Belt of Master Bodo Baas | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Belt of Master Bodo Baas

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  • The Belt of Master Bodo Baas is a clothing item, wearable by all species and any profession. It can be used as a container to hold 65 items and cannot be worn at the same time as another wearable container, such as a backpack or the mercenary pilot bandolier. It can be worn at the same time with a normal bandolier.

    It is rewarded upon completion of the Jedi Artifact Collection - Waist Pack collection.

    Stat Modifiers​

    • 50 Toughness Boost
    • 50 Opportune Chance
    • 50 Ranged General
    • 50 Melee General

    2 Piece Bonus​

    When you wear this belt with any Jedi cloak, you will be granted the 2 piece bonus.
    • +150 Toughness
    • +150 Endurance
    • +150 Defense General
    • +150 Opportune Chance
    • +5 Lightsaber Experimentation
