Nym's Starmap

Nym's Starmap
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  • Nym's Starmap is a questline that the player can start on the outskirts of Narmle, Rori.

    You can start this questline by inspecting a torn star map that is inside of a security box on the outskirts of Narmle, Rori. This starmap spawns every 30 seconds and the whole questline is repeatable once a day.
    /way rori -5724 -2492 Nym's Starmap - Quest start;

    This questline is made up of 4 phases, each rewarding a space component.
    PhaseRecommended LevelRewardSkippable?
    120Armor, 8 certificationYes
    230Shield, 8 certificationNo
    375Engine, 8 certificationNo
    410Weapon, 10 certificationNo

    Level: 35
    You found a piece of an old starmap, Nym seems to be interested in getting the completed map.
    Recommended combat level: 75 and higher

    The Torn Map​

    You've found a piece of a starmap and some other documents in a box at a fresh crash site. The documents detail that the owner of the box was to meet the pirate Nym in the Narmle hotel. Maybe you should go talk to him.

    Make your way over to the Narmle hotel, where you will find Nym in one of the rooms. Talk to him.
    /way rori -5307 -2317 Nym;

    When speaking to Nym, you have an opportunity to skip the first part of the questline! If you do this, you will not be given the level 8 armor!
    • If you wish to skip phase I of the questline, select these conversation options:
      • 1st - I believe you will be interested in what I have though.
      • 2nd - Take a look at this. < hand Nym the documents>
      • 3rd - That's not important. Money on the other hand, is.
      • 4th - Calm down! I found it at a crash site not far from here.
      • 5th - I don't think so. I would like a reward for finding this piece though.
      • 6th - No thank you. Now about that money.
    If you skipped Phase I, you will be rewarded with 1,000 credits and some XP. Speak with Nym again to start Phase II of the questline.

    If you did not skip Phase I, continue to the Phase I section.

    Phase I​

    A Needle in the Desert​

    Your only clue to where the second star map piece can be found was left by the treasure hunter on this job before you.'...apparently a child was taken captive by the natives on the planet of Tatooine. After his rescue, he recalled spotting one of the strangely ornated boxes near a pool in the cave that was his prison'.

    After speaking with Nym, you will need to go into the caves of Fort Tusken on Tatooine. The closest starport is located in Mos Espa.
    • The cave is full of CL27-31 Tuskens
    /way tatooine -3962 6170 Fort Tusken cave entrance;

    Inside the cave, you will find an Ornate Box. Click on it.
    • The Ornate Box is guarded by 2 CL31 elite Tuskens.
    /way tatooine -3971 6261 Ornate box;

    After clicking on the Ornate Box, the quest updates.


    You've found the first map piece. Return to Nym and see what he's got to say.

    Return to Nym in the Narmle hotel and speak with him. After a short conversation the quest completes.

    Reward: XP and Fibertech Steel Plating

    Speak with Nym again to move onto Phase II of the questline.

    Phase II​

    Trandoshan Thieves​

    Apparently some Trandoshan's on the planet of Kashyyyk stole this map piece. Trandoshans are an aggressive species and slavers are the worst scum of the galaxy. Somehow, you don't think they will just tell you where the map is, so bring your blaster, find some of them, and 'convince' them to give up their belongings.

    Once finishing the conversation with Nym, you will be asked to head to Kashyyyk to kill some Trandoshan slavers. When you make it to Kashyyyk, head over to either of these Slaver Camps:
    /way Kachirho 147 159 Slaver Camp 1;
    /way Kachirho 539 254 Slaver Camp 2;

    At the camp you will find multiple Trandoshan slavers, slavemasters, and Trandoshan researchers ranging from CL24-32.

    Kill them until you find the map fragment you are looking for. Finding the fragment updates the quest.

    Note: The map fragment is not a looted item.

    A Bloody Clue​

    On the corpse of the Trandoshan you found a fragment of the starmap. Perhaps they tore the map in to smaller pieces and divided it among themselves?

    You will need to kill more Trandoshans at the camp in order to get all seven of the map fragments.

