Smuggler Alliance

Smuggler Alliance
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  • Smuggler Alliance​

    Tier 1: Dravis, Mos Eisley Tatooine (3429,-4788)​

    Patrol Smuggler's Alliance Route​

    Travel smuggler route to discover why shipments are disappearing; as you arrive at each waypoint, the next one will automatically be generated. You will eventually be jumped on by Black Sun fighters.

    Eliminate Enemy Patrol
    Destroy Black Sun fighters near the waypoint:
    • 3 Tier 1 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"
    • 100 Credits

    Hunt the Black Sun Pirates​

    Visit some of the provided waypoints and destroy 4 Black Sun ships. You are given 4 waypoints right off the bat.

    • 200 Credits

    Patrol Tatooine Space​

    Patrol an area of Tatooine space looking for more Black Sun. You will receive a call from a friendly freighter requesting escort.

    Escort the Transport to Safety
    Escort the freighter through Tatooine space, you will be attacked by:
    • 2 Tier 1 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"

    • 500 Credits
    • A Mercenary Pilot Bandolier

    Eliminate the Black Sun Ace​

    Destroy a Black Sun ace as they travel through the Tatooine System:
    You are to "cut off the head" of the Black Sun Pirates by destroying a Black Sun ace operating in the area.

    • [*}1 Tier 2 Kihraxz "Black Sun Ace"
    • 2 Tier 1 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"

    • 1000 Credits
    • Cert 1 Mandalmotors Light Blaster

    Freelancer Technology 1

    Equipment 1

    Freelancer Training 1

    Astromech Management 1

    Tier 1.5: Talon Karrde, Mos Eisley Tatooine (3415,-4793)​

    Rendezvous with the Nym Contact​

    Lok System (Voria's Ember), proceed to the waypoint.

    Destroy the Corsair Pirates
    • 3x Tier 1 Kimogila "Corsair Man O'War"
    • 1x Tier 2 Ixiyen "Corsair Behemoth"

    • 5000 Credits

    Tier 2: Shamdon Kree Mos Eisley, Tatooine (3386, -4605)​

    Freelancer Technology 2

    Destroy the Behemoth​

    Lok System (Voria's Ember), locate and destroy your target and its escort:
    • 2 Tier 2 X-Wing "Corsair Raider"
    • 1 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Corsair Behemoth"

    • 5000 Credits
    • Cert 4 MandalMotors "M Series" Booster

    Equipment 2

    Take out the Black Sun Ace​

    YavinSystem (Ferrous Aurora), kill the Black Sun Advanced:
    • 3 Tier 2 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter"
    • 1 Tier 3 Kihraxz "Black Sun Advanced"

    • 5000 Credits
    • Cert 4 Koensayr "DS-23" Shield Generator

    Freelancer Training 2

    It is highly recommended you do the
    Tatooine Station mission at this time to get access to Jabba's Palace for the next trainer. After the next mission, the access mission will no longer be available.

    Escort the Freighter​

    Rendezvous with and escort the Tier 3 "Valerian Light Mining Freighter" against:
    Wave 1:
    • 2 Tier 2 Scyk "Hutt Fighter"

    Wave 2:
    • 1 Tier 2 Scyk "Hutt Fighter"
    • 2 Tier 2 Kimogila "Hutt Bomber"

    • 5000 Credits
    • Cert 4 SoroSuub "W-19" Droid Interface

    Astromech Management 2

    Destroy the Imperial Patrol​

    Dantooine System (Isryn's Veil), kill the Imperial Patrol:
    • 3 Tier 2 TIE Fighter "TIE Fighter"
    • 1 Tier 3 TIE Interceptor "TIE Interceptor"

    • 5000 Credits
    • Cert 4 Hoersch-Kessel Military-Grade Blaster

    After this Shamdon Kree will tell you that you have to return speak with Talon Karrde about your next assignment.

    Tier 3: Beissa, Jabba's Throne Room, Tatooine (-5953, -6284)​

    Recover Stolen Weapons Shipment​

    Yavin System (Crimson Flare), disable the freighter and wait for it to be captured:
    • 1 Tier 3 Kimogila "Valarian Bomber"
    • 2 Tier 3 Kimogila "Valarian Gunship"
    • 1 Tier 3 Heavy Freighter "Smuggler Heavy Freighter"

    Then escort it against:
    Wave 1:
    • 3 Tier 3 Kimogila "Valarian Bomber"
    Wave 2:
    • 2 Tier 3 Kimogila "Valarian Gunship"

    Hunt down Valarian replacements
    Proceed to the waypoint and destroy:
    • 1 Tier 3 Kimogila "Valarian Replacement"
    • 2 Tier 3 Kimogila "Valarian Bomber"

    Hunt down Valarian replacements (continued)
    Proceed to the next waypoint and destroy:
    • 1 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Valarian Replacement"
    • 3 Tier 3 Kimogila "Valarian Gunship"

    Hunt down Valarian replacements
    Proceed to the final waypoint and destroy:
    • 1 Tier 1 Scyk "Valarian Replacement"
    • 2 Tier 3 Kimogila "Valarian Bomber"

    Defend Against a Sneak Attack
    Defend against a sneak attack:
    • 1 Tier 3 X-Wing "Valarian Replacement"

    • 25000 Credits
    • Cert 6 SubPro Military-Grade Reactor

    Freelancer Technology 3

    Disable and Inspect Witchblood Clan Soldiers​

    Dathomir System(Dathomir's Vitality), proceed to the waypoint, inspect a Tier 3 Dunelizard "Witchblood Clan Soldier"; if it contains Punisher Gathering Location, disable it if it and dock with it, otherwise destroy it and wait for respawns..

