Not Implemented - Space - Ace of Aces allowed to use any ship, within reason | Page 2 | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Not Implemented Space Ace of Aces allowed to use any ship, within reason

This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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Jan 31, 2022
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I suggest that, as a further reward for achieving Ace of Aces, players are able to use any star ship from their chosen Ace path (Rebel, Neutral or Imperial) as is normal. They may also, however, use any star ship not directly in opposition to their Ace Path.
i.e. An Imperial Pilot may use any Imperial or Neutral Star Ship, thus gaining the Imperial Space commands while piloting an Imperial or Neutral star ship.
A Rebel Pilot may use any Rebel or Neutral Star Ship
A Neutral Pilot may use ANY star ship (Imperial, Rebel or Neutral)
I feel this change would give a simple, yet beneficial, reward to the players who have chosen to become an Ace of Aces.
Giving a reward to the players who have achieved Ace of Aces.
I believe the rewards gained for achieving Ace of Aces are too few or non-existent.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'd love to fly the Z-95 headhunter or Y-wing as a freelancer.. but noooooo -_-
I think thats a good idea, but let GCW faction pilots fly all ships too to make it fair. No reason Imperials can't attack rebels in tie fighters etc, They still show as rebel aligned. And vice versa.
If you want to fly a neutral ship, go neutral pilot. Want an imperial/rebel neutral pilot, there is an aligned (imp/reb) neutral squadron to each. There's an unlock to have a 3rd character slot so you can have an ace in all 3. I don't see the point of this.
If you want to fly a neutral ship, go neutral pilot. Want an imperial/rebel neutral pilot, there is an aligned (imp/reb) neutral squadron to each. There's an unlock to have a 3rd character slot so you can have an ace in all 3. I don't see the point of this.
Because some people don't want multiple characters. And some people might like/want to fly the factional ships but not want to be aligned with a faction. Plus its a cool idea to be able to fly all the ships in the game.
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Because some people don't want multiple characters. And some people might like/want to fly the factional ships but not want to be aligned with a faction. Plus its a cool idea to be able to fly all the ships in the game.
Sorry but that's a no from me. If you want a factional ship you should be that faction or else there's no point to having the factions. Your choices matter in this game and we shouldn't erode that.
Hard no, you have 3 (4 for jedi) character slots to pick all options from. 1 character should not be able to pick and choose from everything at all times. Use your character slots.
Sorry but that's a no from me. If you want a factional ship you should be that faction or else there's no point to having the factions. Your choices matter in this game and we shouldn't erode that.
Hard no, you have 3 (4 for jedi) character slots to pick all options from. 1 character should not be able to pick and choose from everything at all times. Use your character slots.
Well, your all entitled to your opinions, and I do agree with you somewhat, the specialness of factions should be preserved. However, considering how hard it is to get ace of aces, that should be a non issue as you'll only have a handful of players that actually go the distance to get it so i think its a good reward.
Well, your all entitled to your opinions, and I do agree with you somewhat, the specialness of factions should be preserved. However, considering how hard it is to get ace of aces, that should be a non issue as you'll only have a handful of players that actually go the distance to get it so i think its a good reward.
How hard it is? Have you asked pilots' channel for advice? If you're running Droid commands, ace of aces is easy.
AoA title and possibly some other small rewards (jackets, helmets, etc.) are definitely needed. The ability for a neutral pilot to fly Rebel and Imperial ships is just silly. You have 3 character slots available, do what the rest of us have been doing and have one of each.
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AoA title and possibly some other small rewards (jackets, helmets, etc.) are definitely needed. The ability for a neutral pilot to fly Rebel and Imperial ships is just silly. You have 3 character slots available, do what the rest of us have been doing and have one of each.
It's not hard, and lots of pilots are doing AoA and getting nothing right now, not even a badge.
How hard it is? Have you asked pilots' channel for advice? If you're running Droid commands, ace of aces is easy.
well it is hard to me, you have to do ace 9 times over and thats a lot of time and effort. And im not doing ace of aces anyway. Im just saying. Now please stop replying to me and attacking my opinion. You don't agree fine but stop arguing the forums are for everyone to express. Just gonna ignore any other repeatative replies to this just to let you know..
I disagree. I think this would give TOO much to neutral pilots. Others have commented on adding other rewards and that would be nice.

The RP aspect would also hinder this. The empirical navy would not let anyone who isn’t a member fly a tie defender or tie advanced. A Z-95 or old Y-wing maybe since they are an older style of ship. Even if you were in the imperial or rebel navy before, they I don’t see them letting a now neutral pilot flying their advanced ships. Not in the timeline on this server.

I would like to remind you that it's required people comment if they down vote. All these "attack" are people's opinions, just like the original idea of your opinion.
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Would love to mix and match the best of all worlds but faction are there for a reason.
I'm going to have to downvote this one. Faction should mean something. If you want to fly an Imperial ship, then Ace an Imperial pilot, etc., etc.
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Thanks for your suggestion. The Development Team has discussed this proposal and decided against it at this time. We believe your faction and neutral is enough for ships. If you want to fly an X-Wing join the rebels. A Tie Fighter? Join the Imperials. You can have 3-4 characters, so you could have an Ace of each group as it is right now and fly any ship you want. Just not on the same character. This invites too many issues with balance and realism we don’t want to deal with.
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