The Last Recruit

The Last Recruit
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  • This quest is part of the Witches of Dathomir questline.

    Previous Quest: << Dead is Dead

    Note: Depending which faction you did the questline for, the background for the badge changes. If you did it for the Nightsisters, the background will be red. If you did it for the Singing Mountain Clan, the background will be blue. You can only get one of these badges.

    Level: 90
    You have discovered the source of the disturbance and assisted the Ghost of the Clan Mother in restoring the balance by laying to rest the tortured souls of the last three members of her clan. Go report all this to Nightsister Clan Mother.
    Singing Mountain Clan
    You have discovered the source of the disturbance and assisted the Ghost of the Clan Mother in restoring the balance by laying to rest the tortured souls of the last three members of her clan. Go report all this to the Singing Mountain Clan Mother.
    Recommended combat level: 80

    Nightsister - Return to the Nightsister Clan Mother

    Return to the Nightsister Clan Mother Gethzerion.
    • Return to Gethzerion at the Nightsister Stronghold and speak with her
    Gethzerion: You have investigated and dealt with the disturbance? I do sense a change.
    You: I have.
    Gethzerion: Well done, Outworlder.

    This completes the quest for the Nightsister faction.

    This also starts and completes the Sisters of the Void collection, which rewards the player with a badge.

    Reward: 4 Dathomir Amber, 2 Random Valuables, and the Sisters of the Void Badge

    Singing Mountain Clan - Return to the Singing Mountain Clan Mother

    Return to the Singing Mountain Clan Mother Aujante K'lee.
    • Return to Aujante K'lee at the Singing Mountain and speak with her
    Aujante K'lee: Yes, I feel a change in the aura even now; you have succeeded where many before you failed, Outworlder.
    You: It was a tragic story, but it is over now.
    Aujante K'lee: Well done, Outworlder.

    This completes the quest for the Singing Mountain Clan faction.

    This also starts and completes the Sisters of the Void collection, which rewards the player with a badge.

    Reward: 4 Dathomir Amber, 2 Random Valuables, and the Sisters of the Void Badge