CorSec Squadron

CorSec Squadron
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  • CorSec Squadron​

    Tier 1: Sergeant Rhea, Coronet, Corellia (-275 -4730)​

    Patrol Corellia Trade Route X143​

    Rhea gives you a patrol route to fly. After launching into space, you will be directed to fly to the first trade route patrol point, which can be located with the waypoint monitor or by looking around you for the small green triangle.

    Eliminate Enemy Patrol
    After a few of these patrol points, three Black Sun Pirates will come out of space and attack you. Destroy them:
    • 3 Tier 1 Kihraxz "Black Sun Pirates"

    • 100 Credits

    Search for and Destroy Black Sun Pirates​

    Rhea gives you the waypoints of possible Black Sun Pirate locations and asks you to teach them a lesson. This is much like the previous mission, but any Black Sun Pirates in Corellian space will do. Destroy 4 of them, and then return to the spacestation. They usually spawn in groups of three, so you will most likely be taking six down in all.

    • 200 Credits

    Patrol Corellia Space Sector IV-3121​

    Rhea gives you another patrol route to follow, looking for illegal activities.

    Escort Transport to safety
    After a few waypoints, you will receive a distress call from a freighter being chased by pirates; you are to escort the freighter to safety.

    At least 5 waves of (note from Malthol: this mission completed for me after 2 waves):
    • 3 Tier 1 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighters"

    • 500 Credits
    • Mercenary Bandolier

    Destroy the Hidden Dagger Eliminator​

    Rhea will ask you to destroy the leader of the pirates:
    • 1 Tier 2 Scyk Light Fighter "Hidden Daggers Eliminator"
    • 3 Tier 1 Dunelizard "Hidden Daggers Enforcer"

    • 1000 Credits

    Freelancer Technology 1

    Equipment 1

    Freelancer Training 1

    Astromech Management 1

    Tier 2: Captain Rikkh, Coronet, Corellia (-275 -4741)​

    Freelancer Technology 2

    Destroy Nym Spacecraft​

    You must search for and destroy 6 of any Nym's spacecraft in the Lok System. You can find some Tier 2 Y-wing "Nym Bomber" at 1290 -3090 -2020 in Lok Space, or near the Rebel space station. Alternatively around 7048 -5616 -4904 there are T3 "Nym Bomber" and T3 Nym hunters; both are easy to solo and good XP for grinding.

    • 5000 Credits
    • Cert 4 MandalMotors "M Series" Booster

    Equipment 2

    Search for Shipment Orders​

    Fly to the Lok System(Voria's Ember) and inspect a Nym Cannon Ship (3083 -2983 -1214) for special orders. You get a waypoint to an asteroid field where the ship should be; you must inspect it, disable its engines (without blowing it up), and then dock with it to retrieve the shipment orders. The ship may not be there at first, you may have to kill the Nym ships at the area to get it to spawn.

    • 5000 Credits
    • Cert 4 Koensayr "DS-23" Shield Generator

    Freelancer Training 2

    Destroy the Spice Transport​

    Dantooine system (Dantooine's Wrath), destroy a Hutt spice shipment that may be destined for Corellia:
    • 1 Tier 3 "Hutt Transport"
    • 1 Tier 3 Scyk M3-A "Hutt Fighter"
    • 2 Tier 2 Scyk M3-A "Hutt Fighter"
    • 2 Tier 2 Kimogila M12-L "Hutt Bomber"

    Be careful with this quest as the transport ship will make the jump to Lightspeed if the player is not fast enough, forcing the player to repeat the entire mission. A good strategy is to take the Tier 3 first and then the transport, before dealing with the Tier 2 ships.

    • 5000 Credits.
    • Cert 4 SoroSuub "W-19" Droid Interface

    Astromech Management 2

    Escort the Freighter​

    Yavin System(Smuggler's Run), you fight waves of Rebels:

    1st wave:
    • 2 Tier 2 Rebel X-Wing
    2nd wave:
    • 1 Tier 3 Rebel Y-Wing

    • 5000 Credits
    • Cert 4 Hoersch-Kessel Military Grade Blaster

    Tier 3: Commander Ramma, Nym's Stronghold, Lok (527 5061)​

    Recover Nym Vessel​

    Once in space, you receive the waypoint of the Nym vessel (Nearest Hyperpoint: Nym's Hovel), an X-Wing. Select the ship's engines and disable it. After that, fly close to the pirate and stop your ship. Then wait for your flightcomputer to upload a virus to the X-Wing. The last thing to do is to escort the ship safely to its jump-point, where it jumps into hyperspace.
    • 1 Tier 3 X-wing "Nym Enforcer"(disable)
    • 2 Tier 2 Z-95 "Nym Fighter"

    After that, you receive your next mission via comm-call.

    Patrol Supply Line
    Jump to Endor System (Red Sin Chimaera), then proceed to patrol a couple of waypoints, until you receive the message of the arrival of a transport to escort...

