Change novice ranger requirements

Change novice ranger requirements
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Remove the master scout requirement from ranger making it 2 lines in scout. 44xx or 4x4x make the most sense to me but whatever works.
All other classes that had a master requirement no longer do making ranger the single highest skill point costing class, even more than hybrid classes and even if everything currently in ranger functioned it still wouldn't quite make up for that extra point loss.
Changing the requirement makes it more in line with other classes skill point wise and suggesting this before its been reworked hopefully allows devs to better balance and implement this.
just a little something i think would help out future ranger builds and balance its costs a bit
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I don't really see this happening unfortunately as this is how it was live pre-CU and live CU. I do think ranger should get some potential combat abilities or something though. Maybe benefits for CH?
I don't really see this happening unfortunately as this is how it was live pre-CU and live CU. I do think ranger should get some potential combat abilities or something though. Maybe benefits for CH?
my understanding is that we are trying to be better than live and that aside ranger is undergoing a rework so its unlikely to be like live ranger anyway. I proposed this for if/when ranger is made into a combat utility class it can have some build variety outside of lets say master ranger+ master weapon class because that's all but 4 of a characters points
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my understanding is that we are trying to be better than live and that aside ranger is undergoing a rework so its unlikely to be like live ranger anyway. I proposed this for if/when ranger is made into a combat utility class it can have some build variety outside of lets say master ranger+ master weapon class because that's all but 4 of a characters points
I mean you can already pair a combat class with ranger...
I mean you can already pair a combat class with ranger...
yup and for less skill points and slightly more combat stats you can pair BH with a combat class and easily fit another 1/4 of a class. My point is either ranger needs a very compelling reason that it costs so much or it should have its requirements downgraded like all the other classes that used to require master pre-cu
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I don't really see this happening unfortunately as this is how it was live pre-CU and live CU. I do think ranger should get some potential combat abilities or something though. Maybe benefits for CH?
tbh i havent seen much here that is.

This request from the OP seems 'fair' to me concidering master medic is no longer reqired for doc or indeed Combat medic.
Going beyond that iirc ranger was due a massive rework by the devs at the time and never got one so who is to say what the prerequsites for ranger were going to be. With all the adjustments and tinkering already in the game here and in the works for jedi ect why punish rangers for wanting more sp to spend on skills.

yup and for less skill points and slightly more combat stats you can pair BH with a combat class and easily fit another 1/4 of a class. My point is either ranger needs a very compelling reason that it costs so much or it should have its requirements downgraded like all the other classes that used to require master pre-cu
It depends on what you are trying to achieve. Ranger has always been a PVE, solo harvesting profession. Nothing truly more nor less. It almost sounds like you are trying to change the role of what a Ranger is. You can pair Ranger with any of the elite combat professions (besides hybrids) and you are able to fulfill the role fine. I do agree that there need to be some tweaks but I don't agree with dropping Master Scout as a requirement. I think Ragner's need more defense and I think traps need to be more effective.
It’ll all be taken into consideration when the ranger revamp occurs. But currently I think it’s safe to say that nothing in ranger is going to change anytime soon.
I actually think there might be a viable solution here- how about not changing the requirements for Novice Ranger but how about all of Ranger's SP requirement are reduced by 50%? No other profession in CU requires you to master a novice profession so I think this would make it a bit more fair.
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