RSF Squadron

RSF Squadron
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  • RSF Squadron​

    Tier 1: Captain Dinge, Theed, Naboo (-5497 4575)​

    Patrol Naboo "Crystal" Sector​

    Patrol following the given waypoints in the Naboo system. After you reach the third waypoint you will be attacked by three Tier 1 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter". Destroy all of them to complete your mission.

    Search for and Destroy the Black Sun Pirates​

    Travel to any of the 5 given waypoint, find and destroy 4 Black Sun spaceships, preferably Tier 1.

    Note: Any Blacksun ships, like the Tier 2 ones roaming the area, will give credit for the mission.

    Patrol Naboo Space​

    Patrol the given waypoints until you receive a call from a Medical Freighter en route to Theed to assist victims of a Terrorist attack, that you need to escort. Prepare for an ambush of two Tier 1 Kihraxz Black Sun Fighters, even though the freighter will make his jump shortly after the attack.

    • 500 Credits
    • A Mercenary Bandolier

    Destroy the Black Sun Ace​

    Destroy the Black Sun Ace and his escort:
    • 1 Tier 1 Rihkxyrk "Black Sun Bomber"
    • 2 Tier 1 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"
    • 1 Tier 2 Kihraxz "Black Sun Ace"

    • 1000 Credits
    • Cert 1 MandalMotors Light Blaster

    Training: Freelancer Technology 1

    Training: Equipment 1

    Freelancer Training 1

    Astromech Management 1

    Tier 2: Captain Kaydine, Theed, Naboo (-5497 4630)​

    Freelancer Technology 2

    Destroy the Ay'Nat Enforcer​

    Once in the Naboo system, you will receive three waypoints for each Ay'Nat Enforcer to destroy with their escort:

    First Target's Hyperspace Signature:
    • 2 Tier 2 Dunelizard "Ay'Nat Ghost"
    • 1 Tier 3 X-Wing "Ay'Nat Enforcer"

    Second Target's Hyperspace Signature:
    • 3 Tier 2 Dunelizard "Ay'Nat Ghost"
    • 1 Tier 3 X-Wing "Ay'Nat Enforcer"

    Third Target's Hyperspace Signature:
    • 2 Tier 2 Ixiyen "Ay'Nat Outlaw"
    • 1 Tier 3 X-Wing "Ay'Nat Enforcer"
    If not killed fast enough, the X-wing will escape into hyperspace.

    • 5000 Credits
    • Cert 4 MandalMotors "M Series" Booster

    Equipment 2

    Search For and Destroy Ay'Nat Ghost Fighters​

    You will receive two waypoints, just search and kill:
    • 5 Tier 1 Dunelizard "Ay'Nat Ghost"
    -- Note: Each waypoint is a static spawn for three randomized tier one Ay'Nat ships. The best strategy is to go back and forth clearing the other waypoint between respawns.

    • 5000 Credits
    • Cert 4 Hoersch-Kessel Military-Grade Blaster

    Freelancer Training 2

    Capture the Ay'Nat Captain's Personnal Yacht​

    Head to the Yacht waypoint, destroy its small escort:
    • 1 Tier 2 X-Wing "Ay'Nat Enforcer"
    • 1 Tier 2 Dunelizard "Ay'Nat Ghost"

    Then you can easily disable the Engine of the Yacht:
    • 1 Tier 3 Transport (unarmed)

    And escort it safely. You will be attacked on your way by:
    • 2 Tier 2 Dunelizard "Ay'Nat Ghost"

    • 5000 Credits
    • Cert 4 Koensayr "DS-23" Shield Generator

    Astromech Management 2

    Escort RSF Prison Ship to Hyperspace Point​

    Meet the Prison Ship and escort it safely. You may encounter an opposition force near the end of the mission:
    • 1 Tier 2 Rihkxyrk "Ay'Nat Intimidator"
    • 1 Tier 2 Ixiyen "Ay'Nat Outlaw"
    • 1 Tier 2 Dunelizard "Ay'Nat Ghost"
    • 1 Tier 2 X-wing "Ay'Nat Enforcer"

    • 5000 Credits
    • Cert 4 SoroSuub "W-19" Droid Interface

    Tier 3: Commander Dulios, Theed, Naboo (-5531 4680)​

    For T3, experience doesn't matter. You'll get trained just for doing missions for Dulios.

