TKA Balancing

TKA Balancing
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Balance TKA by doing one or more of the following:

(1) restoring part of center of being (regular center of being for 4XXX TKA and advanced center of being for TKM);

(2) increase uptime of COB by 50-100%;

(3) increasing unarmed accuracy or unarmed damage skill mods in the TKA skill tree by 20% to 30%;

(4) either (i) granting TKA recon armor mitigation (light armor type) or (ii) increasing innate armor to 8000 protection for each armor protection type (kinetic, energy, and elemental);

(5) have focus movement break any and all types of snares and roots (including Jedi, except the 5 piece set for Ranger of course); and/or

(6) re-evaluate the effects of guardian strike and give TKA a unique ability like the other melee professions (fencer has bleed, blind strike, and high potency healing; beserker has armor break and crit increase; and lancer has intimidate and warcry). But TKA lacks an effective and unique combat ability/debuff. Perhaps a unique increase accuracy or increased knockdown ability. Something that makes the class unique and useful. COB and guardian strike are not potent enough and only benefit the user.

Open to other suggestions to balance TKA, but the following proposals seem to address what is precluding the profession from success. All the other melee professions have a unique role to play, but TKA has been neglected. Prepatch, TKA was much more tanky despite its low damage. But now it's the worst of both worlds, still low damage and not as tanky due to center of being nerf.
Although the latest patch made some significant improvements and skill point flexibility for the other melee classes, TKM appears to have been nerfed. After much testing on various jewelry sets and combinations, including a combination of a TKM build with a melee accuracy of over 300 and maximum unarmed critical chance, unarmed damage, and unarmed accuracy exotics, TKA still lacks sufficient damage potential and tanking for pvp with both normal players and jedi and are not a desirable profession for group pve content. Restoring center of being restores TKA to playing the tank role. Increasing TKA damage slightly prevents TKA from being relegated to the ignored "nuisance" in pvp fights. And granting TKA recon armor mitigation or increasing its innate armor to 8000 enables TKA to be a standalone advanced profession just like the other melee and ranged professions. As of now, TKA requires mastering another advanced profession to acquire armor mitigation or to forgo that path and rely on weak innate armor and a lack of numerous armor attachments. And even so, other melee combinations are much more effective, disincentivizing TKA. The 8000 innate armor option offsets the lack of TKA's access to numerous armor attachments. Other professions have the luxury of being standalone and obtaining armor mitigation and thereby reap the benefit of extra armor protection and additional armor attachments, which enables more skill point flexibility to mix and match other professions. Every other advanced class in the game has this luxury except for TKA. Lastly, focus movement at its current state is almost useless with sprint implemented. There should be some extra perk that comes with it, especially with TKA's low dps and the need to be close to his or her opponent. Every melee class except TKA has established a role in group content except TKA.
In lore, even legends lore (the lore Restoration adopts), TKA is an elite melee art that rivals that of the Jedi arts. Seeäs_Käsi/Legends. Many players consider TKA the next best thing to Jedi from a roleplay and combat perspective, but are reluctant to use the profession for the shortcomings described above. This request is not to make TKA overpowered, but to address the shortcomings above. Even with the foregoing improvements, a standalone TKA would still have difficulty defeating the other melee and ranged professions (especially the ranged professions). This request is simply to balance TKA and have it be in the same footing as the other melee professions at the very least and to complement the other melee professions. Fencer, Beserker, and Lancer are professions we have in the real world. But TKA is unique to the Star Wars universe and should at the very least be on equal par to those professions.
Various balancing to TKA to make the profession viable in pvp and elite pve content (i.e., heroics).
I think one of the main issues of TKM is that it is considered to be a "tank" role according to the triangle posted by restoration. However, its still increasingly hard for a normie tank to run hard/nightmare heroics whereas a Jedi Tank can do it with ease. I know the arguments of having jedi remain powerful but not overpowered is strong but I do believe TKM/Lancer (Combined) should be able with passive defensives or mitigation built into its core tree's should be also able to tank these level of heroics. For comparison, my build is TKm/MLancer/xx4x Beserker/x41x medic. My armor is all 35's Melee General, Defense General, Toughness and also sliced for damage intake decrease. My exotics are also defensive focused and fully buffed having 7.2k health, however on Hard from lets say the Rancor first boss of AM (Don't remember the spelling), will still hit me for 2-3k damage even through COB/Perception/flurry/ and defensive buffs provided by TKA abilities and intimidate.