    Inspect Witchblood Punishers for Burial Ground Location
    Head to the next location and inspect a Tier 3 Kimogila "Witchblood Clan Punisher" ship ; if it contains Burial Ground Info, disable it then dock with it, otherwise destroy it and wait for respawns.

    Provide a distraction at the Witchblood Clan Burial Grounds
    Proceed to the Witchblood Clan Burial Grounds(waypoint) and defeat the attacking waves(sometimes a 4th wave spawns, which is just Wave 1 again):
    Wave 1:
    • 3 Tier 3 Dunelizard "Witchblood Clan Soldier"
    Wave 2:
    • 3 Tier 3 Kimogila "Witchblood Clan Punisher"
    Wave 3:
    • 2 Tier 4 Kimogila "Witchblood Clan Punisher"

    • 25000 Credits
    • Cert 6 MandalMotors "Inferno" Starfighter Engine

    Equipment 3

    Transport Jabba's Gifts​

    If at any point during this mission, the attackers get overwhelming, you can safely intrasystem(any Dathomir hyperpoint) jump to drop agro without failing the mission.

    Dathomir System (Dathomir's Vitality), proceed to the waypoint and meet the Imperial Lambda-class shuttle and dock it, while being attacked by repeating waves:
    Wave 1:
    • 3 Tier 3 Rihkxyrk "Death Watch Eradicator"
    Wave 2:
    • 4 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Death Watch Prowler"
    Wave 3:
    • 4 Tier 3 Kihraxz "Death Watch Assassin"

    Transport Jabba's Gift Part II
    Once you have docked with the shuttle you need to make your way to another Lambda-class shuttle to deliver the next Gift from Jabba, while being attacked by repeating waves:
    Wave 1:
    • 3 Tier 3 Scyk "Dathomir Freelance Killer"
    Wave 2:
    • 4 Tier 3 Kimogila "Witchblood Clan Punisher"

    Transport Jabba's Gifts Part III
    Meet the Tier 4 Imperial Lambda-class shuttle and dock with it, while being attacked by repating waves:
    Wave 1:
    • 4 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Death Watch Prowler"
    • 1 Tier 3 Rihkxyrk "Death Watch Eradicator"

    Escort the VIP Shuttle
    Meet the Shuttle and escort it against some attack waves:
    Wave 1:
    • 3 Scyk Tier 3 "Dathomir Freelance killer"
    Wave 2:
    • 2 Scyk Tier 3 "Dathomir Freelance killer"

    • 25000 Credits
    • Cert 6 SoroSuub "V-1" Weapon Capacitor

    Freelancer Training 3

    Patrol for Rancor Clan forces​

    Dathomir System (Dark Force), patrol the given waypoints until you receive a message from Beissa saying she located a battle forming between Hutt and the Rancor Clan forces.

    Space Battle with Rancor Clan
    Assist the Hutt forces:
    • 2 Tier 3 Scyk Hutt Fighter
    • 2 Tier 3 Kimogila Hutt Bomber
    • 2 Tier 4 Dunelizard "Rancor Clan Elite"
    • 2 Tier 4 Kimogila "Rancor Clan Gunship"
    • 2 Tier 3 Dunelizard "Rancor Clan Ace"

    Destroy the Rancor Clan
    Go to the given waypoint and assist:
    • 1 Tier 3 YT-1300 "Hutt Smuggler"
    • 2 Tier 3 Dunelizard "Hutt Pirate"
    • 1 Tier 3 Scyke "Hutt Fighter"
    • 3 Tier 3 Scyk M3-A "Rancor Clan Soldier"
    • 3 Tier 5 Kimogila M12-L "Rancor Clan Gunship"
    • 1 Tier 3 Dunelizard "Rancor Clan Ace"

    Search for Hutt VIP Ally
    You will receive some patrol waypoint to check in search for the VIP Ally.

    Rescue Hutt VIP from Rancor Clan raiders
    After some time you will receive a mission alert and the VIP ally ship will show up. Dock with the VIP ally for repairs. You will need to escort it.

    • 25000 Credits
    • Cert 6 Kuat Systems Engineering Handcrafted Durasteel Plating

    Astromech Management 3

    At the end of your training Beissa will ask you to return to Talon Karrde who will ask you to go to Nirame Sakute at the Dathomir Trade Outpost.

