to Dantooine and retrieve a datadisk from a Rebel base there.
    • Once at the Rebel base, you will need to go down and click on a data disk in order for the quest to update
      • The Rebel base is full of CL85 Rebel troopers
      • You can find a data disk inside the larger Rebel base on the middle floor
    /way 4040 2 5427 Rebel base;
    /way 4024 -11 5430 Data disk (Inside base);

    Have the Disk Altered​

    Travel to Kaadara on Naboo and deliver it to an Imperial operative who will offload the information on the disk and upload new data that will implicate the Rebel Alliance in a plot against the Queen.
    • Travel to Kaadara on Naboo, locate the Imperial operative, and speak with him
    /way 5084 6789 Imperial operative;

    an Imperial operative: I'll have this datadisk altered in but a moment. There, it is ready.

    Bring the Disk to Vurrha Jantsk​

    Bring the disk to Vurrha Jantsk.
    • Return to Vurrha Jantsk at the mercenary bunker on Endor and speak with him
    /way 3461 7419 Elevator to Lower Level;
    /way 3631 7357 Vurrha Jantsk;

    Vurrha Jantsk: You have the disk? Good. Let the Emperor know that I am prepared to do his bidding.

    Report to Emperor Palpatine​

    Return to Emperor Palpatine at his retreat on Naboo.
    • Head back to the Emperor's Retreat on Naboo and speak to The Emperor
    The Emperor: The Jantsk mercenaries are going to intimidate Queen Kylantha and demand military and financial aid.

    This completes the quest. Continue your conversation with The Emperor to receive the next quest

    • XP
    You: What are my orders?
    The Emperor: You are to clear the way for the mercenaries by ridding the Queen of her security. There is little enough of it, as she believes herself to be quite safe. We are going to convince her otherwise.