    Capture a Black Sun Assassin​

    Dantooine System (Dantooine's Wrath)
    Travel to the Dantooine system disable your target and destroy his escort:
    • 1 Tier 1 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"
    • 1 Tier 2 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"
    • 1 Tier 3 Rihkxyrk "Dru'Mdar"
    Once "Dru'Mdar" ship is disabled you will have to wait for the Nav Computer to finish its Capture Protocol. You will have to escort the captured ship and proceed until it launches. Then you will receive your next mission:

    Fly a Holding Pattern
    This is a standard patrol mission. You will soon receive your next mission:

    Defend from the Black Sun Attack
    The area is under attack! Destroy the threat:
    • 4 Tier 2 Ixiyen "Black Sun Agressor"
    After this you will be asked to jump into Naboo system for your next mission:

    Finish off Saysmond Varg
    Naboo system (Sea of Veruna)
    Just travel to the given waypoint and destroy Saysmond(you do not need to kill the escorts):
    • 2 Tier 3 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"
    • 1 Tier 3 Rihkxyrk "Saysmond Varg"

    • 25000 Credits
    • Cert 6 SubPro Military-Grade Reactor

    Freelancer Technology 3

    Escort the Cadamo Sun​

    Head to the rendezvous waypoint and escort the ship. The Cadamo Sun is a Tier 3 YT-1300. You will have to protect it against several opponent waves over a very long escort:

    First wave:
    • 2 X-Wing Tier 3 "Ay'Nat Enforcer"
    • 1 Dunelizard Tier 3 "Ay'Nat Ghost"

    Second wave:
    • 2 Rihkxyrk Tier 3 "Ay'Nat Intimidator"
    • 1 Dunelizard Tier 3 "Ay'Nat Ghost"

    After this escort you will be attacked by an Ay'Nat assault.

    Survive the Ay'Nat Assault
    Destroy :
    • 5 Rihkxyrk Tier 3 "Ay'Nat Intimidator"

    Once you dispatch them all, you will be sent to your next mission in Corellian system.

    Destroy the Ay'Nat Pirates
    Corellia system (Corellia's Own)
    For this mission you will have to defend 3 RSF ships:
    • 2 Tier 3 Z-95 "RSF Stinger"
    • 1 Tier 3 KSE Firespray "RSF Hunter"

    Shortly after your arrival will come your opponents:
    • 1 Tier 3 Rihkxyrk "Ay'Nat Intimidator"
    • 3 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Ay'Nat Outlaw"
    • 3 Tier 3 Kimogila "Ay'Nat Vaporizer"
    • 1 Tier 3 YT-1300 "Ay'Nat Viggo"
      (NOTE from Malthol: As of 14 July 23, your "backup" ships are bugged and sit dead in space, so this is an 8 on 1 fight. It is tough, and annoying, and has a time limit)

    After this battle, you wll have to rescue an RSF ship...

    Rescue the RSF Madersim
    Dock with the Madersim in order to repair it, then escort it safely. You will have to destroy one ship on your way:
    • 3 Tier 3 Kimogila "Ay'Nat Vaporizer"

    • 25000 Credits
    • Cert 6 MandalMotors "Inferno" Starfighter Engine

    Equipment 3

    Discover the Naboo Diplomatic Corps Cargo​

    Go to the given waypoint, locate and disable:
    • 1 Tier 2 YT-1300 "NDC Transport"
    You may destroy the four Tier 1 ships that circle around it. Inspect the YT-1300 "NDC Transport" and Dock it to recover the documents, then proceed to your next mission:

    Deliver Encrypted Documents to the RSF Contact
    Lok system (Lurid Dawn)
    Once you reached Lok system you will be attacked on your way to the RSF contact ship. These waves repeat indefinitely until you dock with the RSF contact ship. Disabling a wave prevents the next wave from spawning.

    1st wave:
    • 2 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Aggressor"
    2nd wave:
    • 2 Tier 3 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"

    After this you will receive your next mission:

    Intercept a Black Sun Transmission
    Head to the given waypoint and destroy all attacking waves:
    (Note from Malthol: As of 14 July 23, all the waves with 4 fighters listed only spawned 3. Subtract one Kihraxz from each. YMMV)

    1st wave:
    • 4 Tier 3 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"
    2nd wave:
    • 2 Tier 3 Rihkxyrk"Black Sun Bomber"
    • 2 Tier 3 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"
    3rd wave:
    • 4 Tier 3 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"
    4th wave:
    • 2 Tier 3 Rihkxyrk"Black Sun Bomber"
    • 2 Tier 3 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"
    5th wave:
    • 2 Tier 3 Rihkxyrk"Black Sun Bomber"
    • 1 Tier 4 Kihraxz "Black Sun Wraith"
    6th wave:
    • 3 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Marauder"
    7th wave:
    • 4 Tier 3 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"

    NOTE: Do not stray too far from the waypoint, or the transmission reception will fail, failing the mission.


