Unnatural Magick

Unnatural Magick
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  • This quest is part of the Chasing a Phantom questline.

    Note: Some steps and waypoints in this guide are hidden intentionally, in case the player wants to search for them themselves. To show the steps and waypoints, simply click on the SPOILER textbox.

    Level: 1
    The Old Gungan suggested there were Force users on Dathomir called the Nightsistas. Track them down to see what else you can find about the strange happenings in the Theed Starport.
    Recommended combat level: 80

    Locate the Nightsistas​

    The Old Gungan suggested there were Force users on Dathomir called the Nightsistas. Track them down to see what else you can find about the strange happenings in the Theed Starport.
    Make your way to the Nightsister Stronghold Point of Interest on Dathomir. When you arrive, the quest will update.

    Inquire about the Force​

    Inquire about the Force from a Wise Nightsista
    Inside the Nightsister Stronghold Point of Interest, you will find A Wise Nighsister Leader. Speak with her.
    /way dathomir -4179 -154 A Wise Nightsister Leader;

    A Wise Nightsister Leader: Trespasser! I know why you have come. I could sense your arrival on this planet.
    You: You do?
    A Wise Nightsister Leader: An evil spirit has cursed you. Even now I feel it within you growing stronger.
    You: An evil spirit? How could that be? What can I do?
    A Wise Nightsister Leader: You have come in contact with a remnant of the Force. A particularly powerful one. This spirit desires to be born again and seeks revenge. If you delay too long you will surely be consumed by the spirit itself.
    You: I can hear them talking in my head. The voices grow louder.
    A Wise Nightsister Leader: If you wish to be rid of the spirit, you must find an object with significance to the soul in which to draw the spirit out. You must then destroy the artifact or hide it forever. I know of such a trinket, but has not been seen in ages.
    You: Please. I'll do anything.
    A Wise Nightsister Leader: I have sensed that this particular spirit was born of the Nightsister Clan Talzin. It is no coincidence you found your way here.
    You: Clan Talzin?
    A Wise Nightsister Leader: Yes, this clan was all but wiped out but was once held in high esteem. Known for their savagery and assassinations in the Clone Wars. They even used lightsabers and were settled along the Dathomir oceanfront.
    You: So what is the artifact?
    A Wise Nightsister Leader: The Talzin Pendant was worn by Mother Talzin. Find it and you may begin to draw the spirit out.

    After your conversation, you will receive an in-game popup.

    The voice in your head whispers louder now.
    "Dathomir. My... Home. I remember now..."

    As soon as you click OK, your quest will update.

    Find and Return the Talzin Pendant back to the Wise Nightsister​

    The Wise Nightsister has informed you that the Talzin Pendant can help trap the evil spirit and will be the first step in getting rid of this curse.
    You will need to search for NPCs named A Talzin Clan Survivor along the ocean coast on the north side of Dathomir. These NPCs are CL90 Elites and spawn randomly within 1,000 meters of the ocean coast.

    You will need to loot an item from these NPCs. Keeping killing the NPCs until you loot a Talzin Pendant.
    • The Talzin Pendant is Tradable, so you may loot it on a combat character and trade it to non-combat characters


    Talzin Clan Survivors can spawn anywhere within the area of the red box to the ocean.

    Once you've looted a Talzin Pendant, return to the Wise Nightsister Leader.
    /way dathomir -4179 -154 A Wise Nightsister Leader;

    You will need to open your inventory and drag the Talzin Pendant onto the Wise Nightsister Leader.

    Once you've successfully done this, you will get an in-game popup.

    The pendant pulses with energy. Two words in your mind rise to the surface. Savage... And Opress... The voice in your head speaks again, but stronger.
    "My brother, we were meant for more. Betrayed. Together we cannot be stopped. If only we had another chance..."

    Speak with the Wise Nightsister Leader to complete the quest and to progress the questline.

    A Wise Nightsister Leader: The Talzin Pedant. A long-forgotten relic of a most powerful clan.
    You: The spirit mentioned a brother. A Savage.
    A Wise Nightsister Leader: Mmmm... With time the spirit has grown even more powerful. He has begun to summon his brother as well.
    You: Now there are two?
    A Wise Nightsister Leader: Yes. You will now need to destroy both spirits. Only when you have artifacts for both spirits, you then may destroy them and be rid of this curse. Has the spirit mentioned anything about the brother?
    You: That he was a Savage. Or an oppressor.
    A Wise Nightsister Leader: Both, yes. But also in name. The Nightbrother Savage Opress. Also born of Clan Talzin.
    You: What have I gotten myself into?
    A Wise Nightsister Leader: Savage Opress died on Mandalore years ago. Those who know what happened there are in hiding on a world far from here. Find them and search for clues.
    You: I shall.
    A Wise Nightsister Leader: I sense danger for you, traveler. I fear you are soon to be lost forever.


    This part of the quest is easily the most difficult, due to the scarcity of the NPC and the drop rate of the actual item.

    On your minimap, there is a little red square in the top-right corner. Make sure it is checked.


    This causes red rings to appear around enemies, that indicate their difficulty. It is also recommended to increase the radius of your minimap to be around 256m. You can use the scroll-wheel to increase/decrease the radius when you hover your mouse over your minimap.

    Why do I need to do this?
    You want to do this because, the Talzin Clan Survivor is a CL90 NPC, so if your character is a CL80, they will have a purple ring around them.


    Now, as you drive along the coast, you can simply hover your mouse over the NPC on your minimap with the purple ring, which will make it much easier to find the Talzin Clan Survivor. They are often standing alone, like in the screenshot below.


    Note: Not all NPCs with a purple ring will mean it is the Talzin Clan Survivor. There are sometimes Rancor, Nightsister, and/or Singing Mountain Clan NPCs that will spawn as CL90 (which causes them have the purple ring). These are not very common and will often spawn as ~CL85, causing a red ring to appear around them.