My question to this is how much repeat business does a BE get for pets that are replaced due to a character build change?
If it’s substantial, I’d say it makes a difference.
My next question, are we concerned about the BEs mutation business, or just general pet crafting business? The impact that pet transfers would have on where they get the materials etc.
My suggestion moving forward, would derive from an idea that was implemented in Live when Beast Master was (re)introduced in NGE.
Previously stuffed pets could have dna extracted, and a pet could be crafted from scratch, using that dna. A Kimo for example, could be stuffed, and dna extracted, given to a BE, who would craft said kimo without fear the needed mutations would get in the way. The BE can charge for all time & materials used as per usual.
If we’re worried about the T&M used by BE as they chase mutations, and that effect it would have on business, aren’t we kind of staring down a dead end eventually anyway? At some point without decay, that market is going to decay.