Lightsaber Crafting

Lightsaber Crafting
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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The Lightsaber Experimentation and Assembly from Master Lightsaber should be moved to generic Jedi Padawan
There are multiple builds that utilize a lightsaber other then master lightsaber, locking the ability to max craft a saber behind one singular tree doesn't help anyone.
Most people have varying Jedi builds that only dip into lightsabers. Right now you have to needlessly grind to master sabers to craft a bunch of lightsabers just to drop the boxes and regrind. All it does is make an already slow grind even more frustrating and serves no purpose but to be inconvenient. This should be changed.
What the proposal says. Move experimentation and assembly to the generic padawan box. MLS already has plenty to make it unique and strong in its own right. It doesn't make sense inside of lore that a padawan can't craft their own lightsaber, and it is nothing but extra frustration in game mechanics. It's not fun or challenging to have to regrind mls everytime you want to create a new saber, it's just annoying.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Yeah this is going to get closed real quick because it duplicates a PV the devs have already rejected.
If you've ever crafted anything in SWG you know that you need to be a master to get the last experimentation and assembly boxes. The system is designed so masters are better than anyone else, go figure.
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Of course Ornj said this which is different from what Aco said
  1. ornj

    think we want to enforce this by having it tied to ranks rather than skill tree

    [7:59 PM]
    ie, 5th gen will be locked to jedi knight rank

Of course Ornj said this which is different from what Aco said
  1. ornj

    think we want to enforce this by having it tied to ranks rather than skill tree

    [7:59 PM]
    ie, 5th gen will be locked to jedi knight rank

This reads as if it was in relation to LS types and not experimentation/assembly? But I don't know because no context/link is provided....
This reads as if it was in relation to LS types and not experimentation/assembly? But I don't know because no context/link is provided....
It was in direct relation to making lightsaber schematics locked behind rank and moving experimentation and assembly to Padawan. It was in the Jedi only channel so I didn't want to post it.
It was in direct relation to making lightsaber schematics locked behind rank and moving experimentation and assembly to Padawan. It was in the Jedi only channel so I didn't want to post it.
So it was already answered twice, once by Aco and once by Ornj so you decided to try again?
What the proposal says. Move experimentation and assembly to the generic padawan box. MLS already has plenty to make it unique and strong in its own right. It doesn't make sense inside of lore that a padawan can't craft their own lightsaber, and it is nothing but extra frustration in game mechanics. It's not fun or challenging to have to regrind mls everytime you want to create a new saber, it's just annoying.
Stop playing dumb , padawans can craft all the sabers they want up to 4th gen , what you want is to have ALL experimentation and assembly in the novice box , i can get behind this if they do the same for ALL crafting , why should mastery be required to gain all experimentation points , i would really love to get all experimentation and assembly from just grabbing the novice weaponsmith box , i hate to grind master WS every time i want to craft a weapon :sneaky:
So it was already answered twice, once by Aco and once by Ornj so you decided to try again?
Weird passive aggression, making a player voice to ask for something that's only been spoken about briefly in a channel alot of people can't see isn't the issue you make it into.
Stop playing dumb , padawans can craft all the sabers they want up to 4th gen , what you want is to have ALL experimentation and assembly in the novice box , i can get behind this if they do the same for ALL crafting , why should mastery be required to gain all experimentation points , i would really love to get all experimentation and assembly from just grabbing the novice weaponsmith box , i hate to grind master WS every time i want to craft a weapon :sneaky:
Jedi crafting and normal crafting are inherently different and to try and make the weapon smith argument is inherently in bad faith. A lightsaber is a deep part of a Jedi both in game and in lore. MLS also isn't a crafting profession, it's a combat profession that gets access to craft what 90% of Jedi builds require while also getting some of the best damage in Jedi.
Weird passive aggression, making a player voice to ask for something that's only been spoken about briefly in a channel alot of people can't see isn't the issue you make it into.
No it is the fact that the DEVS already addressed this. Twice now. But since you don't seem to like the result of either response you redo it again. I guess that is a good way to get what you want, just keep making PV's about it until they give in.
No it is the fact that the DEVS already addressed this. Twice now. But since you don't seem to like the result of either response you redo it again. I guess that is a good way to get what you want, just keep making PV's about it until they give in.
I made one player voice but pop off King.
Jedi crafting and normal crafting are inherently different and to try and make the weapon smith argument is inherently in bad faith. A lightsaber is a deep part of a Jedi both in game and in lore. MLS also isn't a crafting profession, it's a combat profession that gets access to craft what 90% of Jedi builds require while also getting some of the best damage in Jedi.
IF you play MLS then this whole issue is moot , what you want is to craft the best possible sabers using ALL the experimentation and assembly without grabbing the MLS box , so why do you need the best sabers if you are not going to be MLS anyways? oh yeah you want to dabble in 2 lines of Sabers and other stuff , if those 2 extra points are really so valuable to you then perhaps go MLS or grind MLS and craft all the sabers you can possibly need
IF you play MLS then this whole issue is moot , what you want is to craft the best possible sabers using ALL the experimentation and assembly without grabbing the MLS box , so why do you need the best sabers if you are not going to be MLS anyways? oh yeah you want to dabble in 2 lines of Sabers and other stuff , if those 2 extra points are really so valuable to you then perhaps go MLS or grind MLS and craft all the sabers you can possibly need
I like many others have already done the grind, made the sabers and dropped the boxes. However it means if we ever want to experiment, try new things, or goodness forbid new schematics drop we have to waste alot of time retemping. The two points can just as easily be made an argument in the other direction. If two points isn't that big of a deal, then why does giving all Jedi access to make a max level saber have to be such a big deal?

