Add all Heroic Jewelry sets to GCW vendors

Add all Heroic Jewelry sets to GCW vendors
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Add all Heroic jewelry sets to GCW/BF vendors. Making any 5 piece set available by using GCW/BF tokens.
Currently Heroic jewelry sets are only available through tokens that are collected by PVE content. However, these sets are absolutely necessary to compete in PVP.

Purchasing a set from another player for 20-25 million credits is also ridiculous.

A large contingent of the player base feel it would be beneficial to grant access to these sets, by player vs player content. As this community of players are not motivated to complete PVE and/or struggle to find pre-made groups at the times they play.

PvP has had a noticable decline since the last patch, due to guilds and players completing pve dungeons at peak times.

We would hope that this will encourage more pvp, in all areas.

There are still vast rewards and content that would encourage PVE instances that wouldnt not be effected by this change,
The only motivation is to encourage more PvP, base raids and battlefields. This is end game content for many people. Gearing up through pvp should be an option.
I propose all Heroic jewelry sets in game, should be purchasable by trading in GCW or Battlefield tokens. Please sign

Dots - MCM/MBH
PvE, get gears, so end game is PvP. Makes sense. Also Restuss is coming and people will be geared up and used to working as a group from the instances? Sounds like there is already a plan.
For reference, the vast majority of active players received 1000 BF tokens as a reward for the Peteraki Tournament. Using Battlefield tokens to get heroic jewelry would enable all those people to get the heroic jewelry for free.
It might be reasonable to add other things to the PvP vendors, but doing it with heroic jewelry would effectively be giving the jewelry away for free to all those people.
Why is there still talk about GCW/BF Tokens? I think we’ve all pretty much agreed by now, after the discussion, that this part is off the table. Finding a reasonable ratio here (aside from combatant GCW farming and the existing BF Tokens from the tournament) will be difficult.

So, it’s either a new currency rewarded for PvP objectives/kills (with a properly long grind) or leaving everything as it is. Personally, I don’t mind if nothing changes. I’ve already bought three sets. Those who want to run Heroics should go for it, and the others will just have to pay credits. Easy.

I think the proposal needs to be restarted with a different focus, assuming any kind of Heroic set through PvP (no-trade) is excluded. The question is: what can be done to boost PvP activity? What items would make sense and how much grinding should be required to potentially have an equivalent to the heroic set and perhaps even encourage some interaction between PvP and PvE players/loot.
If you do go down the path of making pvp something just make sure it is trade/sellable or you will get the whole "forced pvp/forced pve" goofiness going. As others have said the hard part, I think, would be trying to come up with a way to figure out cost. Is it tokens or is it do x, y, z so many times, or is it .....
There is no cost to having to run Tusken 6 more times. If you want PvP to reward more tokens, simply double the tokens you get from running Instances in Hard/NM mode as Overt (choose before going in, ofc); but allow BH's to come into the instances and people to invade and attack your party as you run the zone.

You also of course would show up on the War Radar.

There, now you have your PvP Content and get Double Rewards from PvP with a whole other level of threat.

If nobody shows up you get a nice double token run for the risk.
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There is no cost to having to run Tusken 6 more times. If you want PvP to reward more tokens, simply double the tokens you get from running Instances in Hard/NM mode as Overt (choose before going in, ofc); but allow BH's to come into the instances and people to invade and attack your party as you run the zone.

You also of course would show up on the War Radar.

There, now you have your PvP Content and get Double Rewards from PvP with a whole other level of threat.

If nobody shows up you get a nice double token run for the risk.
Lol let BH enter an instance, how about no, double the tokens, how about no as well. It takes time to earn tokens from instances. You would be giving pvp players a huge advantage to get sets way faster. At that point might as well run full groups of 8 Jedi on overt, after all the amount of tokens you will get will be worth being on the board for.
We don't make battlefield items accessible via GCW tokens just like we don't make GCW items accessible via battlefield tokens (with the exception of D stims, but who the crap is spending their BF tokens on those?). You don't normalize gains from content unless the game is dead, period. If you want to get the jewelry there is a very easy way to do it right now - do the content, it's not hard. If the content were somehow impossible to do at this stage then yes it would be a good idea to go over this stuff. Talking about alternate routes to content that just released because you don't want to do it is asinine.

There's no need for yet another currency to enter the game right now for the sole purpose of obtaining something already obtainable.
This need to be put to rest now.

