General Availability of x64 Client Beta

General Availability of x64 Client Beta
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The Development Team is pleased to share we are now moving to public general beta testing of the 64-bit client.

To participate in beta testing, do the following:
  1. Run your launcher, and select "Launcher and Game Settings" in the bottom right
  2. In the popup settings window, check the "Use x64 Beta" box and then scroll down and click "Save"
  3. Optional: In your client directory, copy the "profiles" folder and the "local_machine_options.iff" file into the "x64" folder so you have your keybindings, UI, and other settings.
  4. Click "Play" as usual to launch the game.
Beta testing is optional. You may continue to play with the original client as usual if you do not wish to participate.

As a reminder, this client is in beta testing. Bugs and crashes are expected. Consistent with our Community Standards, players are expected to immediately report any behavior that may be considered an exploit or result in unfair advantages or unintended gameplay.

Discussion of the 64-bit beta client can take place in the #64-beta channel on Discord, and crashes should be reported to the Crash Dump Reporting page. Please check the new "this crash was from the x64 Beta Client" box if applicable when submitting a crash report if applicable. If you experience a crash you can consistently reproduce, please verify it does not occur on the original client before reporting it as an x64 beta client crash.

If you have any questions about the beta, please contact the Development Team on Discord in the #64-beta channel or contact Community Support.

May The Force Be With You,
The SWG Restoration Development Team
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