People leave this server constantly because the players like yourself are so anti-player and have no respect for people's time in an already needlessly grindy profession.

MLS doesn't have the best damage because of their sabers, they have it because of things like dervish that hit for 4k crits lol.
your arguments are so stupid that the best thing you can come up with is "respect people's time" , my dude this might come as a shocker but you are playing a 20 yr old MMO , there is a reason every MMO has a grind of some sort , if you want instant gratification gameplay there are such games out there like Candy crush , the main take away is that grinding MLS to craft sabers is inconvenient to you because its a waste of time , even though you are already wasting time playing the game , but guess what it is also inconvenient for me to grind every time i want to switch professions so spare me your "respect people's time" crocodile tears
your arguments are so stupid that the best thing you can come up with is "respect people's time" , my dude this might come as a shocker but you are playing a 20 yr old MMO , there is a reason every MMO has a grind of some sort , if you want instant gratification gameplay there are such games out there like Candy crush , the main take away is that grinding MLS to craft sabers is inconvenient to you because its a waste of time , even though you are already wasting time playing the game , but guess what it is also inconvenient for me to grind every time i want to switch professions so spare me your "respect people's time" crocodile tears
Lol, I've made plenty of other arguments that you conveniently ignored and instead reduced to insults. But good job continuing to prove the point I was making.
Lol, I've made plenty of other arguments that you conveniently ignored and instead reduced to insults. But good job continuing to prove the point I was making.
the only argument you've made is i want to all the experimentation and assembly points points into padawan , because waah waah waah "respect people's time" , which i said im fine with it , but respect everyone's time and place all experimentation points and assembly in all the novice crafting boxes then ,
Aconites response is still the best especially when combined with Ornj response:

We won’t make this change. Instead we will make sure lightsabers are tradable among Jedi (if not biolinked or containing any items), so Jedi who chose to specialize in Lightsabers can be sought out for their crafting services, as is the general case with supporting the nature of specialized professions and experience leading to codependency among other professions.
the only argument you've made is i want to all the experimentation and assembly points points into padawan , because waah waah waah "respect people's time" , which i said im fine with it , but respect everyone's time and place all experimentation points and assembly in all the novice crafting boxes then ,
1. It makes no sense to limit lightsaber crafting to MLS. In lore all Jedi made their sabers to their own design.
2. MLS is not a crafting tree like WS, it is a combat tree that has immense strength in its own.
3. Lightsabers are not tradeable like other crafted weapons, nor should they be, lightsabers are supposed to be a personalized thing and if the custom lightsaber system they've talked about ever is introduced this will only be more reinforced.
4. Jedi is have many other limits that are more then fair, and removing the need to constantly retemp when wanting to craft a new lightsaber is nothing but an improvement to an otherwise large waste of time in an already rightly rigorous system.
5. The experimentation points as you yourself pointed out are only slightly different. The real difference of taking the MLS master box is the raw stats that come with it.
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