Command /pet transfer

Command /pet transfer
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
The /pet transfer command was in the game. Why was it removed and when will it return?
With a skill change -jedi or any- the CH loses the most. A lot of time and grind to make it "perfect". The acquired and trained pet can now only be a room decoration.
It's a very unpleasant feeling that your favorite pet can only be a room decoration.
I know this isn't the first time this problem has come up.
Your CH can tame pets but the best ones are made by a BE which you can buy from them. BE is probably the most involved crafting profession in the game imo. To use pets you have to have CH. Non-ch can use Droids which also just got some nice loving to make them better/tougher/etc. A number of folks start out by taming a pet for leveling up/credits and then buy a good one from a BE once they are MCH. You can also only have 1 pet out at a time unlike Live.
CH can still tame pets and mounts and sell the eggs and the mounts. CH is the 2nd most played combat class on the server so it is fine. BE makes the best pets but they do more than just pets. Your research seems a bit off or outdated as scout is fine and ranger just got some nice loving. CH is nice for folks who enjoy solo play and group play and like every class has its pro and con. So BE makes and sells the best pets and CH can tame and sell pets/mounts.

Manta is just trying to trade/sell his fully grown pet because he lost CH as Jedi (which as pointed out to him was a choice, he could wait for another alt to incite) but he apparently has buyers remorse. The devs have said no in the past and repeated it here by saying because it’s not good for business of Bio-Engineer BE is a lot of time and effort and contributes to the player economy which is quite good here compared to other servers. It is not broke so no need to change it.

Edit - Pets don't decay/age so that pet is forever. That becomes a problem as time goes by and there are permanent pets everywhere. I mean if you want pet decay/aging ....
What are you talking about now? I don't want to sell the pet. I just want to give away the alt. Nobody is talking about selling. If you had read the post you would have seen that I wanted to give it away within the account. For my own MCH character. Precisely because they are my favorite pets. I shouldn't misunderstand. I see that you're stuck with the sale.
It's simply a -No trade share- that I want.
Well first your proposal does not say that. Second Pets are forever so unless you are advocating decay on them...Third you have a choice on whether or not to incite/Jedi on a CH. If you decide to do so that is your choice but the system does not need to be changed to cater to your choice. It is fine as it is. I did read and said trade/sell which means either of or both since you seem to struggle a little with the language. It is still a no go as pets last forever.
I will admit that a lot of the videos I watched on Youtube about the server were older videos and that's where I got the info on Scout and Ranger. Most of the videos are about a year or so old. My apologies.

I personally never had an interest in Jedi since day one. I did, however, enjoy taming combat pets for my BH alt who did not have CH. So that is not a thing now or do I just skip CH and go BE to make combat pets for my non CH alt? It's been a really long time since I played so I apologize for any confusion.
No, your non CH char can not use any combat pet, only creature mounts (which do not fight).
CH/BH is a very common build, by the way.
BE pet making is way, way, too much of a credit sink to just do it to make one pet for an alt. Buy a pet from one of the BEs that have been doing it for a while. You will be so much further ahead.
Well first your proposal does not say that. Second Pets are forever so unless you are advocating decay on them...Third you have a choice on whether or not to incite/Jedi on a CH. If you decide to do so that is your choice but the system does not need to be changed to cater to your choice. It is fine as it is. I did read and said trade/sell which means either of or both since you seem to struggle a little with the language. It is still a no go as pets last forever.
Thank you for reading and noticing (which I wrote down) that English is not my first language. I don't want to sell it, but as I wrote -No trade share -. A piece of clothing or jewelry is a permanent item - No trade share - even if its condition is 0. So I don't understand your negative vote.
Your pet is your weapon basically as a CH. Weapons and Armor decay and need replacing. Pets do not. The Reason has been said over and over because it’s not good for business of Bio-Engineer.
Your pet is your weapon basically as a CH. Weapons and Armor decay and need replacing. Pets do not. The Reason has been said over and over because it’s not good for business of Bio-Engineer

Your pet is your weapon basically as a CH. Weapons and Armor decay and need replacing. Pets do not. The Reason has been said over and over because it’s not good for business of Bio-Engineer.
I'm starting to think that Accolite and TYR are the same real person. (Conspiracy theory). Unfortunately, I thought I wouldn't be able to save my pets. But maybe I should think about it. (No trade share)
I'm starting to think that Accolite and TYR are the same real person. (Conspiracy theory). Unfortunately, I thought I wouldn't be able to save my pets. But maybe I should think about it. (No trade share)
No you should just give it up. You've been told no, and the reason why, so what more needs to be said?
No you should just give it up. You've been told no, and the reason why, so what more needs to be said?
If I gave up, it wouldn't be me.
And the collapse of the BE market is not a good argument for me. Pets are not the same, you can't go everywhere with the same pet. And the fact that I take a good BE a lot of the time. But I'm afraid it's an order of magnitude less than a good pet.
My question to this is how much repeat business does a BE get for pets that are replaced due to a character build change?

If it’s substantial, I’d say it makes a difference.

My next question, are we concerned about the BEs mutation business, or just general pet crafting business? The impact that pet transfers would have on where they get the materials etc.

My suggestion moving forward, would derive from an idea that was implemented in Live when Beast Master was (re)introduced in NGE.

Previously stuffed pets could have dna extracted, and a pet could be crafted from scratch, using that dna. A Kimo for example, could be stuffed, and dna extracted, given to a BE, who would craft said kimo without fear the needed mutations would get in the way. The BE can charge for all time & materials used as per usual.

If we’re worried about the T&M used by BE as they chase mutations, and that effect it would have on business, aren’t we kind of staring down a dead end eventually anyway? At some point without decay, that market is going to decay.