Patch Notes
Update The Last (Update Before) Jedi
The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:
Note: Due to budget reductions changing funding priorities, we've made the decision to discontinue signing our builds of the SWG Client application. This change may result in Windows Defender or other antivirus applications warning you before you launch the game. This behavior is expected, and you can simply bypass the warning.

Changed Player Droids and Pets now receive the benefit of PvP Accuracy bonus if they are attacking a player.
Changed Armor now decays five points (instead of one point) of condition per hit to that individual piece of armor.
Changed You can no longer stack Damage over Time (DoT) effects of the same ability name from multiple players. If multiple DoTs are directed to the same target, the strongest of those used with the same ability name will be applied.
Changed The speed cap on Pistol weapons is now set at 0.9 instead of 1.0.
Fixed Using a recovery ability (knockdown, stun, dizzy, blind) will no longer put the other recovery abilities on cooldown.
- Removed The Battle Fatigue mechanic has been removed in its entirety and is no longer applied from any source. This mechanic has been replaced with Rested points (see Entertainer below).

Added New rewards are available on the Battlefields vendors, including Stim D’s previously available at static bases, a Recon Backpack, a RIC-920 Rickshaw, and a Mandalorian Skull banner (the first piece of Jango Fett’s Jetpack; other pieces will rotate in in the future).
- Changed Chronicler loot and the Chronicler secondary profession are now toggled off by default until talking with C-3PO at the Chronicler tents in Theed, Coronet, or Dearic.
- Added Players completing Watto’s quest "Repo Man" before entering the Squill Cave will now be rewarded with a set of Basic armor (Assault, Battle, Recon, the player's choice). The armor will have approximately 80% of the stats as crafted Basic armor of that type.
- Added Several interstitial pointer quests have been created to help make sure players don’t lose the questline during conversations (e.g., between the periods when you need to speak with the Mayor of Mos Eisley).
Changed Credit rewards have been modified on over 120 quests and now escalate throughout the story. The overall reward for completing the entire Legacy series is now ~3.5M credits.
Changed Payouts for completing Missions have been increased as follows:
- Music, Dancing, Crafting, and Surveying missions have been increased 5x.
- Factional destroy missions have been increased 4x.
- Creature Destroy missions have been increased 1.5x.
- NPC Destroy missions have been increased 2.5x.
- Escort missions have been increased 3x.
- Recon and Delivery missions have been increased 2x.
- NPC Bounties have been increased by 50%.
- Added The Sher Kar instance is now active on Mustafar. This instance has been rebalanced and redesigned with new mechanics unique to Restoration.
Added Mustafar Trial Tokens have been added as rewards for completing instances. Depending on difficulty, you can earn between 2 and 5 tokens per instance and up to 10 tokens per week.
Added Many new items have been added to the Mustafar Content Vendor at Mensix, which can be purchased with Mustafar Trial Tokens. They include several warmly glowing items, Mustafar-themed memorabilia, and the XJ-2 Airspeeder.
Tutorial and New Player Experience
Added The original Tutorial Experience from the Combat Upgrade has been restored and refreshed. New characters that check the "Show New Player Tutorial" option during character creation will now be sent aboard a space station to learn the basics of the game before arriving in Mos Eisley.
- Changed The NPC Gendra has been repurposed into a singular new player contact for quests to learn game fundamentals. Gendra offers several new custom quests and also gives the starter quest for Legacy.
Changed The Jabba's Comlink device that offers the prologue quest for the Quarantine Zone on Dathomir has been relocated to avoid confusion for new players. The Comlink can now be found next to the corpse of one of the scientists in Mos Eisley.
Changed Storyteller items now persist through server restarts (but will still expire at their predetermined time).

Galactic Moon Festival
- In an effort to gain more support from the planets Naboo and Tatooine, Jabba the Hutt has decided to throw the annual Galactic Moon Festival so everyone can celebrate the horrifyingly awesome haunts of the season. Jabba has grown tired of all the love festivals, celebrations of life, and other saccharine events. Thus, it is my duty to report to you that he has taken it upon himself to throw the scariest festival of the year! Jabba has sent me, Aponte, to give you a quick preview of some of the great things he has planned for the big celebration. In order to participate in what is sure to be the "ghoulest" happening this year, all citizens have to do is visit the Galactic Moon Festival Organizers that can be found outside of the Moenia and Mos Eisley starports (waypoints 4790 -4777 and 3523 -4806 respectively).
- Purchasing a Haunted Scroll will allow you to participate in the Restoration-specific GMF questline.
- A Gackle Bat Familiar and new Badges/Titles are available for purchase from the Festival Organizer.

