Changes to ITV travel to make it more practical

Changes to ITV travel to make it more practical
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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I propose the ITV travel vehicles should be made more practical by either removing or lowering the credit cost, or perhaps removing the fuel needed to use it.
Because as it stands the ITVs are quite expensive to use, and you need specialized fuel to use them. Currently its much more practical to just use shuttles instead and they kind of make the ITVs as they are obsolete. They need to be made more viable as a regular travel method.
See Justification.
Changes to ITV travel
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
when players complain about 10000 credits , that is a new level of poor ..........
I might not make fun of players available credit totals, New players struggle at first outside that 30 day threshold and may not be as lucky in either they're time they can devote to play or their luck when it comes to looing things they can sell. Amused is correct in his point that originally the ITV was a QoL Perk, and again I reiterate the compromise suggestion that the Fuel cell requirement remain but cutting the 10K cost down to 5K instead. Still a cost, still a credit sink just a little more palatable for the younger, less established players.
I'm surprised Aconite left this open. There is zero chance the Resto devs will remove the costs associated with ITVs. If they did, it would be to remove ITVs. Maybe Ornj, now that he's the new sheriff in town will close this.
Most of us acknowledge that ITV's are a Luxury or a Perk , certainly a QoL improvement but Savacc you would argue that they should be removed? This item isn't some hatched up fun thing that was added in on an EMU server this item was rewarded to players on the Live version of the game with ZERO cost of Fuel and Credits. I am not advocating even the removal of those added costs, I am just trying to make the sting of those costs a little more less painful for newer players outside that 30 day grace period is all. Trying to look after the new/little guy. The 10K cost doesn't slow me down either and I've several thousand fuel cells on my SW. I've said my peace. thanks for reading
Given that this post’s justification for change is describing our exact intent with the system, I’m going to close this.
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