Open - Artisan - Change several resource cap/gates back to Live, SOE, rates at the time of the NGE | Page 5 | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Artisan Change several resource cap/gates back to Live, SOE, rates at the time of the NGE

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May 28, 2021
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A Gethub user changed several resource caps, in 2016, for SWG-Source that Resto is now using.
I propose Resto revert all those changes (commits) back to the Live, SOE, version. Specifically:
CR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 800
MA 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 400
CD 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 650
DR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 800
CR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 800
HR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 800
UT 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 900
SR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 900
CD 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 800
DR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 700
CR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 800
HR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 650
UT 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 800
SR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 800
Siliclastic Ore
DR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 700
UT 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 700
SR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 600
Ferrous Metal
CR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 800
MA 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 600
CD 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 650
Non Ferrous Metal
DR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 800
CR 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 800
UT 1 - 1000, revert to 1 - 900
The Live game and every other current SWG server using SWG-Source code use the original resource caps. Resto is the only server using these changes (commits)
Near as I can tell, the Resto devs were unaware of this and went Live with it.
Undoing these changes (commits) would put Resto back to operating like players remember things being on Live and what they are used to on other current servers.
Several schematics will improve, anything using steel and CD will be easier to cap.
Mass on crafted SW chassis will see a noticeable improvement. Currently we come nowhere near to capping mass. With these, we will be able to cap mass on chassis (with the right resources).
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Adding new resources difficult?

Spit balling here, what if you added another new named resource of each with the same jtl caps. This wouldn't effect anything old and would be just be additional resources going forward added into the pool of rng ?
How would they spawn under existing rules? Would they be spawning instead of normal steel, copper, allum, etc. That would make existing types of those resources spawn less.

Essentially, adding Mustafar did what you are saying. There are plans to add more planets.
changing resources in specific schematics is not difficult with a list. changing caps is not difficult. spawn durations i would need to look into more.

not looking to change anything immediately. in order to implement a change, I would suggest the community attempt to agree on the best path forward understanding ultimately nobody will be happy :)
Since there's so much debate on what would or would not be affected, why not make a temporary change on test center and make sure there's not unintended consequences?
How would they spawn under existing rules? Would they be spawning instead of normal steel, copper, allum, etc. That would make existing types of those resources spawn less.

Essentially, adding Mustafar did what you are saying. There are plans to add more planets.
If its a 7 day resource would you really notice a difference of less spawns?

Narr doesn't sound like an open planet more a metropolis and haven't even heard of others. But I really don't know anything tbh
Since there's so much debate on what would or would not be affected, why not make a temporary change on test center and make sure there's not unintended consequences?
Well you can only test for some things on TC. Other community things you really can't because there is no player economy/environment there like there is on the regular server. Honestly it might not matter if the server pop withers away and doesn't get some more players.
This PV has been extensively tested on the SOE Live servers and current servers.

Resto is the only server operating with this different set of rules for resource caps. Thing is, it looks like it wasn't intentional. The Resto devs didn't realize they were using a version of the SOE code that had been altered to change resource caps. Until Halo tells us otherwise.
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This PV has been extensively tested on the SOE Live servers and current servers.
To be fair it has not been tested here with current population and setup. Saying it worked 20 years ago or on other servers tells you nothing about how it will work here and now on Resto.

For example on LIVE I made more creds than I could possibly spend by gathering and selling Avian Meat (for buffs) and Radioactive Power. Here on Resto that is not the case at all.
To be fair it has not been tested here with current population and setup. Saying it worked 20 years ago or on other servers tells you nothing about how it will work here and now on Resto.
This. 100%
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To be fair it has not been tested here with current population and setup. Saying it worked 20 years ago or on other servers tells you nothing about how it will work here and now on Resto
Showing that it worked on live is a better example than wild speculation that the fix will somehow hurt resto's economy. You just said it might not matter with resto's dwindling population. If you were a new crafting focused player how interested would in staying on resto once you found out about resto's harder resource gates?
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Showing that it worked on live is a better example than wild speculation that the fix will somehow hurt resto's economy. You just said it might not matter with resto's dwindling population. If you were a new crafting focused player how interested would in staying on resto once you found out about resto's harder resource gates?
No it isn't and frankly Zoso you are completely biased here and want this no matter what. I am neither for or against until I see some data/testing and thought out discussion about this both pro and con. Resto is different from other places and one diifference here has been that some things are different, more complex, harder (incite for example). I can counter with how many want a crafting system designed for a first grader? I realize in these days a lot of games have gone that way but Resto can stay different and not dumb everything down like LIVE ended up doing and it killed them. Many, maybe even most, players show up, play for awhile and move on. Not just here but in many many games and servers. It is the nature of the beast these days. So stop trying to babyfy this server simply because you want what you want when you want without regards to others. Honestly the way this PV is going I dont see it being implemented anyway.