Added Bases can now have their vulnerability reset to 3 specific days a week. Choosing the "Reset Vulnerability" option from the base terminal will allow you to pick the vulnerability days.
- Added Selecting “Show Defenses” on a base you own will now display whether or not it is vulnerable, the days it is vulnerable, and when the next vulnerability window will begin.
- Added New Base Defender quests have been added, which award GCW points (with a multiplier for your rank) for being online and Special Forces while you have a vulnerable base on the server. They will automatically be granted shortly after your base goes vulnerable and can only be completed once per vulnerability day.
- Added You can now purchase a standing War Terminal to place in your home for 1000 GCW tokens from faction recruiters.
- Added You can now view the specific raw regional scores for the GCW Region you're standing in via the IntelPad.
Changed The price of factional bases and base defenses (turrets, mines) has been reduced by 50%.
- Changed GCW Defense Zones can now change score while there is a factional base located within them, but the score can only be brought down by the non-owning faction to 51%.
Changed Deaths from faction perks spawned by GCW Officers (e.g. turrets, troopers) are now counted as a PvP death instead of a PvE death.
- Changed Bases with fewer turrets than their factional counterparts can now place additional mines as a balance.
- Changed Faction Bases may now be placed while Special Forces.
- Changed The PvP area around GCW Invasion Generals will now only flag a player if they enter combat within that 120m radius (hopefully reducing Artisans becoming Special Forces by accident, but this was fun while it lasted).

Changed Searching lairs will now produce five times more eggs.
- Changed To reduce confusion, Junk Armor will no longer display the armor protection values in the examine window or Bazaar.
Fixed Junk Armor should now be flagged as unwearable in the UI immediately.

Changed The skill point requirements for Master Entertainer, Artisan, Scout, Medic, Brawler, and Sharpshooter have been reduced to 1 point.
Changed Armor may now only be repaired a maximum of two times (effective from this point forward).
- Changed Repairing an item no longer has the potential to fail and break the item.
- Fixed Entrance Fees can now be set with the Business I skill box, which can increase Merchant XP gain if utilized.
- Added Rested points have replaced Battle Fatigue. Rested points accumulate while watching an Entertainer. While you have Rested points, you will have a 50% bonus to all XP earned. Rested points drain both over time and with each time you gain XP.
Added Suppression Fire now has a chance to Dizzy enemies.
Changed The Carbines Skill Tree now grants an additional 35 Carbine Accuracy.
Combat Medic
Changed The damage output has been increased on the Neurotoxin Ability.
Changed Deuterium Toss and Combat Medic debuffs can now be used on Droid targets.
- Changed The Stand Fast ability now roots the user in place for the duration of the buff.
- Changed Cryoban grenade effectiveness to slow has been reduced from 85% to 65%.
Changed Crafted heavy weapons with Standard cores will now have a minimum CL of 14. This change is not retroactive.
Fixed Demolition shot no longer inflicts increased damage to pets.
Creature Handler
Changed The Stomp ability now inflicts a moderate snare, has a chance to stun, and the cooldown has been reduced to 11 seconds.
Changed The damage and duration of the poison abilities have been increased.
Changed The damage of the bleed abilities has been increased.
Force Sensitive
- Added The Civic Rule: If you have already incited on one of your characters, and then incite on another, that second incite first has a chance to pass to one of your current group members or a nearby player instead.
Fixed Imperials can no longer pick up Tier 1 missions to destroy imperial ships at Naboo Space Station.
Changed The "Quick Draw" ability is now locked to Pistols only as a unique Pistol-only ability
- Changed The duration of the "Aim" ability has been increased to 30 seconds..
Changed The Sniper Shot ability is now locked to Rifles as a unique Rifle-only ability..

Changed Adjusted some aspects of the Bazaar UI Window to be more user-friendly and better describe the function of each tab. For example, Player Vendor searches versus Bazaar searches.
- Fixed The tooltips for the main six attributes in the Character Sheet have been updated.
May The Force Be With You,
The SWG Restoration Development Team
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