    • 25000 Credits
    • Cert 6 SoroSuub "V-1" Weapon Capacitor

    Freelancer Training 3

    Destroy the Black Sun Assassin​

    Naboo system
    Just after launch from Theed you will be immediately attacked by a Black Sun assault.
    • 5 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Marauder"

    After this quick clearance mission you can jump to Dantooine system to pursue your mission.

    Dantooine system (Dantooine's Wrath)
    You just have to destroy all these ships at given waypoint:
    • 2 Tier 3 Rihkxyrk "Black Sun Bomber"
    • 2 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Vehement"
    • 1 Tier 4 Kihraxz "Beldini"

    After this mission you will be asked to jump to Lok system (Voria's Ember) for your next mission:

    Assist the RSF Take down Crystal Snake
    You will meet some RSF forces to help you at the Ambush point:
    • 3 Tier 3 KSE Firespray "RSF Hunter"

    And shortly after will come your opponents:
    • 2 Tier 3 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"
    • 2 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Marauder"
    • 1 Tier 4 Kihraxz "Crystal Snake"

    Once all are taken down you will be immediately attacked. This is you next mission:

    Survive the Black Sun Ambush Part 1
    Destroy all ships:
    • 3 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Marauder"

    Once again you will be immeidately attacked and receieve a similar mission:

    Survive the Black Sun Ambush Part 2
    Destroy all your opponents:
    • 4 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Vehement"

    And another one.

    Survive the Black Sun Ambush Part 3
    Destroy the Gunboat :
    • 1 Tier 2 Assault Gunboat "Black Sun Devastator"

    You now receive your next mission:

    Destroy the Black Sun Operative
    Head to the waypoint and destroy all Black Sun ships:
    • 2 Tier 4 Kihraxz "Black Sun Wraith"
    • 1 Tier 3 Rihkxyrk "Krayt's Bane"

    • 25000 Credits
    • Cert 6 Kuat Systems Engineering Handcrafted Durasteel Plating

    Astromech Management 3

    Tier 4: Diness Imler, Theed, Naboo (-5450 4679)​

    For T4, experience matters. Imler will only offer you duty missions until you train your first T4 box. After that missions, you'll need to earn enough XP for the next T4 and train it before her next mission will open. Same for the third and fourth.

    Freelancer Technology 4

    Escort the RSF Scanner​

    Endor system(Red Sin Chimaera)
    Meet the RSF Scanner ship (a Tier 4 Transport) at the rendezvous waypoint. You escort it and protect it from an attack of:
    • 3 Tier 4 Kihraxz "Black Sun Agressor"

    After this you will receive your next mission:

    Escort the Imperial Official
    Escort a Tier 4 Lambda shuttle against:
    This escort leads through a group of 4 Tier 4 Pirates.
    • 3 Tier 4 Rebel X-Wing

    • 10000 Credits
    • Cert 8 MandalMotors "Q Series" Booster

    Equipment 4

    Recover Industrial Cargo from the Mining Freighter​

    Endor system (Red Sin Chimaera)
    Travel to the given waypoint and disable reactor of a:
    • 1 Tier 4 Heavy Freighter (unarmed)

    After this just "Inspect" it until Inspection result says it contains "Industrial Cargo". Then you can "Dock" it to retrieve the shipment. Immediately after this you will be attacked by a Surprise attack, this is your second mission.

    -- Note: you may have to destroy the freighter if it has a bogus cargo. Also the mining guard escort will likely go agro.

    Survive the Black Sun Attack
    You will be attacked by:
    • 5 Tier 4 Ixiyen "Black Sun Vehement"

    Patrol for the Black Sun Presence
    You receive a Patrol route to follow, until you detect multiple hyperspace signatures...

    Survive the Black Sun Attack
    Destroy all your opponent:
    • 7 Tier 4 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"

    • 10000 Credits
    • Cert 8 Borstel Disruptor

    Freelancer Training 4

    Deliver Imperial Goods​

    Yavin system(Ferrous Aurora)

    Just Dock with the Imperial Heavy Freighter to retrieve the Imperial goods.

