More options for Doc's

More options for Doc's
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Im proposing the return of XP for docs/trainee docs on things like wound healing (self/others) and buffs (self/others) as it was (iirc) based on amount of % increase of stat/ability (buff) or amount of % healed wound and even reviving players / cures ect.
Getting Doc xp atm is frankly frightning if you dont get a chance at or dont enjoy spin groups. There are other options sure but they feel very 'Exploity' (following an alt and running a heal macro) or getting the trickle of xp coming in via constant combat and self heals.
I see no reason why Doc's and medics should suffer from basically being forced to level in a VERY specific way.
Trying to level doc solo is a joke unless you are on at the right times.
Im currently leveling Doc and finding it difficult solo. At TKM / Novice Doc it took me 3 hrs (ish) to gain 175k (value of first boxes in doc) of med xp from playing / grinding mobs in game.
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I understand your comments tbh, spin groups are the quickest and easiest way to level ANY profession, but yes time zones can impact your ability to find a group. If you strip back what is needed to level, its a Doctors primary attribute (Healing) so you get XP for healing, if you apply my crazy logic to say Rifleman, they get XP from using rifles their primary attribute .

If you haven't already would strongly recommend joining a guild, as most are running spin groups at various times, or a member is levelling a pet, so you can tag along and get healing XP that way as well


I understand your comments tbh, spin groups are the quickest and easiest way to level ANY profession, but yes time zones can impact your ability to find a group. If you strip back what is needed to level, its a Doctors primary attribute (Healing) so you get XP for healing, if you apply my crazy logic to say Rifleman, they get XP from using rifles their primary attribute .

If you haven't already would strongly recommend joining a guild, as most are running spin groups at various times, or a member is levelling a pet, so you can tag along and get healing XP that way as well

I think the point here is that you should be able to get xp from another avenue other than just healing someone who is fighting, like healing their wounds after a battle or from questing etc... as it is possible to get xp from questing in just about every other area except crafting and scouting (those come in quick enough by themselves). But your point is true too, however so far in my experience the ONLY way to viably lvl doc is in a spin group and I find that to be a bit disappointing along with the thread creator.
I think the point here is that ........, however so far in my experience the ONLY way to viably lvl doc is in a spin group and I find that to be a bit disappointing along with the thread creator......
Yep, fair comment, will keep a note of this if that's ok and pass it across to the devs to look into,
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I'm currently leveling CH and you can't do that by doing quests the way I could for any weapon based profession. I assume Doc is the same. Spin groups are a great route for both, but they narrow choices, I'd like to see a system that allowed you to somehow parlay quest-xp from non weapon skills.

I don't promote an option for doing things to yourself to level.
If you use multiple types of experience while killing NPCs then your experience will be split. If you want to level medical fast, simply only heal, and be in a spin group. Should be able to master doc in 2-4 hours.
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If you use multiple types of experience while killing NPCs then your experience will be split. If you want to level medical fast, simply only heal, and be in a spin group. Should be able to master doc in 2-4 hours.
I think a lot of people don't know this. I didn't when I was using spin groups for medic.
If you use multiple types of experience while killing NPCs then your experience will be split. If you want to level medical fast, simply only heal, and be in a spin group. Should be able to master doc in 2-4 hours.
Not everyone can get in, or wants to get in, a spin group, There is a reason Resto runs 5x experience on quests - but only weapon based combat classes can benefit from it. I think the point is just to broaden the scope on that privilege.

Pulling this back because while I strongly believe it, it doesn't relate to this PV.
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I agree. I'd like to hang out and heal wounds at the clinics. But seems pointless until I'm Master Doc. Getting XP for actually fulfilling the role would be nice.
Just make it old school, Make /flourish cost more action, and then give medics/doctors a skill that replens it like we could. Level medic/doctor in a cantina was the way to go.
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I understand that spin groups might not be the ideal way to lvl up a class to everyone but i can't see how afk healing an ent or a wounded character like in pre cu is more engaging that spin groups.
While I disagree with the proposal here (out of combat healing should not reward XP), I think an alternative might be rewarding Medical XP for completing quests. This may involve creating an arbitrary item that a Medic can hold. e.g. a syringe, which can be held when completing a quest to reward medical xp. However, I think the 5x quest bonus XP may be a little too overtuned for medical xp but that's not for me to decide.
I understand that spin groups might not be the ideal way to lvl up a class to everyone but i can't see how afk healing an ent or a wounded character like in pre cu is more engaging that spin groups.
Just because it can be done doesn't mean everyone would be afk healing. Even if it were the case how does it affect anyone but that specific person? Let people play how they want. I already see plenty of people complaining they can't find others to remove their wounds. If I were running past a person about to die and I stop to heal them, shouldn't I get exp for helping or perhaps I should just not care and let them die? Just because I'm not in a group with that person or in combat, the game says screw you? I fail to understand the logic behind changing pre-cu. I think you guys are way too focused on spin groups and that's not the focus of the game. It's not about being more engaging than the other, it's having more options to simply play.
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Just because it can be done doesn't mean everyone would be afk healing. Even if it were the case how does it affect anyone but that specific person? Let people play how they want. I already see plenty of people complaining they can't find others to remove their wounds. If I were running past a person about to die and I stop to heal them, shouldn't I get exp for helping or perhaps I should just not care and let them die? Just because I'm not in a group with that person or in combat, the game says screw you? I fail to understand the logic behind changing pre-cu. I think you guys are way too focused on spin groups and that's not the focus of the game. It's not about being more engaging than the other, it's having more options to simply play.
There are multiple doc bots around the galaxy daily buffing/healing wounds so i bet these people simply dont know where to find them. If some people enjoy lvling a profession the harsh way its up to them, this change is simply an use of dev's time which is quite limited so they might do it if its fairly easy/simple change but at the end lvling is a really minor part of the gameplay.
I agree with this. I made a suggestion about maybe adding some of it to quest xp turn in as well. It def needs to be balanced with ways other professions gain xp without having to play one form of gameplay.
I am going Combat Medic / Beast Handler and because of how Legacy hands out weapon healing is super lagging behind my marksman skills. I have hit level 5 on carbine and 4 on Ranged Support, but only 2 ranged healing despite hammering heal as often as I shoot my carbine. I to am mostly going to solo because it is hard to commit to group online vs. my family other friends. Thus I mostly play single player games, but I never got a chance to try this when it was live.

I would also like some way to level Ranged healing faster.
Other than spin groups. The easiest way for medic xp is to have a pet. It’s actually not terrible of a grind either. That said… people shouldn’t be forced to be a ch just to get xp.
My only thought is medic xp is from healing stuff and things must die. I’m not sure I like getting xp from quests… but then every other class can with right weapon equipped
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