I think if the server defines TKM/Lancer as tanks then a fully geared/spec'd normie tank should be on par with mitigation comparing to jedi. In the current state right now, if you're running hard/nightmare jedi tanks are a requirement which shouldn't be the case if this game was built on "Play your way". I would propose adding block chance into TKM and MLancer with the TKM Jewelry set also having block chance (Not a PVP Perk considering beserker+Ranger seems to be the meta for melee BH's).
Thanks for sharing, a good idea. I think adding inherent block chance stats to the TKM tree would mitigate some of the nerfs done to COB. Perhaps that's a compromise with those who want to keep COB as is.
I think one of the main issues of TKM is that it is considered to be a "tank" role according to the triangle posted by restoration. However, its still increasingly hard for a normie tank to run hard/nightmare heroics whereas a Jedi Tank can do it with ease. I know the arguments of having jedi remain powerful but not overpowered is strong but I do believe TKM/Lancer (Combined) should be able with passive defensives or mitigation built into its core tree's should be also able to tank these level of heroics. For comparison, my build is TKm/MLancer/xx4x Beserker/x41x medic. My armor is all 35's Melee General, Defense General, Toughness and also sliced for damage intake decrease. My exotics are also defensive focused and fully buffed having 7.2k health, however on Hard from lets say the Rancor first boss of AM (Don't remember the spelling), will still hit me for 2-3k damage even through COB/Perception/flurry/ and defensive buffs provided by TKA abilities and intimidate.

I think if the server defines TKM/Lancer as tanks then a fully geared/spec'd normie tank should be on par with mitigation comparing to jedi. In the current state right now, if you're running hard/nightmare jedi tanks are a requirement which shouldn't be the case if this game was built on "Play your way". I would propose adding block chance into TKM and MLancer with the TKM Jewelry set also having block chance (Not a PVP Perk considering beserker+Ranger seems to be the meta for melee BH's).
I have tanked EK and AM hard as TKM/MSmuggler/MBrawl. I am definitely squishy but having good heals and SL buffs in the party helps a lot. I think TKM/MSmuggler/MBrawl with a gambler set is one of the best builds at generating aggro. I routinely rip the aggro off of jedi tanks and can hold it against the kinds of dps that other smugglers can generate. I wouldn't do NM with that character but I think that's the implied limit for a normie tank. I usually run a rotation of combo -> reckless -> combo -> guard and COB on cooldown. When COB is off CD I use protein wafers and also routinely select the resistance foods for the various fights. Veronian Berry Wine for bleed. Cho for poison. Trimpian for fire. I honestly don't notice that much of an issue running that build but more block chance could be good for that build since combo is supposed to give block. I think as long as you have good healers with raid buffs you can absolutely do hard without too much issues other than convincing the raid lead to let you try tanking.
I have tanked EK and AM hard as TKM/MSmuggler/MBrawl. I am definitely squishy but having good heals and SL buffs in the party helps a lot. I think TKM/MSmuggler/MBrawl with a gambler set is one of the best builds at generating aggro. I routinely rip the aggro off of jedi tanks and can hold it against the kinds of dps that other smugglers can generate. I wouldn't do NM with that character but I think that's the implied limit for a normie tank. I usually run a rotation of combo -> reckless -> combo -> guard and COB on cooldown. When COB is off CD I use protein wafers and also routinely select the resistance foods for the various fights. Veronian Berry Wine for bleed. Cho for poison. Trimpian for fire. I honestly don't notice that much of an issue running that build but more block chance could be good for that build since combo is supposed to give block. I think as long as you have good healers with raid buffs you can absolutely do hard without too much issues other than convincing the raid lead to let you try tanking.
I follow this same logic, however generating agro isn't an issue when taunt multiplies you're current agro so thats not the issue. The issue is NEEDING a jedi for NM modes. If a normie tank can't go past HM and the unlock system for jedi takes quite along time not to mention six weeks through the village it really hurts the actual player base who don't have a jedi or want to use a jedi for heroics. I'm currently Mbraw/TKM/MLancer/xx4xBeserker/ x41x medic. If that build which prioritizes "being tanky" plus having a full suit of 35's with dmg reduction and exotics focused on tanking, then it should be able to tank through HM/NM modes (with healers/SL's etc). You shouldn't "need" a jedi tank.
I follow this same logic, however generating agro isn't an issue when taunt multiplies you're current agro so thats not the issue. The issue is NEEDING a jedi for NM modes. If a normie tank can't go past HM and the unlock system for jedi takes quite along time not to mention six weeks through the village it really hurts the actual player base who don't have a jedi or want to use a jedi for heroics. I'm currently Mbraw/TKM/MLancer/xx4xBeserker/ x41x medic. If that build which prioritizes "being tanky" plus having a full suit of 35's with dmg reduction and exotics focused on tanking, then it should be able to tank through HM/NM modes (with healers/SL's etc). You shouldn't "need" a jedi tank.
Yep, I agree, this is another reason I did not originally think of for why changes should be made. Balancing TKM reduces a need for a jedi, and I think most players agree that jedi should not be a necessity to do group content, even nightmare mode.
You shouldn't "need" a jedi tank.
THIS! Yes! If the game is going to make getting a jedi this incredibly stupid difficult and then the game is highly punitive for you just *existing* as a jedi, why does all the new content from musty and heroics almost *REQUIRE* a jedi?? c'mon!
I would like to see the stat gap created by the inability to wear bicep/bracer/chest attachments addressed. Perhaps add +X All Stats to Power Boost (50? 70? I think all 140 stats is overboard). Or simply add bicep/bracer clothing with sockets that take clothing attachments. If wishing to take this further, can also allow jackets to take breastplate attachments for exotics, however this may be too much.

