Decorating Commands | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Decorating Commands

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  • Interior decorators can add even more of a personal touch with advanced decoration commands which were added in SOE’s Chapter 8 version of the game. These commands are ready and available for use in Restoration and make moving furniture easier and more versatile. Home designers can use pitch and roll abilities when they complete the Force Shui collections. After completing these collections you will have even have more customization options when placing items into your house.

    Finer control is possible through the use of text commands. See below. Substitute a number for x; either in degrees (for rotation; positive or negative values) or "points" (for movement, with "points" being used here abstractly to represent placement coordinates).

    Your movement will be restricted to the structure you are in. Sinking objects into walls, floors and ceilings IS possible, but there will ultimately be some limit beyond which the game will simply not allow it.

    (Pro Tip: You can shorten the commands so you don't have to type the full word. Bonus tip: You can also create macros, slot them in your toolbar and use those to move and rotate objects that you target.)

    Rotation Commands

    • /movefurniture forward x;
    • /movefurniture back x;
    • /movefurniture left x;
    • /movefurniture right x;
    • /movefurniture up x;
    • /movefurniture down x;

    Movement Commands

    • /rotatefurniture pitch x;
    • /rotatefurniture yaw x;
    • /rotatefurniture roll x;


    Copying a Rotation

    You can also copy the rotation of one object and apply it to another. Select copy rotate from the radial menu or use the slash command /rotateFurniture copy while you have one object selected in the green bracket and one selected in the blue bracket. This is especially useful if you are decorating something complicated like a Fish Tank.



    The current look at target (blue bracket) will change to the same rotation and orientation as the current intended target (green bracket). Be sure that you have the blue bracket over the object you want to change. When you copy a rotation, it takes the source object and applies the exact pitch, roll and yaw values to the target object.


    Copying a Height

    Just as you can copy a rotation, you can also copy a height. Use the same format above, but this time the command is /movefurniture copy height. This is a very handy command to have on your toolbar.


    Copying a Location

    You can also copy the location of an object. Yet again, use the blue and green brackets (pitch your eyes up to "Copying a Rotation" as a reminder) and use the command /movefurniture copy location.

    It's important to note here that the copy location does NOT also copy the height. It moves the target to the specific coordinate along the ground plane where the source object is located.

    By copying rotation - and especially height and location - you can line objects up exactly!


    Random Rotations

    If you're looking to add some originality or unpredictability inside your house, you can also randomly rotate objects for some interesting results.. Use the slash command /rotateFurniture yaw random or choose Yaw Random to randomly rotate around the yaw axis only.
    Choose Roll Random or /rotateFurniture roll random to randomly rotate around the roll axis only. Pitch Random on the Rotate menu or /rotateFurniture pitch random randomly rotates around the pitch axis only.

    To really take a chance on an innovative design choose Random on the Rotate radial sub-menu or type /rotateFurniture random to randomly rotate the object around all 3 axes.



    If the results end up being too much, or if you just want to start from scratch, then choose the reset option in the Rotate radial sub-menu or type /rotateFurniture reset to reset the object's placement to its original position.

    Vendors are not fond of being moved into odd positions around your structure, so please keep in mind that you cannot rotate a vendor around its pitch or roll axes! You also cannot use /rotateFurniture copy to rotate a vendor. Using /rotateFurniture random on a vendor will only rotate the vendor around the yaw axis.

    Other useful commands

    • /PickupAllRoomItemsIntoInventory - will attempt to pickup all items in the room you are currently in
    • /PickupAllRoomItemsIntoInventory -overload - will attempt to pickup all items in the room you are currently in while ignoring inventory overload
    • /DropAllInventoryItemsIntoRoom - will attempt to drop all items in your inventory into the room you are currently in
    • /saveDecorationLayout - will attempt to save the current decoration layout of the room you are in - ideal if you're trying something new but want the option to go back to how things were before you started
    • /restoreDecorationLayout - will attempt to restore a previously saved decoration layout

    Thanks to RoarAsh of the SWG: Legends forum for the inspiration.
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