Balance Melee Professions

Balance Melee Professions
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1. Add "Improved Center of Being" to the 'Pike Support II Defense' skill box (xxx2).
2. Add +17 Unarmed Accuracy and +17 Unarmed Speed (while not wearing armor) to the 'Teras Kasi Master' skill box.
These changes will help to bring Master Pikeman up to the level of Swordsman and Fencer in regards to their profession options, as well as allowing more TKM's to feel better about not using armor, which also allows more freedom with their skill choices.
Pikeman is the only melee profession that has a skill-tree that is not shared with any other melee professions, essentially giving them 14 fewer skill points to work with.
TKM is encouraged to not wear armor, but the many downsides of this are too high to make it worthwhile. Specifically, the loss of the Exotic skill-mods in an armor chest piece. (In addition to 600-1200 less armor-value, up to 329 less basic skill modifier points, and up to 700 less health).
Currently Swordsman and Fencer can obtain ALL of the most important melee abilities/bonuses/armor/stats with their profession builds, with no downsides, while both Pikeman and Teras Kasi Masters have major downsides to achieving the same things.
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Improved CoB should be moved to all the master boxes of all mele professions, or even master brawler since its the most powerful ability in the game right now. As a TKM you can just perform as good as any melee using battle armor and even making the shirt exotic to be double effective it wouldnt be on the same level as the others if you are not gonna use an armor set.
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