The Force-Sensitive Twi'lek

The Force-Sensitive Twi'lek
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  • This quest is part of the Imperial Theme Park questline.

    Level: 85
    Apprehend a suspected Force-sensitive Twi'lek hiding on Endor and find the Rebels who have been aiding him.
    Recommended combat level: 80

    The Force-sensitive Twi'lek​

    Apprehend a suspected Force-sensitive Twi'lek hiding on Endor. His name is Zalbar Jyvun. His camp is believed to be near the Marauder's Stronghold on Endor.
    • You are given two tasks to complete at Zalbar Jyvun's Camp on Endor:
      • Apprehend Zalbar Jyvun
      • Search Zalbar Jyvun's Camp
    /way endor -4611 -2549 Zalbar Jyvun's Camp;

    Apprehend Zalbar Jyvun​

    Apprehend Zalbar Jyvun.
    • Simply defeat Zalbar Jyvun at his camp to complete this task.
      • He is CL82

    Search Zalbar Jyvun's Camp​

    Search Zalbar Jyvun's Camp for information on whoever is helping him hide.
    • You can find a datapad located underneath the tent inside the camp. Click the datapad to complete this task.
    /way endor -4606 -2546 Datapad;

    Once both of these tasks are complete, you will get a comm-message from Inquisitor Loam Redge and the quest updates.

    Inquisitor Loam Redge: Comm-message - As suspected, some Rebels have been hiding Zalbar. But we now know where to find them. Go to Lok and eliminate them.

    Destroy the Rebel camp​

    Go to the base camp of the Rebels on Lok who were helping the Twi'lek and destroy it. We know the camp's general area, but you may have to search for it.
    • You are given two tasks to complete at the Rebel camp on Lok:
      • Destroy the Rebel commander
      • Destroy their Supplies
    /way lok -6075 5959 Rebel Camp;

    Destroy the Rebel commander​

    Defeat the Rebel commander, Captain Jeza Goloc.
    • Simply defeat Captain Jeza Goloc who is at the bottom of the bunker at the Rebel camp to complete this task
      • He is CL82
    /way lok -6104 48 5957 Captain Jeza Goloc;

    Destroy their Supplies​

    Destroy their supply caches at the camp.
    • You will need to locate and destroy six crate of supplies located throughout the camp
    • Click on the crate to destroy it. After all six have been destroyed this task is complete
      • There is one crate outside, one crate inside the smaller building, and four inside of the bunker.
    /way lok -6077 62 5951 Crate of supplies #1 - outside;
    /way lok -6063 62 5944 Crate of supplies #2 - inside building;
    /way lok -6100 55 5955 Crate of supplies #3 - inside bunker;
    /way lok -6103 55 5965 Crate of supplies #4 - inside bunker;
    /way lok -6113 55 5956 Crate of supplies #5 - inside bunker;
    /way lok -6103 48 5965 Crate of supplies #6 - inside bunker;

    Once both of these tasks are complete, the quest updates.

    Return to Loam Redge​

    Return to Loam Redge at the Emperor's Retreat.
    • Head back to the Emperor's Retreat on Naboo and speak to Inquisitor Loam Redge.
    This completes the quest. Continue the conversation with Inquisitor Loam Redge to move onto the next quest.


    Inquisitor Loam Redge: You're back. Adequate job with Zalbar. One of my couriers has gone missing. Find him.
    You: Yes sir.
    Inquisitor Loam Redge: He was to meet Rogan Fel in Bela Vistal on Corellia. Start there.