    After you find all seven map fragments, the quest will update again.

    Note: The map fragments are not a looted item.

    All the Pieces of the Puzzle​

    When piecing together the fragments you've found, it looks like you have all of them. Return to Nym with the fragments.

    Return to Nym in the Narmle hotel and speak with him. After a short conversation the quest completes.

    Reward: XP and a Protecto-net Shield

    Speak with Nym again to move onto Phase III of the questline.

    Phase III​

    A Planet of Death​

    Dathomir is a brutal planet but it's where you have to go to track down the next map piece. This is the clue your predecessor found. 'An Imperial officer had one of the pieces and he never let it leave his pocket. He was stationed on the planet of Dathomir and apparently was killed during a patrol. The only survivor, almost unable to communicate after the attack, rambled on and on about witches of the night and giant spiders.'

    After another short conversation with Nym, he tasks you to travel to the Spiderclan Cave on Dathomir to retrieve the next map piece.

    Head to Dathomir and start driving towards the Spiderclan Cave. The closest starport is Trade Outpost.
    /way dathomir -1193 6250 Starmap cave;

    Once at the cave, head inside and fight(or run) through the CL80 Elite NPCs, until you find a Human Skeleton. Click it and the quest will update.
    /way dathomir -1086 6128 Human skeleton;

    Untangled the Web​

    You found what was probably the remains of the Imperial officer and the map was still intact on his corpse. Bring it back to Nym.

    Make your way out of the cave and return to Nym in the Narmle hotel. After a short conversation with Nym, the quest completes.

    Reward: XP and a Quantum Ion Drive

    Speak with Nym again to move onto Phase IV of the questline.

    Phase IV​

    A Notorious Smuggler​

    Travel to Mos Eisley on Tatooine and find the smuggler Han Solo. Try to find a way to get the starmap piece from him.

    After, yet another, conversation with Nym, head to the Lucky Despot Cantina in Mos Eisley.
    /way tatooine 3330 -4606 Lucky Despot;

    Once you've arrived, you can locate Han Solo in a small private room to the left when you enter the cantina.
    /way tatooine 3404 -4573 Han Solo;

    After you speak with Han Solo, he tells you he wants 50,000 credits for the starmap piece.

    The player is given two options at this step.
    1. Pay Han Solo
      • Pro: You don't need to travel back and fourth between Nym and Han Solo
      • Con: You will lose 50,000 credits
    2. Do not pay Han Solo
      • Pro: You will save 50,000 credits
      • Con: You will spend more time doing this quest
    You will decide which path to take via a conversation with Han Solo.

    If you want to pay Han Solo with your own credits, choose the dialogue option:
    You: How about I just go tell Jabba that you have his star map?​
    Han Solo: I know.
    You: Fine. I'm tired of negotiating. Just give me the map.​

    If you don't want to pay Han Solo with your own credits, choose the dialogue option:
    You: 50,000?!​

    Option 1: Pay Han Solo​

    If you opt to pay the 50,000 credits from your own, the quest completes.

    Reward: XP and a Corellian Beamrail Gauss Cannon

    This concludes the Nym's Starmap questline. See you tomorrow!

    Option 2: Do Not Pay Han Solo​

    If you opt to not pay the 50,000 credits from your own, the quest updates.

    Solo's Offer​

    Solo wants 50,000 credits for the map piece. You should go back to Nym and let him know.

    Return to Nym in the Narmle hotel and explain the situation. After you explain the situation to Nym, the quest updates.

    Paying a Scoundrel​

    You have the 50,000 credits that Solo wants for the map piece. Make sure that Solo is giving you the real piece before handing him the money.

    Head back to the Lucky Despot Cantina in Mos Eisley and talk to Han Solo again. After speaking with Han Solo, the quest updates for a final time.

    The Last Piece​

    You have bought the last map piece from Solo. Return to Nym and reap your rewards.

    Return to Nym in the Narmle hotel. After a short conversation with Nym, the quest completes.

    Reward: XP and a Corellian Beamrail Gauss Cannon

    This concludes the Nym's Starmap questline. See you tomorrow!