Tusken Relics

Tusken Relics
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  • This quest is part of the pre-requisite questline for Tusken King(TK) heroic instance.

    Previous Quest: << Tusken Scholar

    Level: 80
    Find all three Tusken relics for Srimaur
    Recommended combat level: 80

    Find Three Tusken Relics​

    Find the Three Tusken Relics: Chieftain's Skull, Krayt Skull, Ghastly Baton.

    Srimaur will send you to the Tusken Relic cave, where you must collect the three Tusken Relics.
    • The cave is full of CL80 - CL85 Elite NPCs and are primarily grouped in groups of three
    /way Tatooine -6982 7072 Tusken Relic Cave;

    You will need to traverse the cave and collect all three of the relics, by simply clicking on them.
    /way Tatooine -7039 122 6797 Ghastly Baton;
    /way Tatooine -6947 119 6930 Krayt Skull;
    /way Tatooine -7074 117 6934 Chieftain's Skull;

    Chieftain's Skull​

    Found inside the cave on a wooden platform that looks like an altar.

    Krayt Skull​

    When click on the Krayt Skull, a message prompt will appear on your screen.
    You are discovered.
    This will cause three CL85 Elite Tusken Relic Guards to spawn and attack you.
    • After they are dead two more will spawn
    Once they are dead you will get quest credit for finding the skull.

    Ghastly Baton​

    The baton is sticking out of the cave wall and partially obscured by a green haze.

    Once you have collected all three Tusken Relics, the quest will update.

    Return to Srimaur with the relics​

    Find Srimaur in Mos Espa. Tell him what happened in the cave.

    Return to Mos Espa, Tatooine and speak to Srimaur.
    /way Tatooine -2800 2260 Srimaur;

    Srimaur: Do you have the relics?
    You: Yes, but there was a problem.
    Srimaur: What problem? You weren't caught were you?
    You: Well... Yes. We should be okay, right?
    Srimaur: Oh dear. This is not good. You should go talk to Kav Goldor, he is our militia commander. The Tuskens may be on their way here now.

    After your conversation, the quest will update.

    Warn the Militia Leader​

    Warn the Militia Leader of the impending invasion.

    Locate Kav Goldor and speak with him.
    /way Tatooine -3056 2085 Kav Goldor;

    Kav Goldor: Yes, yes what is it?
    You: Srimaur sent me, he says the Tuskens are coming. They are going to attack the city.
    Kav Goldor: What!? This is not good. We need your help. Please help us defend the city.

    This completes the quest and the pre-requisite questline for the Tusken King(TK) heroic instance.

    • XP

    Speak with Kav Goldor again to enter the Tusken King(TK) heroic instance.