You should really try to see both sides of this if you want it to work. Savacc has a decent suggestion (and your point about ship chasis/parts is too) but having this tunnel vision of my way is the only way does not get you far. It's not about being right, it's about doing right and doing right here is making sure this is well researched so if done it has minimal negative impact on others and the game as a whole.
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No it isn't and frankly Zoso you are completely biased here and want this no matter what. I am neither for or against until I see some data/testing and thought out discussion about this both pro and con. Resto is different from other places and one diifference here has been that some things are different, more complex, harder (incite for example). I can counter with how many want a crafting system designed for a first grader? I realize in these days a lot of games have gone that way but Resto can stay different and not dumb everything down like LIVE ended up doing and it killed them. Many, maybe even most, players show up, play for awhile and move on. Not just here but in many many games and servers. It is the nature of the beast these days. So stop trying to babyfy this server simply because you want what you want when you want without regards to others. Honestly the way this PV is going I dont see it being implemented anyway.

You should really try to see both sides of this if you want it to work. Savacc has a decent suggestion (and your point about ship chasis/parts is too) but having this tunnel vision of my way is the only way does not get you far. It's not about being right, it's about doing right and doing right here is making sure this is well researched so if done it has minimal negative impact on others and the game as a whole.
Crafting on live wasn't dumbed down and this error wasn't even implemented by a resto dev
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To be clear, my suggestion is to adopt this PV.
The original system of doing caps is more complex. Did you see how varied the caps would be if this PV were adopted, instead of everything being 1-1000? What we have now is dumbed down.
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To be clear, my suggestion is to adopt this PV.
The original system of doing caps is more complex. Did you see how varied the caps would be if this PV were adopted, instead of everything being 1-1000? What we have now is dumbed down.
I am not against it Savacc. I am just wanting to make sure it is well researched and thought before just tossing it out there and seeing what happens. It is hard to compare things. For example the Power thingy. On LIVE you could make good creds just harvesting and selling it but here you can't. 1 because the pop (demand) is so small and 2 they added the rewards of 0 power for harvs. So basically they killed that piece (meaning for power not other uses). I am intrigued by your PV but way to many good intentions have led to bad things happening that were not meant to happen. FYI Zoso there is not helping your case here either with that poor debating style.
this sozo is the same that has been ranting about removing fill from bespin , because apparently it worked on LIVE 20 years ago , that is all you need to know about his selfish attitude that is just looking out for his benefit
this sozo is the same that has been ranting about removing fill from bespin , because apparently it worked on LIVE 20 years ago , that is all you need to know about his selfish attitude that is just looking out for his benefit
Sorry I don't believe twiddling my thumbs while I wait for my fill to go down while crafting is good game design. Fill isn't as much of an issue for combat buffs because they last longer than it takes for the fill to go down. Why should crafters be punished?
Sorry I don't believe twiddling my thumbs while I wait for my fill to go down while crafting is good game design. Fill isn't as much of an issue for combat buffs because they last longer than it takes for the fill to go down. Why should crafters be punished?
because that is how it worked on LIVE right ?
I am not against it Savacc. I am just wanting to make sure it is well researched and thought before just tossing it out there and seeing what happens. It is hard to compare things. For example the Power thingy. On LIVE you could make good creds just harvesting and selling it but here you can't. 1 because the pop (demand) is so small and 2 they added the rewards of 0 power for harvs. So basically they killed that piece (meaning for power not other uses). I am intrigued by your PV but way to many good intentions have led to bad things happening that were not meant to happen. FYI Zoso there is not helping your case here either with that poor debating style.
Is it poor debating style calling people babies because they want some common sense changes. You didn't even know how hard it is to cap a ship chassis before you looked into it more but were throwing insults at me before that.
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because that is how it worked on LIVE right ?
I think fill is a great concept but should be adjusted so it's not so punishing for crafting or even give us other options/ credit sinks to remove fill. Please try to stay on topic this PV is about correcting an error that the reto devs didn't know they introduced.
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Is it poor debating style calling people babies because they want some common sense changes. You didn't even know how hard it is to cap a ship chassis before you looked into it more but were throwing insults at me before that.
Actually I don't care how "hard it is to cap a ship" because this is about changing resource caps/resources not about making things easier for Zoso. You want to see hard, try being a BE crafter.