    Tier 4: Nirame Sakute, Trade Outpost, Dathomir (600, 3030)​

    Freelancer Technology 4

    Transport Goods Between Systems​

    Lok System (Lurid Dawn), proceed to the waypoint and dock with the Nym Freighter at the rendezvous location. You will have to then jump immediately to the Dantooine System (Isryn's Veil). You will be attacked, until you dock with the Hutt Transport, by repeating waves:
    Wave 1:
    • 2 Tier 4 TIE Advanced "TIE Advanced"
    Wave 2:
    • 4 Tier 4 TIE Interceptor "TIE Interceptor"
    Wave 3:
    • 2 Tier 4 TIE Fighter "TIE Fighter"
    • 2 Tier 4 TIE Bomber "TIE Bomber"

    Deliver Hutt Cargo
    Try to dock with the Transport to finish the mission, you will be attacked by several waves. After the initial 3 waves it will keep spawning a random wave:
    Wave 1:
    • 3 Tier 4 A-Wing "Corsec Interceptor"
    Wave 2:
    • 3 Tier 4 KSE Firespray "Corsec Interdiction Craft"
    Wave 3:
    • 2 Tier 3 Z-95 "Corsec Fighter"
    • 1 Tier 4 Ye-4 Gunship "Corsec Gunship" (Stationary Spawn)

    • 10000 Credits
    • Cert 8 Mandalmotors "Q series" Booster

    Equipment 4

    Recover the Captured Freighter​

    Dantooine System (Dantooine's Wrath), proceed to the waypoint, take out the escort, disable the freighter, and wait.
    • 4 Tier 4 TIE Fighter "TIE Fighter"
    • 1 Tier 4 Transport "Black Sun Transport"

    Escort the ship, but expect to be attacked by:
    Wave 1:
    • 4 Tier 4 TIE Interceptor "TIE Interceptor"
    Wave 2:
    • 2 Tier 4 TIE Aggressor "TIE Aggressor"
    • 1 Tier 4 TIE Oppressor "TIE Oppressor"
    Wave 3:
    • 2 Tier 4 TIE Bomber "TIE Bomber"
    • 1 Tier 4 TIE Advanced "TIE Advanced"

    Capture the Imperial Freighter​

    Approach the Tier 4 Lambda Shuttle cautiously having targeted its turreted weapon. The shuttle has a blind spot directly below it; stay in that angle and you'll be reasonably safe. Disable the ship.

    Then escort it against:
    Wave 1:
    • 3 Tier 4 TIE Aggressor "TIE Aggressor"
    Wave 2:
    • 2 Tier 4 TIE Advanced "TIE Advanced"
    • 1 Tier 4 VT-49 Decimator "VT-49 Decimator"
    Wave 3:
    • 3 Tier 4 TIE Fighter "TIE Fighter"
    • 2 Tier 4 TIE Bomber "TIE Bomber"

    Escape from the Imperial Attack​

    Proceed to the indicated point; two Imperial gunboats will arrive and the mission will complete. Leave immediately and return to your trainer.

    • 10000 Credits
    • Cert 8 Borstel Disruptor

    Freelancer Training 4

    Capture the Valarian Freight Plans​

    Dantooine System(Isryn's Veil), proceed to the given waypoint. Inspect the three ships at the waypoint, then disable and dock with the one containing the plans:
    • 3 Tier 3 Kimogila "Valarian Gunship"

    Hunt Down and Destroy Valarian Operatives
    Tatooine System (Deep Sea), at the waypoint wipe out:
    • 4 Tier 4 Kimogila "Valarian Bomber"
    • 1 Tier 5 Kimogila "Valarian Gunship"

    Defend from the Valarian Trick
    Jump to Endor System (Red Sin Chimaera).

    Capture the Valarian freighter
    Destroy the escort and disable the freighter:
    • 2 Tier 4 Kimogilas "Valarian Gunship"
    • 2 Tier 5 Kimogilas "Valarian Bomber"
    • 1 Tier 4 Light Freighter "Valarian Light Mining Freighter"

    Once disabled, you'll need to escort it against repeated waves of:
    • 2 Tier 4 Kimogila "Valarian Bomber"
    • 3 Tier 4 Kimogila "Valarian Gunship"

    • 10000 Credits
    • Cert 8 Armek "Plasma Web" Shield Generator

    Astromech Management 4

    Assassinate the Imperial Ace​

    Lok System (Voria´s Ember), proceed to the waypoint before time runs out, where you must destroy:
    • 4 Tier 4 TIE Advanced "TIE Advanced"
    • 1 Tier 5 TIE Oppressor "TIE Opressor"

    Eliminate the CorSec patrol
    Proceed to the waypoint, before time runs out, and eliminate:
    • 3 Tier 4 KSE Firespray "CorSec Interdiction Craft"
    • 1 Tier 4 Ye-4 Gunship "CorSec Gunship"

    Assassinate the RSF Ace
    Jump to Dantooine System (Dantooine's Wrath). This time, you're facing:
    • 4 Tier 4 Z-95 "RSF Stinger"
    • 1 Tier 5 X-Wing "RSF Ace"

    • 10000 Credits
    • Cert 8 Haor Chall Military Grade Engine

    Tier 5: Admiral Willham Burke, Doaba Guerfel, Corellia, (3080, 5203)​

    See Rebel Ace Pilot Missions