The Trouble with HK-47: Defeat the Droid Army

The Trouble with HK-47: Defeat the Droid Army
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  • This quest is part of the Champion of Mustafar questline.

    You will need a group in order to complete this quest.

    This dungeon/instance involved in this quest has a lockout timer and is repeatable!
    • Once you enter, the timer starts!
    • Do NOT enter the dungeon/instance until you have a group and are ready!
    This instance grants 4 Mustafar Trials Tokens upon completion.

    Level: 80
    You have unknowingly unleashed an ancient and dangerous droid called HK-47 onto Mustafar. Reports have already come in that a droid army is on the march towards the Mining Facility and must be stopped. But this is only the first step. HK-47 has to be defeated in order for anyone to be safe.

    Recommended combat level: 80 and with a group

    Droid Army​

    Before entering the Droid Army instance, also known as DA, here is some information on what awaits you.
    • This dungeon/instance is timed at an hour
      • After the hour you will be locked out until the daily reset
    • This will not be easy - be prepared!
      • Highly recommend crafted armor with Skill Enhancing Attachments(SEAs), also known as tapes
      • Bring consumables; food and spice
        • It is especially important to bring damage mitigation food, such as Exo-Protein Wafers and Synthsteak
      • Doctor and entertainer buffs
    • If your group happens to wipe, you are allowed to re-enter the dungeon/instance, given that the timer has not expired
    Summary of Instance
    • The task in this dungeon/instance is to:
      • Defend the mining camp and generators
        • Destruction of mining camp results in failure of instance
        • Destruction of generators will not result in failure of instance, but players will be given a debuff for remainder of the battle
      • Defeat the entire Droid Army, including the Forward Commander Mk I
    Once you are ready, head to the entrance of the Koseyet Mining Camp with your group. When you are all ready, everyone will need to speak to Scout Olon Lono and tell him that they are ready to enter the dungeon/instance.
    /way Mustafar 3430 -3130 Koseyet Mining Camp - DA;

    Defeat the Droid Army​

    The main goal of the Droid Army instance is to defeat the entirety of the Droid Army, while defending the mining camp and generators located near the entrance of the instance.

    There are optional measures that can be taken to aid you in the battle after talking with Foreman Koseyet:
    • At the foot of the hill is the second camp, with two Mustafarian NPCs allowing the conversation options of "Follow Me" and "Deploy your men here." This will cause a multiple miners to spawn at the location and will attack the Droid Army on sight
      • If you tell them to "Stop", then "Follow Me" again they will run instead of walk
      • Once deployed you can't move them again
    • There are also some Pack of Demolition Charges on the ground you can pick up and use
      • Charges placed by a commando will do more damage
    The Droid Army is approximately made up of:
    HK-77 Assault Droid86 Elite~12,000100
    HK-77 Squad Leader Droid88 Elite~12,00030
    AK-1A "Hammer" Droid88 Boss~72,00010
    AK-3 "Reaper" Droid88 Boss~72,00010
    GK-5 Sentry Droid88 Boss~76,0006
    Elite Guard Droid86 Elite~41,0006
    Forward Commander Mk I88 Boss~97,0001

    The Droid Army spawns in increments from two locations within the instance and will make their way towards the mining camp. You can either kill the NPCs as they spawn or wait near the camp and fight the NPCs there.

    There will be messages in your chat, that will notify you when waves of the Droid Army are spawning.

    Once you are ready, speak to Foreman Koseyet to let him know you are ready, and he will direct you down the hill to another camp. Make use of your time wisely here, for the Droid Army will be attacking fairly quickly.

    Use the provided map to help you picture the Droid Army instance.

    • E: Entrance/Exit
    • MC: Mining camp - must be protected, cannot be destroyed
    • G: Generators - should be protected, but can be destroyed
    1. Speak to Foreman Koseyet to start the Droid Army battle
    2. Droids from the Droid Army will spawn at 2-A and 2-B and will roughly follow the route

    The first few waves will only consist of the HK-77 Assault Droids and HK-77 Squad Leader Droids. The waves will eventually start spawning the more difficult droids, such as; AK-1A "Hammer" Droids, AK-3 "Reaper" Droids, and GK-5 Sentry Droids.
    • Message prompt: The Droid Army has been spotted with reinforcements.
    The final wave will consist of the Forward Commander Mk I and their Elite Guard Droids.
    • Message prompt: The Enemy Commander has taken the field.
    Once you've defeated the Forward Commander Mk I and all of their Elite Guard Droids, after ~30 seconds, a message will appear notifying you that you have defeated the Droid Army and you will receive the Hero of the Battle of Koseyet Badge.

    If you leave the instance before you see the message prompt, you will miss out on the badge and tokens.
    • The Droid Army has been beaten back. The Koseyet Mining Camp and all those at the mining facility have been saved this day.
    You will also receive a powerful 20 minute buff called High Morale Victory is eminent, the day is yours. This buff can greatly help you in the next instances.
    • Increase damage dealt by 100.00 points
    • Increase chance to dodge by 10.00%
    • Opportune Chance modified by 200.00 points

    Boss Statistics​

    Difficulty: Fun / Normal / Hard / Nightmare

    Forward Commander Mk I​

    • Planet: Mustafar
    • Area: Koseyet Mining Camp
    • Natural CL: ?? / 88 / ?? / ??
    • Health: ?? / ~97,000 / ?? / ??
    • Aggressive: Yes
    • Deathblows: Yes
    • Difficulty: Boss
    • Ranged
    Difficulty ModePossible Loot
    Womp Rat (Easy)
    • ??
    Bantha (Normal)
    • A Warmly Glowing Artifact
    • A Warmly Glowing Metallic Eye
    • Commander LD-1 Rifle (Normal, Epic, and Legendary variants)
    • Commander Pistol (Normal, Epic, and Legendary variants)
    • Commander Mace (Normal, Epic, and Legendary variants)
    • Cybernetic Legs (Kick Down)
    • Decrepit Heavy Enhancement
    • Decrepit Melee Enhancement
    • Decrepit Ranged Enhancement
    • HK-47 Mustafar Diorama (HK-47 Jetpack part)
    • Junk
    Rancor (Hard)
    • ??
    Krayt Dragon (Nightmare)