    You can then go to the rendezvous waypoint to meet and Dock with the "Imperial Transport". You will be attacked on your way and while docking by waves of:
    • 1 Tier 4 Rebel A-Wing
    • 2 Tier 4 Rebel B-Wing
    • 3 Tier 4 Rebel A-Wing

    Dock as fast as possible to avoid having too many fighters against you.

    When you have delivered the Imperial goods you may destroy all rebel ships or hyperjump to another Yavin hyperjump point to pursue your next mission:

    -- Note: If you do not hyper away or destroy the A-wings that spawn, they -will- follow you to the next mission. Since the Patrol will not start until you cross the first point, take the time to disable, destroy / escape them.

    Fly a Decoy Patrol
    This is a classic Patrol mission until you receive your next mission:

    Intercept a Black Sun Assault
    You need to keep position around the given waypoint and destroy all attacking waves:

    1st wave:
    • 2 Tier 4 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"
    • 1 Tier 5 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"
    2nd wave:
    • 3 Tier 4 Ixiyen "Black Sun Vehement"
    3rd wave:
    • 2 Tier 4 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"
    • 1 Tier 5 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"
    4th wave:
    • 3 Tier 4 Ixiyen "Black Sun Marauder"
    5th wave:
    • 3 Tier 4 Ixiyen "Black Sun Marauder"
    6th wave:
    • 3 Tier 4 Ixiyen "Black Sun Vehement"
    7th wave:
    • 2 Tier 4 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"
    • 1 Tier 5 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"
    8th wave:
    • 3 Tier 4 Ixiyen "Black Sun Marauder"
    9th wave:
    • 3 Tier 4 Ixiyen "Black Sun Vehement"

    -- Note: The pace of this mission is much slower than many of the assault / survival missions in the other Squadrons. Don't let the RSF spacial chatter throw you, you have plenty of time to disable / kill the ships before the next wave comes in.

    • 10000 Credits
    • Cert 8 Armek "Plasma Web" Shield Generator

    Astromech Management 4

    Assist the RSF Forces​

    Travel to the Battle location in the Yavin system (Ferrous Aurora is the closest hyperspace point) and join your RSF friends:
    • 2 Tier 4 Dunelizard "RSF Rawl"
    • 2 Tier 4 KSE Firespray "RSF Hunter"
    • 1 Tier 4 Z-95 "RSF Stinger"

    Prepare to fight the Black Sun Forces:
    • 3 Tier 4 Ixiyen "Black Sun Marauder"
    • 2 Tier 4 Ixiyen "Black Sun Vehement"
    • 2 Tier 4 Ixiyen "Black Sun Aggressor"

    Escort the Deep Space Scan Ship
    Head to the rendezvous waypoint and escort the RSF Scan ship against waves of Black Sun:

    1st wave:
    • 4 Tier 4 Ixiyen "Black Sun Vehement"
    • 1 Tier 5 Ixiyen "Black Sun Vehement"
    2nd wave:
    • 5 Tier 4 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"

    Then you can head to the last mission:

    Final Battle Against the Black Sun
    Note! If you fail this mission, you won't get a second chance and lose the opportunity to receive the reward engine! (Have successfully repeated this quest twice after failing by '/escapepod yes' after dying and then going to re-get quest from Diness)

    As title says it is a large scale Battle, you can meet your RSF friends at the given waypoint:
    • 2 Tier 4 Dunelizard "RSF Rawl"
    • 2 Tier 4 KSE Firesray "RSF Hunter"
    • 3 Tier 4 Z-95 "RSF Stinger"
    • 3 Tier 5 X-wing "RSF Ace"

    And soon will arrive the Black Sun Forces:
    • 2 Tier 4 Assault Gunboat "Black Sun Terminator"
    • 2 Tier 4 Rihkxyrk "Black Sun Bomber"
    • 2 Tier 4 Ixiyen "Black Sun Aggressor"
    • 3 Tier 4 Ixiyen "Black Sun Vehement"
    • 3 Tier 4 Ixiyen "Black Sun Marauder"

    • 10000 Credits
    • Cert 8 Haor Chall Military Grade Engine

    Tier 5: Grand Admiral Niaal Declann, Theed, Naboo (-5526 4618)​

    See Imperial Ace Pilot Missions