Whether or not to Wipe/Fresh Start the Server

Whether or not to Wipe/Fresh Start the Server

Whether or not to Wipe/Fresh Start the Server (please read description before voting)

  • Yes

  • No

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I Voted NO

I joined this server because I wanted a stable experience to replay a game that was taken from us in live. I can honestly say that if the server wipes I will not be back, and anyone who claims they would like it I have a solution that doesn't force that desire on everyone else. Delete your toons and all your stuff, no life line, no save one toon....just delete all your characters, restart that way. Fresh restart you can run around like a new player with nothing because you wont have anything. Don't force other players to do that, I for one have not done everything I've wanted to in game and if I ever DO get to that point, thats the solution I would implement on myself. Just my 2 cents.
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I'm curious to know why this idea is being considered.

My vote, for my own selfish reasons is "no". I like crafting, I've been on Restoration 3 for well over a year, and I still have gaps in my selection of available resources.

What would I do if the server was restarted? I'd start over. Unfortunately, after that I would worry about the next time the server was going to be restarted. I remember playing in the Beta and starting over every couple days.
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How ab adding a hardcore mode or something instead nuking the current player base. New people might come later but at the expense of 90% the current players. Leveling new characters has to be the worst part of swg imo
How ab adding a hardcore mode or something instead nuking the current player base. New people might come later but at the expense of 90% the current players. Leveling new characters has to be the worst part of swg imo
lol leveling is like 4 hours of gameplay

what i could get out of a reset is all the fomo items that are unobtainable

i literally cant even spend 400 hours and get some of the things in this game and thats probably the worst part about this game
If there was a guarantee, like a hard guarantee, that Jedi could start off as Jedi then maybe I would vote yes. Like I need more than “we’ll figure it out when it’s time” lol

Grinding all that Jedi stuff out is almost not even worth the trouble so like to have to do it all again and hope to incite… more than likely I’m out if that’s the case
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Server resets when the population is already low (relatively speaking) punishes most people, since it just deletes progress. There is already an established culture/individual reputations, and resetting player progress would do nothing to change those reputations.

There may be specific aspects that could benefit from going in and deleting progress if it's been too min/maxed (space parts, prenerf weapons/armor/foods, godly server best resources, etc) but that would be a different discussion with lots of nuances and arguments. But as for a blanket reset of everything? No.
Hard pass, and honestly prob a shit idea unless we had some clearly defined peramiters for what it'd look like and if anything was to roll over. I've already got over two years of work in this and not super excited about starting over. This is part of what the nail in the coffin was for the NGE with its 9 starter profs. The only good benefit would be economical rebalanced because who TF needs almost 2B credits.
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This is by far one of the grindiest games out there, even including a lot of the Eastern MMO titles, and I have absolutely ZERO interest in doing it all over again. Many of us are players who were in their teens or early adult years and had time to burn on playing a game that took hundreds of hours to enjoy all of the grind/experiences available. Those days are long gone, likely forever. The MMOs of the early 2000s are a nostalgic memory for a lot of us but many players from them are grown, with children and/or responsibilities that require our attention. For those who have dozens of hours a week to devote to a relic of the MMO era, I envy your freedom, but I don't envy the grind more than what has already been invested. I have neither the time, nor the inclination to devote another 1,500+ hours to this, or any other MMO. I politely respond with a clear and resounding "no, thank you."
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Completely against it. I believe there are ways to resolve problems without resorting to wiping everyone's progress. More information on why this is being considered an option would be greatly appreciated. Its hard to make a choice between what we know, and what we dont know.
A fresh start only benefits those who can play all day. As others have mentioned if some want a fresh start, create new characters. Band together in a fresh start discord server and ignore everyone who has gear from before your "start". You can have your survival fantasy without dragging all of us with you.
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Nuke it fast, so Ilfist and I can make a rebel guild. We've got more time to think of a name, until we can't be sniped with info this critical. If this helps support the server and client running stronger, and or makes anything easier for the dev's, then it's better for the game. It would be a fun aftermath, but WILL have some salt along with this BOLD move which players WILL drop it, with understandable nerd Sith rage. ~Blunts
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I’ve just come back because there was insinuations there was no server wipes on the cards. The appeal was a stable server where my now limited time put into progress would be preserved and not have to start again for a third time.
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What would this even accomplish?

Even without gear, you can fully grind to full in a day on this server.

Wouldn't an "Item Wipe" be a better cup of tea? Or is Jedi the problem which will take 7-8 weeks max to get with luck.
For someone who has plenty of time maybe but a lot of us don’t anymore.

Also if the notion of wiping the Jedi is to remove that issue then why would someone work towards it?
A fresh wipe will not accomplish anything other than push many players who have invested time in Restoration away to other servers. With the same leadership post wipe you’ll still end up with the same server and same numbers.

The biggest positive change to the server/population will come if Aconite is removed from leadership. Despite all the good things he has done for the server (and there are many - I applaud him for taking divisive action on numerous positive decisions for the server that previously were deemed unthinkable), a large amount of the SWG community left Resto when he took over and won’t return until he leaves. This, along with his consistent trolling of the player base means the server/population will never gain any true traction now as long as it sits in the shadow of Aconite.

Don’t wipe, just let players who enjoy the server play as they are. The server is solid and the community is strong. Keep it that way.
Complete restart of the server will be self-destructive in the long run.
These 4-6 months of "fresh" gameplay will turn stale quickly and it return back to "how things were", but worse since lots of people will leave and most likely won't come back due to lost progress/a fear of another wipe. Moreover, this action will spread more "negative" rep on how the people from the outside view the server, especially considering this is the 3rd version of it.
The negatives outweight the positives here for sure.

I see the appeal (in a way), however, it is not worth ditching years of progress for a chance of a small boost that will die out fast.
I think that it is worth to continue onward and attract players with new content/items/systems etc, keeping in mind previous experiences.
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