Feedback Needed - Outdoors - Give actual Scouting Abilities back to Scouts and Rangers. | Page 2 | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Feedback Needed Outdoors Give actual Scouting Abilities back to Scouts and Rangers.

This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Feedback Needed by the development team. See the post from the developers asking for follow-up discussion or alternative suggestions to discuss.
Jan 31, 2022
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I would like the Scout to be able to make and use Traps again, and the Ranger to be able to track animals once more. I would also like the Scout and Ranger's camps to be of use. Give the Scouts and Rangers their character and purpose back, please!
All the aspects that gave the Scout and Ranger character and identity have been stripped out. The Scout and Ranger paths feel empty, almost pointless, without them.
When I played the original SWG my Scout character could make and use actual traps (not the flash bangs we have now), and could self heal to an extent while playing a musical intrument in his camp. As a Ranger he could track animals. None of this is present in Restoration.
Back in the day, when I played the original SWG, I played a hermit Scout/Ranger character. He wandered the wilderness, rarely visiting settlements, living off of the creatures he encountered. He tracked animals, trapped them with real traps of his own making, hunted and harvested their skin, meat and bone, then built himself camps (and food) from those resources and healed himself while he rested out in the wild. He could sustain himself almost indefinately without the need to ever meet another person, should he have chosen to. When he did need resources, he could hire himself out as tracker, trapper and hunter.

This does not exist in Restoration. This hermit character is impossible in Restoration.
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I Mastered Ranger and realized it was a worthless profession. Can't steal from a humanoid and traps are a waste of time, same with camo kits, nobody needs or wants then, especially if they have Mask Scent with Scout.
I know I replied to this months ago, but I just like to say. I still play and I am still wanting Ranger to have its pre Cu functionality returned. Creature knowledge was another skill I quite enjoy. Sure you can look up on the internet what drops what kind of hide, but it was way more immersive to examine the creature in game.
Ranger is getting a revamp soon.
It will not be like it was pre-cu, but instead a more combat like class.
I am also hoping ranger is not completely geared towards ranged. Star Wars has many diverse cultures that would prize hunting with melee weapons over using a ranged weapon. Personally pikeman /ranger is a favorite of mine so I hope melee ranger is a valid build.
Sums up my View. Only thing Id add maybe is if we became the Counter to CH in PVP. But this vid sums up what A ranger was. Not a Spy.
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As a completely new player I did find it odd that as far as I can tell I only earn Scout XP by skinning animals. I though that the trapping and survival trees would have abilities that would help me get XP, but haven't found anything so far. I would love to be able to make traps and camps to earn XP, and to add more to my role.
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  • Ranger should be able to "con" a creature target and via experience and knowledge know hitpoints, armor, attack and damage types
  • Ranger should be able to locate/track very specific creature types, such as Kinad Baz Nitch or King Gurk. Being a guide for hunters used to be an iconic skill rangers had.. Even if it just got them to the general area (within 200m or something) it would be extremely useful.
  • Upgrade the quality of resources gathered by rangers when foraging or bias the rolls for slightly better results.
  • Allow rangers to camo people and set up ambushes for SF operations. Once a player moved or used any ability, camo for them would drop until they sat still out of combat for 15 seconds or something. Something would have to be done to keep the target "sticky" so rangers could use a vehicle while keeping them targeted.
  • Allow rangers to track SF players once sighted. This could be implemented as the ability to keep a player targeted no matter how far away they got.
  • As others have pointed out useful traps would be awesome for pve and pvp.
  • Give rangers an ability to find hidden enemies if out of combat.
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Wow... if Ranger gets Spy abilities *and* the old Ranger abilities, that'd be the next broken FOTM!!
As a completely new player I did find it odd that as far as I can tell I only earn Scout XP by skinning animals. I though that the trapping and survival trees would have abilities that would help me get XP, but haven't found anything so far. I would love to be able to make traps and camps to earn XP, and to add more to my role.
This is the Pre-CU game. Scouting, Trapping and Survival were each their own type of XP. You got Scouting XP from both harvesting creature resources, and evading notice by hostile mobs with Mask Scent. Milking IIRC did not give XP, but you needed Mask Scent to do it at all. Trapping XP came from both making and using traps. Survival XP came from both making and using camps; the more other people used or passed through your camp, the faster it reached max XP. Foraging was a Survival skill, not Scouting per se.
Just found out about R3 today. Immediately got sad that Ranger doesnt make HTFB anymore and that it was given to architects...please revert this change. Camps belong to high level scouts and Rangers. It was largely apart of their identity.
Scout and ranger changes are slated for 1.1. Sad we are talking about this for a year now but these changes should now be soonish TM no etas…
1.1 patch should be close, not sure a dev will pipe up here or not but hang tight everyone.
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I haven't played in a long while, i was hoping to read something about ranger changes but alas nothing. I just hoped that the camps would get back to ranger, have him track stuff again. I like the idea that RANGER camps give bonuses if u stay a while and just relax. I miss the camping while searching for babys as ranger/ch.
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The "rangers will be spy" mostly came from JarJar, so take it with a heap of salt
Conceal, in the swgemu implementation, does not work against players, only mobs and with a 98% cap. That may or may not mean anything here but that's the info I have. I don't think it worked against players in 2004 either.
This is the Pre-CU game. Scouting, Trapping and Survival were each their own type of XP. You got Scouting XP from both harvesting creature resources, and evading notice by hostile mobs with Mask Scent. Milking IIRC did not give XP, but you needed Mask Scent to do it at all. Trapping XP came from both making and using traps. Survival XP came from both making and using camps; the more other people used or passed through your camp, the faster it reached max XP. Foraging was a Survival skill, not Scouting per se.
There was also medical foraging
Hi Everyone. Ex-Chilastra 2002-05 here. I felt like brutally punishing myself coming back to the game so I've taken Ranger. Yes, I'm a sick puppy. I've not played it before and was getting excited as I got close to being able to craft camo kits. After I did so, for the correct planet, I activated the kit with eager breath and....well, nothing. There was no icon under my health bar or anything to indicate that I had popped my camouflage / stealth abilities. There was no visual effect either other than the countdown. Also, I still got attacked by animals and NPCs. Is this a known problem? Thanks.
Hi Everyone. Ex-Chilastra 2002-05 here. I felt like brutally punishing myself coming back to the game so I've taken Ranger. Yes, I'm a sick puppy. I've not played it before and was getting excited as I got close to being able to craft camo kits. After I did so, for the correct planet, I activated the kit with eager breath and....well, nothing. There was no icon under my health bar or anything to indicate that I had popped my camouflage / stealth abilities. There was no visual effect either other than the countdown. Also, I still got attacked by animals and NPCs. Is this a known problem? Thanks.

Hi Jawa and welcome to Restoration.

Ranger is currently the only non implemented profession and the developers are aware of it so this isn't a bug. There are plans in the future to make Ranger viable and I am sure this will increase the use of having Scout also. So currently I would advise not to play Ranger (Scout is working).
Love it. I think there are plans to do this with the ranger revamp but post your suggestions on here so we hav ea nice list to work with :-)