An idea for GCW Battlefields to be more inviting to all

An idea for GCW Battlefields to be more inviting to all
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
The queue system needs a revamp, battlefield gear should be faction specific and equal to properly assess player skill and give them a feeling that they aren't undergeared for PvP, the credit sink into having to buy multiple swoops, rewards for those who display excellence on the battlefield. Also will alleviate players who aren't has rich to not feel they need to grind for top tier gear to be viable in PvP (battlefields only). Outside of battlefields its fair game what anyone uses.
Attempt to improve PvP on the server and promote accessibility for all including newer players.
Making PvP inviting to everyone, new and older players alike due to PvP being not as popular on the server
I just want to propose a few ideas that can make Battlefield PvP fun for everyone including newer players that I believe will translate over into non battlefield PvP.

1) The queue system is not good for battlefields. It should be made that anyone can queue up and maybe have a system message countdown like "x minutes until data runner Endor starts" obviously pending the number of participants are there. I believe if you queue for the battlefield maybe within 5 minutes or so until it starts, players who queue get placed into an instanced area where they then can form parties, decide if they are going to use voice chat in a certain discord, etc... The way it works now is just simply not good.

2) This second part I have thought of multiple ideas but ill post them both here:

1 - When you are in the battlefield make it so players have to use battlefield specific gear that is provided by a special vendor etc... (for example: you queue up and are given 30 tokens to spend at a vendor for items that are only good for that battlefield then destruct after its over and this includes armor, buffs, and weapons. Even better if you place the vendor in the aforementioned "waiting room" instance) Also make them faction specific so you don't have one guy wearing mando and someone else wearing bone armor looking like a ragtag group. Doing it this way will promote players who have no money to buy top end gear or those not even a high CL to actually feel they jump in and be viable against anyone. Obviously the only difference would be what skill mods players have from their actually builds, their PvP knowledge, their ability to work as a team, and how they chose to spend the tokens given to them. To flavor this even more you could give more tokens to those of a higher GCW Rank (for example: a corporal will have less to spend than a Sergeant) and in turn that could promote people to do things outside of battlefields such as invasions and faction missions to rank up.
2 - Have players be able to choose specific gear/buff items/ and weapon(s) based on their actual classes - you talk to an NPC and choose battle, assault, or recon armor and same for weapons, buffs etc...

3) Be provided a battlefield vehicle that can be disabled but not destroyed and have the ability to recall it as you would a droid in between combat or so with a time limit penalty. To hit on part two you could even make it so that you can buy them off the vendor (1 or multi seaters) to effectively manage how your going to spend your tokens. So if one person purchases a multi seat vehicle and hes a support class like a healer, it saves a DPS toon tokens to spend on things like more buffs.

4) Reward people who are MVP of a match for example progress toward a badge and lets say you get 10 MVPs you get like a little trophy to display in your house as a reward as well as a one time weapon schematic for something nice. The trophy should be like a gold rebel insignia for example on top of a trophy base for rebel chars and vice versa for imperials.

Thank you for reading, I hope this isn't reinventing the wheel and these features could actually be implemented to make battlefields even and fair. I know as a newer player, alot of people may not have the time to grind credits for top tier armor/food/ and weapons, so these ideas would help get people participating early on in their characters life on the server. I truly believe also this would be key in making people participate more in PvP and if they enjoy it, they would be more willing to do it outside of the battlefields as well!
1) I haven’t done a battlefield on Resto yet so not sure I can properly comment on the queueing mechanics.

2.1 and 2.2) I feel like this might annoy crafters but I see where you’re coming from with the “level playing field” angle. In terms of customisation I’m pro Empire look i.e ST armor, but could care less if the Rebels look like a bunch of tramps in mixed armors 👍🏼😂

3) I would love player combat vehicles.

4) Not a bad idea.
I dig it. This all seems to make it sound much less intimidating to get into as currently my gear is shit and dont have millions to spend getting it to a level for battlefields so i havnt even tried them yet so making it more accessible and fun the better.
I dig it. This all seems to make it sound much less intimidating to get into as currently my gear is shit and dont have millions to spend getting it to a level for battlefields so i havnt even tried them yet so making it more accessible and fun the better.
Exactly, but it’s only applicable to battlefield so people can still use their bad ass gear during regular pvp and invasions etc…
I honestly don't know if i should even comment on this since i never ran a battlefield match(neither do i pvp daily lol). but here it goes.

1) Never participated in BFs, but love the idea of "x minutes until data runner Endor starts". It makes players more aware and prepare accordingly.

2) The idea doesn't sound too bad, it does make it a bit fair to all levels of players. But it sounds like a lot of work to implement and i'm not sure if it is worth it, not many people PVP here(from what i've heard).
I also think that if a player spent a lot of money on the gear - they will want to use it anywhere. What's the point then, it is fair for new players who are not rich, but what about established ones? Also, how crafters will look on it?
I do not dismiss the idea, this can be used for some other kind of PVP mini-game (i believe roadmap has something like that) with some adjustments.
Buff idea looks more appealing to me. Could have a list of consumables and you pick the one which fits your build the most. But works only during battlefield run.

3) This one sounds interesting, i like it. The concept of another player(Versatti) that was posted in player voice might be combined with this.

4) Would this work better if there were "seasons"(month or so) of battlefields matches and players get MVP rewards/badges etc each season rather than every match? It will make these things more special.
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