Open - Outdoors - Milk and Egg Harvesters | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Outdoors Milk and Egg Harvesters

This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Feb 21, 2023
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Option 1 - Simpliest
Increase the yield for milk and eggs so it's still and chase about but doesn't take as long. Possibly just by making StarShine better.

Option 2 - Harder but way more cooler
Have an egg farm (harvester) and Milk farm (Harvester) . These can be created with a dead but require tamed baby eggs (not BE) to make.

Maintenance will be paid for with Flora and new eggs need to be supplied every x number of days . This would also give a purpose to creature handler taming also.
Milking and collecting eggs is time consuming and laboursome for very little yield even with Starshine. 2-3 hours for chasing after animals in a static spawn to get 20k resources. If the animal doesn't have a static spawn anywhere is so much longer. Eggs is slightly worse as there is no boost on yield and you have 1 lair to search per 9 animals you milk.
QoL Improvement for chefs who already have to do a lot themselves as they share resources with no other profession and the variety is huge.
Chefing resources are unique to any other profession so there are very few people getting them and thus you need to collect a lot yourself or contract people to. That's not a problem for the static harvested resources for a passive income for people. However milk and eggs are an active time consumer which is usually left up to yourself alone.
Hm, not sure straight up 'Harvesters' make sense, HOWEVER, a similar approach could be a 'Farm' where you literally have to acquire creatures and then insert them in the inventory of the farm.
The farm could be a building (so you don't see inside) so that you don't need to see creatures roaming around, unless that was desirable (not sure of the complicaitons of that entirely)..

in turn that would encourage both taming and selling of pets that people dont typically use, and is also a unique thing that I haven't seen happen on SWG yet.
Hm, not sure straight up 'Harvesters' make sense, HOWEVER, a similar approach could be a 'Farm' where you literally have to acquire creatures and then insert them in the inventory of the farm.
The farm could be a building (so you don't see inside) so that you don't need to see creatures roaming around, unless that was desirable (not sure of the complicaitons of that entirely)..

in turn that would encourage both taming and selling of pets that people dont typically use, and is also a unique thing that I haven't seen happen on SWG yet.

Hm, not sure straight up 'Harvesters' make sense, HOWEVER, a similar approach could be a 'Farm' where you literally have to acquire creatures and then insert them in the inventory of the farm.
The farm could be a building (so you don't see inside) so that you don't need to see creatures roaming around, unless that was desirable (not sure of the complicaitons of that entirely)..

in turn that would encourage both taming and selling of pets that people dont typically use, and is also a unique thing that I haven't seen happen on SWG yet.
Yeah you could utilise the factory mechanic. Input of animals. Output of resources.
Another easier option. Add it to the Harvest Droids as a harvestable resource.
If I remember correctly, Attack of the Clones server did this as a harvester that was made by and only deployable by rangers (pre-CU server). I know they have a test realm up if you are interested in checking out if they still have it. I don't have any experience with CU ranger, if they have any crafting, but it makes sense there, giving them some reason for being. It was a simple harvester but made out of bio components. That way it wasn't all that hard to program/implement.
I would be willing to bet Ranger could/will have an incorporated skill mod to increase yield when it is reworked. I don't anticipate the creation of some sort of harvester when there is a system in place that accomplishes this that can probably be adjusted rather easily.
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I would be willing to bet Ranger could/will have an incorporated skill mod to increase yield when it is reworked. I don't anticipate the creation of some sort of harvester when there is a system in place that accomplishes this that can probably be adjusted rather easily.
Let's up starshine and add eggs to it while we wait then :)
If you complete the Milk/Egg/Meat/Bone/Hide collections. You get a special abilies the inprove your harvest abilities.
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I like the idea of a milk/egg harvester. Archs are complaining they need something new to make. Flora has a PE stat, so it could be "powered" by adding flora.
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Hm, not sure straight up 'Harvesters' make sense, HOWEVER, a similar approach could be a 'Farm' where you literally have to acquire creatures and then insert them in the inventory of the farm.
The farm could be a building (so you don't see inside) so that you don't need to see creatures roaming around, unless that was desirable (not sure of the complicaitons of that entirely)..

in turn that would encourage both taming and selling of pets that people dont typically use, and is also a unique thing that I haven't seen happen on SWG yet.
If they ever did it this seems like the way to go. Helps a number of professions like arch to build the buildings, ch to capture creatures, you could add a bonus for scout/ranger if they owned the farm etc.

Only problems I see is that there is not a big call for these and there are badges and rewards for collecting these so that could be problematic.
Legends added farms for both crops and animals. Not sure of anything past that point but it was added back in 2019. Maybe something that could be implemented here.
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I wonder if we have any ideas on shellfish harvester as well. The randomness of the shellfish tool is terrible.
I wonder if we have any ideas on shellfish harvester as well. The randomness of the shellfish tool is terrible.
Another pv for that I did lol
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