Lightsaber Crafting

Lightsaber Crafting
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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The Lightsaber Experimentation and Assembly from Master Lightsaber should be moved to generic Jedi Padawan
There are multiple builds that utilize a lightsaber other then master lightsaber, locking the ability to max craft a saber behind one singular tree doesn't help anyone.
Most people have varying Jedi builds that only dip into lightsabers. Right now you have to needlessly grind to master sabers to craft a bunch of lightsabers just to drop the boxes and regrind. All it does is make an already slow grind even more frustrating and serves no purpose but to be inconvenient. This should be changed.
What the proposal says. Move experimentation and assembly to the generic padawan box. MLS already has plenty to make it unique and strong in its own right. It doesn't make sense inside of lore that a padawan can't craft their own lightsaber, and it is nothing but extra frustration in game mechanics. It's not fun or challenging to have to regrind mls everytime you want to create a new saber, it's just annoying.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Aconites response is still the best especially when combined with Ornj response:

We won’t make this change. Instead we will make sure lightsabers are tradable among Jedi (if not biolinked or containing any items), so Jedi who chose to specialize in Lightsabers can be sought out for their crafting services, as is the general case with supporting the nature of specialized professions and experience leading to codependency among other professions.
Tbh I just disagree. Lightsabers should be very personal to a Jedi. Every Jedi ever made their own lightsaber guided by the Force to make a perfect fit for them. They never went to joe the saber Smith and had it done for them.
1. It makes no sense to limit lightsaber crafting to MLS. In lore all Jedi made their sabers to their own design.
2. MLS is not a crafting tree like WS, it is a combat tree that has immense strength in its own.
3. Lightsabers are not tradeable like other crafted weapons, nor should they be, lightsabers are supposed to be a personalized thing and if the custom lightsaber system they've talked about ever is introduced this will only be more reinforced.
4. Jedi is have many other limits that are more then fair, and removing the need to constantly retemp when wanting to craft a new lightsaber is nothing but an improvement to an otherwise large waste of time in an already rightly rigorous system.
5. The experimentation points as you yourself pointed out are only slightly different. The real difference of taking the MLS master box is the raw stats that come with it.
how dare we make an alpha class grind , not only is Jedi better than a normie class in almost everyway but now Jedi should now grind less as well ..................ok
how dare we make an alpha class grind , not only is Jedi better than a normie class in almost everyway but now Jedi should now grind less as well ..................ok
There's plenty of other grind aspects for it, hell Jedi even loses a ton of xp on death now.
1. It makes no sense to limit lightsaber crafting to MLS. In lore all Jedi made their sabers to their own design.
Are you saying no Jedi can use another Jedi's saber or did not use another Jedi's saber? I mean you can craft your own under Aco's response.
People citing Jedi precedent need to remember: the Jedi order is dead. Jedi is a title of a type of people who are outcasts, not the Jedi order. Pretty sure the early intent was to not even call them Jedi.
Are you saying no Jedi can use another Jedi's saber or did not use another Jedi's saber? I mean you can craft your own under Aco's response.
Jedi have used other sabers before, however if you delve into the source material, using another force users lightsaber for an extended period of time doesn't feel right, like something is off. A lightsaber is quite literally an extension of themselves, a very personal part of them. As corny as it sounds, the whole "this weapon is your life" line from AOTC is more then just a throw away in the grand scheme of things.
when you use "lore" as one of your main points , you know you are grasping straws , according to "lore" there should not even be this many Jedi around in this time period , so how about limit the number of Jedi and introduce perma death to free up space for new Jedi , how is that for "lore"
when you use "lore" as one of your main points , you know you are grasping straws , according to "lore" there should not even be this many Jedi around in this time period , so how about limit the number of Jedi and introduce perma death to free up space for new Jedi , how is that for "lore"
I think Jedi ghost timers should be 48 hours minimum lol. Perma death doesn't work in an MMO, but I definitely agree with them being "rare". However that's not the point of this pv
People citing Jedi precedent need to remember: the Jedi order is dead. Jedi is a title of a type of people who are outcasts, not the Jedi order. Pretty sure the early intent was to not even call them Jedi.
I use the term Jedi interchangeably with general force users because most people don't know or care enough about the difference. Many of the Jedi orders practices however are because "that's how the force works" if you will, so those practices would continue even if the Jedi order is for all purposes dead.
I’m going to close this because the argument is pointless. The development team will clarify intentions in the near future, but either way we aren’t moving all crafting to just any Jedi at any level eg Initiate/Padawan.
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