Likewise, there is a gap in HP as armor can have health baked into it. (I understand Power Boost exists but +HP on armor is something gained for "free" while Power Boost requires skill points, stopping to meditate, etc.). Adding additional innate armor to balance out the effective hit points relative to a player in full armor would be helpful. If this route is taken, there are also ways to balance this out. Could flag PSGs to disable innate armor, for example.

I do not wish to make TK innate armor and additional stats so powerful as to negate any reason to wear armor. However, I believe the gaps right now relegate TK innate armor to being objectively worse than an armor option, when it should be closer to equal.
Honestly - for me at least a slight increase to COB Time + some sort of Knockdown Defense would be perfect. Take my upvote.
TK was always intended to be an unarmored class; it should not get an armor buff that makes it comparable to an armored class, full stop. If other areas need to be buffed to compensate, do that; making Innate Armor comparable to actual armor defies all logic and reason.
TK was always intended to be an unarmored class; it should not get an armor buff that makes it comparable to an armored class, full stop. If other areas need to be buffed to compensate, do that; making Innate Armor comparable to actual armor defies all logic and reason.
Hate to be that guy, but a TKM in the lore is supposed to be damn-near untouchable. The only things coming close, lore-wise, being jedi masters and beskar armor
Hate to be that guy, but a TKM in the lore is supposed to be damn-near untouchable. The only things coming close, lore-wise, being jedi masters and beskar armor
So asking for their innate TK armor to be the same stats as actual armor isn't really far-fetched
It is though, because it's not a mitigation tank class; it's an avoidance tank class. If you want armor mitigation, play a BH, per the diamond. The way to fix this is by making TKMs be more dodgy and less likely to be hit, not completely obviating the armor scheme in a way that doesn't match the diamond.
It is though, because it's not a mitigation tank class; it's an avoidance tank class. If you want armor mitigation, play a BH, per the diamond. The way to fix this is by making TKMs be more dodgy and less likely to be hit, not completely obviating the armor scheme in a way that doesn't match the diamond.
seeing as how this 21+ year old game's HAM and resistance system didn't really have a "dodge" build, and dodge is partly calculated from base stats as well as from the armor system - they'd have to do a literal overhaul on how that entire system works to implement what you're advocating for.... or they could just flavor it as saying you're so hard to hit it's like you're wearing some of the best armor and up your resistances.
seeing as how this 21+ year old game's HAM and resistance system didn't really have a "dodge" build, and dodge is partly calculated from base stats as well as from the armor system - they'd have to do a literal overhaul on how that entire system works to implement what you're advocating for.... or they could just flavor it as saying you're so hard to hit it's like you're wearing some of the best armor and up your resistances.
Well, no, there's nothing to suggest that a full overhaul would be necessary. There's plenty of levers to pull for making TKMs dodgier that don't involve changing base armor values -- starting with the stats awarded from the base class tree itself, adding class-restricted items that serve a similar function, give them more debuffs to opponent's accuracy, etc. There's absolutely no reason why it would have to be done on the base armor stats itself. Note that Defense vs. Accuracy is a totally separate system from Armor (damage reduction). What you're suggesting are unnecessary changes to the latter, on a class that should be defined by the former.
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I think one of the main issues of TKM is that it is considered to be a "tank" role according to the triangle posted by restoration. However, its still increasingly hard for a normie tank to run hard/nightmare heroics whereas a Jedi Tank can do it with ease. I know the arguments of having jedi remain powerful but not overpowered is strong but I do believe TKM/Lancer (Combined) should be able with passive defensives or mitigation built into its core tree's should be also able to tank these level of heroics. For comparison, my build is TKm/MLancer/xx4x Beserker/x41x medic. My armor is all 35's Melee General, Defense General, Toughness and also sliced for damage intake decrease. My exotics are also defensive focused and fully buffed having 7.2k health, however on Hard from lets say the Rancor first boss of AM (Don't remember the spelling), will still hit me for 2-3k damage even through COB/Perception/flurry/ and defensive buffs provided by TKA abilities and intimidate.

I think if the server defines TKM/Lancer as tanks then a fully geared/spec'd normie tank should be on par with mitigation comparing to jedi. In the current state right now, if you're running hard/nightmare jedi tanks are a requirement which shouldn't be the case if this game was built on "Play your way". I would propose adding block chance into TKM and MLancer with the TKM Jewelry set also having block chance (Not a PVP Perk considering beserker+Ranger seems to be the meta for melee BH's).
Best input on why TKM needs to be buffed.