Force powers tree

Force powers tree
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Tying force crystals powers tree damage or adding 4 new elemental force lighting skills
A powers Jedi is the only class in the game that has no option to multi elements. With some Heroics requiring weapon swap it takes a lot out of the dps from the group during these
Same as abive
I think things like crystals to damage is more beneficial for groups that being Jedi to the groups. Please upvote this suggestion. If not to crystals then 4 new lightning skills on storm and lightning. I think things them to the crystals might be a much easier option. But I am not a dev.
didn't purple and green lightning exist in lore, not just the standard blue? does open some doors :p
Wasn't the color of the lightning based on their emotions and other such bits, rather than elements?

A Powers Jedi can absolutely be spec'ed to have the ability to use different elements, it comes down to their other trees. The same could be said that "A Master Healer Jedi is the only class in the game that has no option to multi-element" or "A Master Enhancer Jedi is the only class in the game that has no option to multi-element".

I definitely don't think that this could be justified for adding 4 new elemental skills to the Powers tree, breaking up that balance.
Wasn't the color of the lightning based on their emotions and other such bits, rather than elements?

A Powers Jedi can absolutely be spec'ed to have the ability to use different elements, it comes down to their other trees. The same could be said that "A Master Healer Jedi is the only class in the game that has no option to multi-element" or "A Master Enhancer Jedi is the only class in the game that has no option to multi-element".

I definitely don't think that this could be justified for adding 4 new elemental skills to the Powers tree, breaking up that balance.
I do agree though, if you want to deal different element, wack it with your saber :p
I do agree though, if you want to deal different element, wack it with your saber :p
Absolutely, and that is an option that you can try to pair with MPowers, even if it's just 1-2 trees. I keep four sabers exotic and crystal ready in case I need an element swap.
Great option destroying a build so you can swing your saber for a waste of damage potential. Not sure why this is being down voted it doesn't give any advantages, or is it the typical BHs downvoting anything Jedi related.
Great option destroying a build so you can swing your saber for a waste of damage potential. Not sure why this is being down voted it doesn't give any advantages, or is it the typical BHs downvoting anything Jedi related.
Because it is dumb, next you are going to make a PV asking for choke to come in different flavors .....acid . heat , electrical, cold
Because it is dumb, next you are going to make a PV asking for choke to come in different flavors .....acid . heat , electrical, cold
Now now, flavors are like vanilla force choke, pina colada, strawberry, etc. Actually not a bad idea. As you choke to death your last taste is (select flavor)
Great option destroying a build so you can swing your saber for a waste of damage potential. Not sure why this is being down voted it doesn't give any advantages, or is it the typical BHs downvoting anything Jedi related.
It ABSOLUTELY gives advantages. Running up on a Powers Jedi and just getting blasted by all four elements worth of lighting is unreal. And the scenario you are referencing is PvE endgame content, which you should have a party that is both geared adequately and properly balanced to handle, rather than rely on the glowie to get everything done.
It ABSOLUTELY gives advantages. Running up on a Powers Jedi and just getting blasted by all four elements worth of lighting is unreal. And the scenario you are referencing is PvE endgame content, which you should have a party that is both geared adequately and properly balanced to handle, rather than rely on the glowie to get everything done.
And how is this any different then rolling up on a master sabers with 4 elements. The difference a powers Jedi will run out of force, a Master sabers still hit like a truck when out of force. I wish we had a senator that would stop looking just at the PVP side of Jedis. Until a proper balance happens this will ALWAYS be a hot topic.

Maybe we should give lightsaber res to the whiney bh too then huh. If you are a good BH you know how to adapt. A saber in the hands of a powers Jedi is fairly useless unless they ruin the build and and take one tree of sabers, wait that's what BH want. Not everyone of us is Rohlan or pigeon holed into Master sabers/defender to not die to BH. If any mob is immune to energy the powers Jedi is completely useless being forced into just one damage type. So stop trying to just look at the PVP side there are two sides and the PVE side outside equipment is being ignored.

I almost wished I had run for fs senator, we need someone that is impartial, not nutso ok the PVP side, ignoring the PVE side. Because right now, not a single candidate thinks the PVE has any importance.
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Before I continue, just because I am trying to discuss this with you here, doesn't mean that you need to go onto other peoples balance PVs and attack their posts because I want to play devils advocate. That is very inappropriate and disrespectful to the people discussing the balancing in the TKA Post.

