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- Proposal
Based on the Entertainer and the doctor, manual sampling should also remain online
- Justification
Based on the Entertainer and the doctor, manual sampling should also remain online
- Motivation
There are areas where you can't mine.
Based on the Entertainer and the doctor, manual sampling should also remain online
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You can hand sample with no problems you just have to make sure you are atk every so often. We don't need to be Legends.
Upvoting because it would benefit me, but I also would worry about the implications on AFK farming for the economy this way.
As it is, it's pretty easy to just pop by my desk and shake the mouse every 30 or so minutes when I am hand sampling a particular resource. So if it was to get denied because of the economic aspect then I would definitely understand why.
you can hand sample uninterrupted for about 40-45m , this is to keep the economy healthy and not full of afk farmers and samplers , hard downvote
you can hand sample uninterrupted for about 40-45m , this is to keep the economy healthy and not full of afk farmers and samplers , hard downvote
not everyone can be atk every 45 mins. I'm upvoting because hand sampling and harvestors are key for crafters. We shouldn't be afraid of " it'll turn into legends with afk farmers " who cares if they use one of their slots to afk hand sample while they are at work, dealing with family or sleeping. Most players on this server have everything they want and more. Should start looking at the newer player base.
not everyone can be atk every 45 mins. I'm upvoting because hand sampling and harvestors are key for crafters. We shouldn't be afraid of " it'll turn into legends with afk farmers " who cares if they use one of their slots to afk hand sample while they are at work, dealing with family or sleeping. Most players on this server have everything they want and more. Should start looking at the newer player base.
which is why you pay those who can and are patient enough to do it
which is why you pay those who can and are patient enough to do it
it's not about patience, its about being able to do the most with what time you may have.
you can hand sample uninterrupted for about 40-45m , this is to keep the economy healthy and not full of afk farmers and samplers , hard downvote
On this basis, AFK doctors are also dangerous. Especially if they grind in between.
it's not about patience, its about being able to do the most with what time you may have.
leaving a totally AFK sample bot 24/7 is not that
On this basis, AFK doctors are also dangerous. Especially if they grind in between.
yeah im sure , AFK doc bots are in the top 20 richest players
There has been feedbakc from new players about how much they like that things here are different from Legends especially the costs. How with the costs new players can get set up and going so much easier and quicker. They purposely made the afk bit and it was and is a good decision. Doctors do afk because they pretty much have to with the way buffs work here. Resto is meant to be its own game and the afk thing needs to stay.
leaving a totally AFK sample bot 24/7 is not that
Ok. Need afk Semple maximum 6-8 hour. And Doc same 6-8 hour.
Ok. Need afk Semple maximum 6-8 hour. And Doc same 6-8 hour.
This was tried this before with getting the macros/timer dumped and got shot down then. And got this response
I've played on another emu where macroing and multi-character log-ins were prevalent. That emu's economy is bloated with credits, making everything insanely expensive for a new player or a player who doesn't engage in AFK 'play'. One of the first things I noticed on Resto - and instantly warmed up to - was how easy and affordable it was to set up brand-new characters by playing the game normally.
The Restoration economy is a huge plus in its favor when someone is deciding between emus to play.
And this response
This is the healthiest server I have seen that isn't riddled with AFK junk loot campers or a slew of roasting sample bots on Mustafar. I disagree.
Ok. Need afk Semple maximum 6-8 hour. And Doc same 6-8 hour.
I mean, isn't there an arbitrary cap for Doctors when the server conducts regular restarts that would require them to log back in anyhow? Doctor's also don't make as much in credits as a hand sampling bot could, which would have a negative impact on the economy as these harder to grind mats would become a lot more common.
Changing my vote after reading folks economy points.
I mean, isn't there an arbitrary cap for Doctors when the server conducts regular restarts that would require them to log back in anyhow? Doctor's also don't make as much in credits as a hand sampling bot could, which would have a negative impact on the economy as these harder to grind mats would become a lot more common.
Changing my vote after reading folks economy points.
It honestly wouldn't because there are a ton of people selling really good resources now anyway. Plus most on this server have been here awhile and have made their credits. AFK docs make decent change for upkeep and paying for travel costs etc. I don't see an actual harm to allow hand samplers to do the same thing. Server best weapons are already made and sold, there are a ton of okish starter weapons by the dozens... how would this effect the economy now?
It honestly wouldn't because there are a ton of people selling really good resources now anyway. Plus most on this server have been here awhile and have made their credits. AFK docs make decent change for upkeep and paying for travel costs etc. I don't see an actual harm to allow hand samplers to do the same thing. Server best weapons are already made and sold, there are a ton of okish starter weapons by the dozens... how would this effect the economy now?
You said we should look at the newer player base. It would impact the economy no matter when it does because resources get used up, people come and go, new people need resources that are not inflated by afk farming, etc. Hard no downvote here
Server best weapons and armor brake and eventually won't (or can't) be repaired and need to be replaced.
Server best weapons and armor brake and eventually won't (or can't) be repaired and need to be replaced.
which people farm heroics every day and have an abundance of those resources and items needed.
which people farm heroics every day and have an abundance of those resources and items needed.
you make it seem the WHOLE server is farming heroics and are sitting on piles of stuff to make weapons , when in reality is just a handful of players
you make it seem the WHOLE server is farming heroics and are sitting on piles of stuff to make weapons , when in reality is just a handful of players
its not just a handful lol but I can say the same that what youre saying is 80% of this server is all brand new players who don't have anything

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