Search command

Search command
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Proposal would be to add a search option in inventory, I am sure sometime we have over full inventories and can't find an item. The search option would be wonderful. We could add this with the option of being able to highlight and multi delete things as well.
This would be a great idea for when you go to heroics and it's on random loot, often inventories can become a huge mess. You could search and easy delete.
Same as above.
This is a redo on the previous post.
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This is not a bad idea i think it merits consideration if the technical side of things allow for it.
Not sure how much work would be needed for this. But having a multi delete option with a search command, dear God the amount of time and frustration this could solve, and not just in the player side. I wonder how many times devs have had overflowing inventories while trying to figure stuff out and to have both of these available.
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