You don't have to be a Master Sabers (which definitely WILL be impacted by capping out on force), but you are asking for something to be added to one tree because you don't want to use the other? We both know a Heal/Enhancer that can hold his own pretty well in a fight with BHs just fine while using a single MLS tree. If you want a PvP MPowers against the BHs lesson, Dagis gave a great one in Discord yesterday that I would be happy to relay to you or he would equally be fine with sharing.

Speaking from a purely PvE standpoint, because you are very clear about your standpoint on PvP involvement, the Jedi Class shouldn't be the only reliable weapon in PvE content. Especially Group Heroics that require the four elements. If you aren't formulating a group based on their builds and balancing in the instance, and you aren't going in prepared, you are going into a struggle. Your Jedi Tank should be able to hold onto the enemies, and your elements should be accounted before you queue up. If you have a Jedi DPS or Jedi Healer, you need to account for the fact that they might not (build dependent) be able to help you with that one elemental section.
And how is this any different then rolling up on a master sabers with 4 elements. The difference a powers Jedi will run out of force, a Master sabers still hit like a truck when out of force. I wish we had a senator that would stop looking just at the PVP side of Jedis. Until a proper balance happens this will ALWAYS be a hot topic.

Maybe we should give lightsaber res to the whiney bh too then huh. If you are a good BH you know how to adapt. A saber in the hands of a powers Jedi is fairly useless unless they ruin the build and and take one tree of sabers, wait that's what BH want. Not everyone of us is Rohlan or pigeon holed into Master sabers/defender to not die to BH. If any mob is immune to energy the powers Jedi is completely useless being forced into just one damage type. So stop trying to just look at the PVP side there are two sides and the PVE side outside equipment is being ignored.

I almost wished I had run for fs senator, we need someone that is impartial, not nutso ok the PVP side, ignoring the PVE side. Because right now, not a single candidate thinks the PVE has any importance.
Do we play a different game?

There is one set of mobs I can think of which this applies too

Powers Jedi is amazing in heroics, also you do cast elemental damage it’s electric..

Veil of darkness is amazing in heroics and you see the mobs melt when this and weakness is cast on them.

I end game pve all the time on my Jedi and I really dont think this is needed.
plz get aconite in here so he can just shut this thing down
Don't like it don't respond, try being more mature about posting. Try actually contribute to the conversation. It was a great idea but surprise surprise pvpers hate it. At least those against it provided actually valid arguments against it. Well done Abe and Dag. I still stand by the comment about a FS senator needs to be impartial and try effect both aspects of the game not just the PVP side.
Don't like it don't respond, try being more mature about posting. Try actually contribute to the he conversation. It was a great idea but surprise surprise pvpers hate it.
You mean like yu did in the TKA balance one? Dude when are you going to stop this stuff? ARe they going to have to Vryka ban you from PV's to get through to you?
Don't like it don't respond, try being more mature about posting. Try actually contribute to the he conversation. It was a great idea but surprise surprise pvpers hate it.
It's a PvP Involved class. You need both the PvP and the PvE leaning Jedi to support the idea for it to get passed. You've had two Force Sensitive Senate Candidates speak their points in this conversation as to why we don't agree. And if you check the SWG Discord a third candidate agrees this is handled by group balancing.

We aren't just coming in here screaming, "Muh PvP Must Prioritize Bounty Hunters". We are trying to explain that there are currently ways to work around this, and as it is the MPow is in a pretty good place and it doesn't make sense to bog up development team time with this.

EDIT: I believe that your post was edited after I started replying. I want to express that I appreciate you understanding that Dagis and I are trying to contribute here. and aren't just expressly attacking you. I would have worded my post differently in that second paragraph had I read that.
Don't like it don't respond, try being more mature about posting. Try actually contribute to the conversation. It was a great idea but surprise surprise pvpers hate it. At least those against it provided actually valid arguments against it. Well done Abe and Dag. I still stand by the comment about a FS senator needs to be impartial and try effect both aspects of the game not just the PVP side. As for the TK post it's a great example how PVP and pve are actually both being taken care of in the conversation.
Don't like it don't respond, try being more mature about posting. Try actually contribute to the conversation. It was a great idea but surprise surprise pvpers hate it. At least those against it provided actually valid arguments against it. Well done Abe and Dag. I still stand by the comment about a FS senator needs to be impartial and try effect both aspects of the game not just the PVP side.
The topic was about pve and elemental damage , but somehow you turn it into attacks against PVP and Bounty Hunters , the PV system is not meant to be your personal grievance and complaint system along with all the diatribe you spew