The idea was to encourage more players flagging for pvp by adding the jewelry sets to pvp rewards, however that may have be.

Happy for effort l be reciprocated, so if pve pre-mades who have a nice hall of tokens feel offended because they have a birth right to sell them. Then offer a weekly kill quest or monthly quest count for parts.

This has nothing to do with anything but that. No BH vs Jedi.

Stop being mongoloids and hijacking the thread
We don't make battlefield items accessible via GCW tokens just like we don't make GCW items accessible via battlefield tokens (with the exception of D stims, but who the crap is spending their BF tokens on those?). You don't normalize gains from content unless the game is dead, period. If you want to get the jewelry there is a very easy way to do it right now - do the content, it's not hard. If the content were somehow impossible to do at this stage then yes it would be a good idea to go over this stuff. Talking about alternate routes to content that just released because you don't want to do it is asinine.

There's no need for yet another currency to enter the game right now for the sole purpose of obtaining something already obtainable.
So running an alt as cannon fodder for the pentraki event, to purchase the only weapons skins in game with pvp stats…

People wanted the BF tokens but didn’t want to BF’s. I don’t see a difference
I suggest you re-read what I wrote, just because you don't like the feedback doesn't mean I'm hijacking anything. I initially stated that the lack of PvP has nothing to do with lack of incentive - we have 2 years of data proving that.

I neither am a part of the group selling jewelry for 25m/set nor am I sitting on hoards of tokens trying to capitalize on fomo players with my premade mafia. We did research on Legends and found that jewelry sets over there normalized to be cheaper than a mando helmet, which on our server would be 8-10mil per set. If you want the price to come down then I suggest you be patient and educate others on the real value of the jewelry so that they also stop feeding the price fixers.

As for alternate routes to jewelry, I made the following points:

1. Games which provide equivalent exchange (any curreny for rewards designated from specific content) are usually in their death cycle or are already dead. Resto still has active development and is a newer server in comparison to others and thus it doesn't make sense to do that.
2. The content in which you participate in is easily accessible for most (literally just join the PvE discord and do runs with them, they run every day) and we have the lowest cost for a full jewelry set than any other server.
3. The content is less than a month old and people are still actively doing that content, there is no reason to provide alternate routes to gain the rewards.

For the record, I thought giving out 1000 BF tokens was stupid as hell. It killed any reason to do battlefields on this server for a long time and completely destroyed intrinsic value associated with battlefield items.
So running an alt as cannon fodder for the pentraki event, to purchase the only weapons skins in game with pvp stats…

People wanted the BF tokens but didn’t want to BF’s. I don’t see a difference
My guild offered to take you along for heroics but you said it's not your thing. You actively chose not to do content that would have made it possible to get a set or at least a piece or two. Some of us have been running them two times a day or more for the past month+. You're sounding like the jedis who want the game redesigned to orient around their specific play style because they don't do pvp. I'm doing GCW on my alt because I want the GCW sabers. I don't see why the game needs to be oriented around your play style just because you refuse to participate in half of it.
I suggest you re-read what I wrote, just because you don't like the feedback doesn't mean I'm hijacking anything. I initially stated that the lack of PvP has nothing to do with lack of incentive - we have 2 years of data proving that.

I neither am a part of the group selling jewelry for 25m/set nor am I sitting on hoards of tokens trying to capitalize on fomo players with my premade mafia. We did research on Legends and found that jewelry sets over there normalized to be cheaper than a mando helmet, which on our server would be 8-10mil per set. If you want the price to come down then I suggest you be patient and educate others on the real value of the jewelry so that they also stop feeding the price fixers.

As for alternate routes to jewelry, I made the following points:

1. Games which provide equivalent exchange (any curreny for rewards designated from specific content) are usually in their death cycle or are already dead. Resto still has active development and is a newer server in comparison to others and thus it doesn't make sense to do that.
2. The content in which you participate in is easily accessible for most (literally just join the PvE discord and do runs with them, they run every day) and we have the lowest cost for a full jewelry set than any other server.
3. The content is less than a month old and people are still actively doing that content, there is no reason to provide alternate routes to gain the rewards.