    Supply Line Escort
    Escort the Tier 3 Light Freighter to its destination. You may have to destroy waves of:
    • 2 Tier 3 Kimogila

    Survive the Scavenger Attack
    After the transport has reached its destination, you will be attacked by:
    • 4 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Droid Junk Hunters"

    • 25000 Credits
    • Cert 6 SubPro Military-Grade Reactor

    Freelancer Technology 3

    Capture the Weapons Shipment​

    Dathomir System(Dark Force), inspect a civilian shuttle (tier 3) around Dathomir for contraband. You have to disable the shuttle by destroying its engines, then inspect it and after that, dock with it. When done, you receive your next objective via comm-call.

    Survive the Black Sun Assault
    Fly to the new waypoint. There you will be attacked by several ships. The attack-force consists of several attack waves:

    Wave 1:
    • 1 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Marauder"
    • 2 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Vehement"
    Wave 2:
    • 1 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Aggressor"
    • 2 Tier 3 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"
    Wave 3:
    • 1 Tier 3 Rihkxyrk "Black Sun Bomber"
    • 2 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Vehement"
    Wave 4:
    • 1 Tier 4 Rihkxyrk "Black Sun Bomber"
    • 2 Tier 3 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"
    Wave 5:
    • 1 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Marauder"
    • 2 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Vehement"
    After you received a message saying "We are detecting no more Hyperspace Surges" a last wave will attack you with:
    • 1 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Aggressor"
    • 2 Tier 3 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"

    Courier a Decoy Between Two CorSec Fighters
    Rendezvous and dock with a Tier 3 Kimogila M12-L "CorSec Lancer" to pick up a load of cargo and deliver it to another Corsec fighter, a Tier 3 A-Wing "Corsec Interceptor". On the way, you will be attacked by:
    • 3 Tier 3 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"
    Try to disable 2 of them fast and Dock with the Corsec Ship before another wave attack you with:
    • 3 Tier 3 Rihkxyrk "Black Sun Bomber"

    After the Dock is finished you will have to survive a Surprise attack:

    Survive a Surprise Attack
    Just shoot down these fighters and you are done.
    • 5 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Aggressor"

    • 25000 Credits
    • Cert 6 MandalMotors "Inferno" Starfighter Engine

    Equipment 3

    Rendezvous with a CorSec contact​

    Dantooine System(Isyrn's Veil), meet a Tier 3 KSE Firespray "Corsec Interdiction Craft" and dock with it.

    Then travel to another rendezvous waypoint and meet another Tier 3 KSE Firespray "Corsec Interdiction Craft" and dock with it for the delivery.

    Escort the Freighter
    Escort a Tier 3 "CorSec Spec Ops Transport" to its jump point. Don't let the freighter get too far ahead of you or the mission will fail. You may be attacked by natural spawn of Black Sun Tier 3 ships as the route goes near them. And at the end of the Escort by:
    • 2 Tier 3 Scyk "Droid Junk Fanatic"

    Follow the Patrol to get into position for the attack
    Fly a small patrol and hit a couple of waypoints along the route. No opposition.

    Destroy the Black Sun attack group
    This is the tough part. You have to destroy:
    • 1 Tier 2 Gunship "Black Sun Gunship"
    • 3 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Marauder"
    • 1 Tier 4 Ixiyen "Black Sun Aggressor"

    • 25000 Credits
    • Cert 6 Sorosuub "V-1" Weapon Capacitor

    Freelancer Training 3

    Destroy the Evil Raider Tyrant​

    Head to Endor System(Durillium Sea) then kill the Evil Raider Tyrant and his escort:
    • 1 Tier 3 Kimogila "Evil Raider Tyrant"
    • 2 Tier 3 Dunelizard "Evil Raider Cutthroat"
    • 3 Tier 3 Scyk "Evil Raider Fighter"

    Then you will receive the new mission:

    Survive the Evil Raider Assault
    You have to keep your position and survive all waves until you get the message, that "Data has been sent":

    Wave 1:
    • 4 Tier 3 Scyk "Evil Raider Fighter"
    Wave 2:
    • 4 Tier 3 Dunelizard "Evil Raider Cutthroat"
    Wave 3:
    • 4 Tier 3 Scyk "Evil Raider Fighter"
    Wave 4:
    • 2 Tier 3 Dunelizard "Evil Raider Cutthroat"
    Wave 5:
    • 4 Tier 3 Scyk "Evil Raider Fighter"
    Wave 6:
    • 4 Tier 3 Dunelizard "Evil Raider Cutthroat"

    Recover Information from the Raider Tyrant
    You receive a new waypoint, where you will meet three enemy fighters:
    • 3 Tier 3 Kimogila "Evil Raider Tyrant"

    Inspect one of them and check if it contains what you are after... If you receive the message "This is the Cargo you're looking for..." just disable its Reactor or Engine and Dock it to recover the Cargo. You will then receive a new waypoint for a delivery.

