Fraud Warning and Clarification on Real-Life Monetary Trades In-Game

Fraud Warning and Clarification on Real-Life Monetary Trades In-Game
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Greetings Galaxy,

Recently we have been made aware that a third-party group is advertising a cryptocurrency coin related to SWG. The group makes claims that by playing the game and/or interacting with the game, you can earn and/or exchange cryptocurrency. These false claims misrepresent both the game's functionalities and our policies.

SWG Restoration (and our non-profit entity, An Old Man in the Village, Inc.) are not affiliated with, nor do we authorize or endorse, any cryptocurrency activity or other activity that involves the exchange of items with real-world value for a game-related activity or vis versa. We have terminated the accounts of those we understand to be involved in this scheme and have revised (additions are underlined) the Community Standard that covers this activity for the purposes of clarity:

You may not purchase or sell any part of your account, objects, or credits in exchange for items of real-world monetary value, nor may you gamble, play games of chance, or perform other in-game activities where items of real-world monetary value are at stake to or will be exchanged. Violations of this policy will result in the immediate and permanent termination of your account.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Community Support.

May The Force Be With You,
The SWG Restoration Team
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