Will There Be Peace?

Will There Be Peace?
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  • This quest is part of the Lando Calrissian's questline from the Ace of Aces space content.

    Level: 1
    The Mining Guild has reached out and wants to make a peace settlement.

    Recommended combat level: 1

    Meet the Mining Guild in the Endor System​

    Meet the Mining Guild in Endor System to discuss possible peace
    • Launch your ship and travel to the Endor System
      • Closest hyperspace point is Empire's Justice
    • Upon arrival, you will be given a waypoint - go to it
    • Once there, the quest will update

    Defend Yourself at the Rendezvous Point​

    Defend yourself at the rendezvous point and don't leave the area until you've taken every last one of the Mining Guild forces out.
    • You will need to defend yourself from numerous waves of Tier 8 and Tier 9 ships and Tier 5 Assault Gunships
      • Of these waves, there will be 2 waves of 1 Tier 8 YT-1300 and 1 Tier 5 Assault Gunship
        • Destroy the YT-1300's weapons as quick as you can
    If you get too far away from the rendezvous point, you will fail the mission.

    You do not need to destroy all of the waves to complete this step, you just need to survive for long enough.
    • A message appears on the screen, giving you a percent value
    • Once that percent value reaches 100% (~5 minutes), the quest will update

    Report back to Lando​

    Report back to Lando on Corellia
    • Return to Lando Calrissian in the Idiot's Array lounge
    • Once you arrive, speak with Lando Calrissian
    Lando Calrissian: Double crossers. Pirates if I've ever seen one. Can't say I wouldn't have done the same.

    This completes the quest. Speak with Lando Calrissian again to progress the questline.

    Lando Calrissian: The Mining Guild has moved one of their capital ships into the Endor system.
    You: A what?!?!
    Lando Calrissian: Listen, Ace. They are getting desperate. We take out this capital ship and it will be their final blow.