Add all Heroic Jewelry sets to GCW vendors

Add all Heroic Jewelry sets to GCW vendors
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Add all Heroic jewelry sets to GCW/BF vendors. Making any 5 piece set available by using GCW/BF tokens.
Currently Heroic jewelry sets are only available through tokens that are collected by PVE content. However, these sets are absolutely necessary to compete in PVP.

Purchasing a set from another player for 20-25 million credits is also ridiculous.

A large contingent of the player base feel it would be beneficial to grant access to these sets, by player vs player content. As this community of players are not motivated to complete PVE and/or struggle to find pre-made groups at the times they play.

PvP has had a noticable decline since the last patch, due to guilds and players completing pve dungeons at peak times.

We would hope that this will encourage more pvp, in all areas.

There are still vast rewards and content that would encourage PVE instances that wouldnt not be effected by this change,
The only motivation is to encourage more PvP, base raids and battlefields. This is end game content for many people. Gearing up through pvp should be an option.
I propose all Heroic jewelry sets in game, should be purchasable by trading in GCW or Battlefield tokens. Please sign

Dots - MCM/MBH
There should be something available from pvp however won't doing this kill the value, as a lot of players who've been pvping here forever are sat on a lot of tokens?
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Excellent idea. People get bored running the same 5 heroics for tokens. There are only so many exar kun root deco a player needs. I think this change would entice more players to get involved in pvp and give those already pvp oriented players more incentive.
There hould be something available from pvp however won't doing this kill the value, as a lot of players who've been pvping here forever are sat on a lot of tokens?
Who cares about the value, jewelry sets were not intended to be income.
GCW tokens are so easy to get you couldn't possibly put an equivalent exchange price on it. BF tokens are so saturated now because of petranaki, too.

I can promise you, the decline in PvP has nothing to do with the patch. It's the same cycle that's been going on for the last 2 years.
Not to be a downer here but it would not make me want to pvp it would just want to make me go combatant for gcw. Also they are time sink wise hard to get so trying to put a token price would be hard and it would just turn into a farming bit for those with a lot of tokens to sell.
TBH im up for any form of pvp giving access to Heroic Jewelry. Potentially with a new currency, and make the sets no trade shared
I like the idea but it has to be separate from GCW and you'd have to find a good ratio. Something like Heroic Token Fragments you gain for completing tasks in PVP, kills (with a DR) and so on. Once you got to like 500-1000-XXXX fragments you gain one Shard that can be used to purchase a set/piece. Whether it would increase PvP participation remains to be seen, and many rules/parameters would still need to be defined. Either way, a certain level of grind must also be present here.
I like the idea but it has to be separate from GCW and you'd have to find a good ratio. Something like Heroic Token Fragments you gain for completing tasks in PVP, kills (with a DR) and so on. Once you got to like 500-1000-XXXX fragments you gain one Shard that can be used to purchase a set/piece. Whether it would increase PvP participation remains to be seen, and many rules/parameters would still need to be defined. Either way, a certain level of grind must also be present here.

very nice idea, similar to other mmo's. Like a daily quest to kill 10 players, with a medal reward. 10 medals + gcw tokens = 1 item
Last time I did GCW I had 20k Tokens, they would have to make it like ridiculous to make it the same amount of work.

I don't think it's a good idea, because it devalues the gameplay without adding anything to it. I would rather it have it's own unique jewelry sets, not take from the other parts of the game.

I actually dislike how easy it is to get Ghost Trooper armor, because now I can't use it for new content.

It isn't GCW that keeps people coming back to the game unfortunately, it keeps people playing, and I do think it should have or be more rewarding but I don't think this is the way to do it.

As much as I dislike how random and grindy the Duty Token system is, it's a good example on a way to keep people playing and interested in the game and the dopamine hit from getting good space parts is fun.
I would rather see GCW get unique rewards that could create a trade between pve/pvp sources. This smells like the old 'pvpers dont want to pve' PVs, although pvpers are the main endgame content runners at the moment(at least for nightmare).
The thing that PVP people have that PVE people don't is GCW tokens and BF tokens and I know lots of people who want stuff from either vendor. I feel like a better way to create more community on the server is to engage with the PVE people to find good exchanges for the items each other wants than to get everything we want from our more insulated communities. It's how I got the Focused Red Color Crystal. 20-25 million credits is only 20-25 hours of terminal grinding as a smuggler and if you are of the persuasion there's a bunch of jedi bounties out there worth millions which would help.

E2A an example would be removing the NTS from the GCW sabers
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GCW and BF tokens are oversaturated now, it's completely out of the question to use those commodities.

The whole "play the way you want and get all the rewards even from content you never did" is something MMOs in their death cycle do, Resto is still very young and has a lot of potential. The heroics are not hard and it takes less of them to acquire a full set than any other server with heroics. Do the content.
Agree with Dan here. We just got a bunch of BF tokies and tens of thousands GCW tokies can be farmed at invasions fairly easily. Adding heroic jewelry to the GCW/BF vendors would allow people to bypass doing heroics and easily farm jewelry sets
I think people are missing the point now.

The idea is to allow heroic sets to be purchased through pvp activities.

“Do the content”.

If the sets were no trade, I probably would. But they aren’t.

So personally, im not arsed about doing the content. If it stays as it is fine. I’ll let the pve jedi gaining vis do the work for me and take their BH missions. il purchase another set from someone in
a week or so that way.

This was purely to encourage more pvp by adding the sets to the rewards table
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I think people are missing the point now.

The idea is to allow heroic sets to be purchased through pvp activities.

“Do the content”.

If the sets were no trade, I probably would. But they aren’t.

So personally, im not arsed about doing the content. If it stays as it is fine. I’ll let the pve jedi gaining vis do the work for me and take their BH missions. il purchase another set from someone in
a week or so that way.

This was purely to encourage more pvp by adding the sets to the rewards table
That idea of getting the sets how you want is the wonderful thing about the game. You are completing your own player voice in a round about way, without changing the game at all.

I think Tyr said it best, GCW tokens can be farmed as combatant and, I’m just generally not a fan of yet another currency/batch of tokens.

it’s also a bit backwards to have people PvP for jewelry sets that are ‘absolutely necessary’ for PvP.
Just can’t get on board with this. 20-25mil for 6 days of 5 (successful) heroic runs isn’t anything to scoff at either.
I like the idea. Definitely some details that need to be hashed out, but with jewelry being practically essential to the highest level of gameplay now, I would love to see there be a way for PVP to earn them. If there was at least some PVP items that are close to the same value as the jewerly sets, then I'm sure there could be some exchange between people that primarily PVP and people that primarily PVE; but there really isn't.