Speak to Trig

Speak to Trig
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  • This quest is part of the Quarantine Zone Theme Park questline.

    Previous Quest: << Get Inoculated

    Level: 5
    Speak to Trig about possible survivors in the research and prison facility.
    Recommended combat level: 1

    Any Other Survivors?​

    Talk to Trig to find out the location of other survivor camps.

    Speak to Trig Longo who is standing right next to Dr. Cody at Camp Alpha.

    Trig Longo: I don't recognize you. You look a little clean to be from the quarantine zone.
    You: I just arrived. Who are you?
    Trig Longo: I'm Trig. I work with Doctor Cody. Are you another volunteer sent by the Empire?
    You: I'm representing another party.
    Trig Longo: Oh? Well no one asks many questions here. Just yesterday I saw an Imperial Officer sharing rations with Rebel Scouts.
    You: Doctor Cody mentioned you have heard of survivors?
    Trig Longo: There are other camps just like this. The only location I know coordinates to is a hold out camp of Stormtrooper 'Ims' at the Research and Prison Facility. Ground zero to the virus.
    You: Ims?
    Trig Longo: Immunes. There is a small possibility of being naturally immune to the virus as long as you avoid being bitten. Doctor Cody and I are examples of immunes. My brother as well, but he was bitten...that was a long time ago.
    You: I see.
    Trig Longo: Any other questions?
    You: So you and Doctor Cody have seen this before?
    Trig Longo: Yes, in space. Apparently the thrusters of the ship we were on failed, the crew found an abandoned Star Destroyer for parts...only it wasn't really abandoned. Only a handful of us survived the ordeal. I guess Doctor Cody wanted to help avoid the same here on Dathomir.
    You: Any idea where the Research and Prison Facility is?
    Trig Longo: Here you are. I hear there are other camps in the quarantine zone but I don't know their location. Maris can help you with those locations. Good Luck!

    After your conversation with Trig, you will get a comm-message from your faction's quest-giver.

    Captain Piett: You should locate the Stormtrooper contingent that boy mentioned. They may be of use to your mission.

    Han Solo: You should locate that Stormtrooper contingent Trig mentioned. If they are still alive they may be able to help point you in the right direction.

    Guri: You should locate the Stormtrooper contingent that boy mentioned. They may be of use to your mission.

    Shortly after the comm-messages, you will get another one from your faction's quest-giver.

    Captain Piett: Strange. I found a record of a Zahara Cody but nothing of her working on a prison barge. I did find a criminal record for Trig Longo. I look forward to questioning them both.

    Han Solo: Dr. Cody and I were on the same prison ship. If it weren't for her, Chewie and me wouldn't be here.

    Guri: I found an Imperial record of a Zahara Cody but nothing of her working on a prison barge. I also found a criminal record for Trig Longo. Very interesting.

    This completes the quest and starts the next quest.

    Reward: XP