    Transfer the recovered goods to a Corsec Lancer
    Fly to the new Waypoint. On the way, you can be attacked by:
    • 3 Tier 3 Dunelizrad "Evil Raider Cutthroat"
    • 1 Tier 3 Kimogila "Evil Raider Tyrant"

    Meet the Tier 3 Kimogila "CorSec Lancer" and dock with it to deliver the cargo.

    • 25000 Credits
    • Cert 6 Kuat Systems Engineering Handcrafted Durasteel Plating

    Astromech Management 3

    Tier 4: Adwan Turoldine, Mining Outpost, Dantooine (-596 2488)​

    Freelancer Technology 4

    Patrol for the Black Sun Pirate​

    Dantooine System(Dantooine's Wrath) a patrol route to follow. No specific Target.

    12 to 14 Patrol Points

    Destroy the Black Sun convoy
    Destroy the convoy composed of:
    • 1 Tier 4 YT-1300 "Black Sun Blackguard"
    • 3 Tier 4 Ixiyen "Black Sun Vehement"

    Survive the Black Sun Assault
    Destroy them all:
    • 4 Tier 5 Kihraxz "Black Sun Deathbringer"

    • 10000 Credits
    • Cert 8 Mandalmotors "Q Series" Booster

    Equipment 4

    Destroy the Hidden Dagger Executioner​

    Dathomir System(Dathomir's Vitality), your mission is to destroy the Hidden Dagger Executioner and some Hidden Dagger Eliminators who have been hired by the Black Sun:
    • 1 Tier 5 X-Wing "Hidden Dagger Executioner"
    • 4 Tier 5 Syck "Hidden Dagger Eliminator"

    Escort the Prison Shuttle
    You receive a Rendezvous point 7000m away to meet an "Imperial Prison Transport" a Tier 4 VT49 Decimator that you have to escort to his Hyperspace jump point. You will have to destroy:
    Wave 1:
    • 2 Tier 4 KSE Firespray "Hidden Daggers Slayer"
    Wave 2:
    • 3 Tier 4 Rihkxyrk "Hidden Daggers Killer"
    Wave 3:
    • 3 Tier 4 X-Wing "Hidden Dagger Eliminator"

    • 10000 Credits
    • Cert 8 Borstel Disruptor

    Freelancer Training 4

    Assist the CorSec against the Black Sun​

    Dantooine(Dantooines Wrath), you have first to travel to the rendezvous point where the Corsec attack force composed of:
    • 2 Tier 4 A-Wing "Corsec Interceptors"
    • 2 Tier 4 KSE Firesray "Corsec Interdiction Craft"

    The Black Sun forces:
    • 2 Tier 4 Ixiyen "Black Sun Aggressor"
    • 2 Tier 4 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"
    • 2 Tier 4 Rihkxyrk "Black Sun Bomber"

    Destroy the Black Sun Vehement
    After a computer scan of the area you are directed alone to destroy a "Black Sun Vehement" and his escort:
    • 4 Tier 4 Ixiyen "Black Sun Aggressor"
    • 1 Tier 4 Ixiyen "Black Sun Vehement"

    Assist the CorSec against the Black Sun
    Same name as first mission you need to travel to a rendezvous point to meet your new best friends:
    • 1 Tier 4 KSE Firespray "Corsec Interdiction Craft"
    • 1 Tier 4 Kimogila "Corsec Lancer"
    • 1 Tier 4 Ye-4 Gunship "Corsec Gunship"
    • 1 Tier 4 A-Wing "Corsec Interceptor"

    You will have to destroy :
    • 2 Tier 4 Assault Gunboat "Black Sun Terminator"
    • 2 Tier 4 Ixiyen "Black Sun Aggressor"
    • 2 Tier 4 Ixiyen "Black Sun Vehement"

    • 10000 Credits
    • Cert 8 Armek "Plasma Web" Shield Generator

    Astromech Management 4

    Assassinate the Hidden Dagger's Nebula Stalker​

    Dathomir(Dark Force), destroy all of:
    • 2 Tier 4 Dunelizard "Hidden Daggers Enforcer"
    • 1 Tier 5 Dunelizard "Hidden Daggers Nebula Stalker"

    Assassinate the Hidden Dagger's Executioner
    You have to destroy :
    • 4 Tier 4 Dunelizard "Hidden Daggers Enforcer"
    • 1 Tier 5 X-Wing "Hidden Daggers Nebula Executioner"

    Survive the Hidden Dagger Ambush
    Your opponents consist of:
    • 5 Tier 4 Rihkxyrk "Hidden Daggers Killer"

    Kill the Hidden Dagger Eliminator
    • 5 Tier 4 Dunelizard "Hidden Daggers Enforcer"
    • 1 Tier 5 Scyk "Hidden Dagger Eliminator"

    • 10000 Credits
    • Cert 8 Haor Chall Military Grade Engine

    Tier 5:​

    If you choose Admiral Wilhelm Burke, Doaba Guerfel, Corellia (3080 5203), see Rebel Ace Pilot Missions

    If you choose Grand Admiral Niall Declann, Theed, Naboo (-5526 4618), see Imperial Ace Pilot Missions