For the record, I thought giving out 1000 BF tokens was stupid as hell. It killed any reason to do battlefields on this server for a long time and completely destroyed intrinsic value associated with battlefield items.
The comments werent directed at you, but the others who started talking about BH jedi
My guild offered to take you along for heroics but you said it's not your thing. You actively chose not to do content that would have made it possible to get a set or at least a piece or two. Some of us have been running them two times a day or more for the past month+. You're sounding like the jedis who want the game redesigned to orient around their specific play style because they don't do pvp. I'm doing GCW on my alt because I want the GCW sabers. I don't see why the game needs to be oriented around your play style just because you refuse to participate in half of it.
Proved my point really,

I’ve said several times that I’m happy put in the effort. Don’t make it personal.

This is absolutely not about me and my entitlement to the sets.

It’s about encouraging more pvp, nothing more.

Proved my point really,

I’ve said several times that I’m happy put in the effort. Don’t make it personal.

This is absolutely not about me and my entitlement to the sets.

It’s about encouraging more pvp, nothing more.

pvp people will pvp because it's fun, regardless of if there's a carrot on the stick. If there's not enough of it happening perhaps it's not very fun right now
I'd also be curious how sustainable you think it'd be to get someone like me into GCW just so I can get a GCW saber or two. Like if you get your heroic sets how much longer do you think you'd keep doing them? It's not a long term solution to fix the problem that you want fixed
pvp people will pvp because it's fun, regardless of if there's a carrot on the stick. If there's not enough of it happening perhaps it's not very fun right now
I agree, but what if the people who enjoy it, aren’t doing it because they’re doing pve for BiS gear.
I'd also be curious how sustainable you think it'd be to get someone like me into GCW just so I can get a GCW saber or two. Like if you get your heroic sets how much longer do you think you'd keep doing them? It's not a long term solution to fix the problem that you want fixed
Again I agree with you, which is why this is a discussion.

I just wish people would have solutions and more ideas rather than claiming I’m being “entitled”
You want the sets, and you want to be able to sell them do the content. Or would you want the pvp items to be bought with galactic tokens by pve which would now be fair. If you want to buy the heroic sets with pvp tokens make it at 5 or 6 times the cost then you will have ground out as much as those doing pve did to get those sets.
Proved my point really,

I’ve said several times that I’m happy put in the effort. Don’t make it personal.

This is absolutely not about me and my entitlement to the sets.

It’s about encouraging more pvp,

My guild offered to take you along for heroics but you said it's not your thing. You actively chose not to do content that would have made it possible to get a set or at least a piece or two. Some of us have been running them two times a day or more for the past month+. You're sounding like the jedis who want the game redesigned to orient around their specific play style because they don't do pvp. I'm doing GCW on my alt because I want the GCW sabers. I don't see why the game needs to be oriented around your play style just because you refuse to participate in half of it.
Don't bring up Jedi unless you want to have another circle argument that gets heated.
The idea was to encourage more players flagging for pvp by adding the jewelry sets to pvp rewards, however that may have be.
They have tried different things to encourage more players to pvp that really have not worked that well (like mouf mud, 0 decay, etc) but the issue isn't that simple. There are a number of things that, together, keep the number down. (these all are interconnected for the most part as well)

One is time. A % of folks just don't have the time to do pvp and pve because they are time restricted. And this is not just time to fight but the time to get the creds to get the gear to get the food to get the other addons then to learn how (git goud) oh and then relearn when changes happen. You will see people saying well it only takes a few hours to level/respec or it only takes a few days to get the creds for good gear. But that is subjective to them. If you only have a few hours a day or week it takes much longer and ignores the pve end AND leaves out stuff such a travel times, waiting to get buffed, waiting for everyone to get it together to start, etc.

Two is gear. This ties into above. Unless you want to be cannon fodder and learn by repeatedly dying over and over you at least need top end gear. Armor, weapons, psg, food, drink, clothes, seas, jewelry, pups, etc etc. Like above for some they can get this quickly but others don't have that kind of time to commit to it unless they only did pvp. Not to mention the costs. You will see peoploe scoff at this and say it easy quick and easy but that is only true for some. Others not so much.

Three is culture. I want to start this by saying the pvp crowd here is one of the least toxic, most helpful I have seen on swg servers and over time they went from cesspit to today. With that said there are a % of people that just don't like the competitive aspect of pvp, don't like the mine is better than yours, don't like the good natured ribbing, and really don't like the trolling and mockery that sometimes go on. So other than hope that changes this % of folks just won't no matter what AND remember this is a very decent pvp crowd here.

One solution would be to make some kind of instance or place where people load in and select the gear that is appropriate for that faction etc but it is all the same for each side so it is pure pvp not who has the best gear. It also eliminates the time issue and more You keep pvp the way it is outside this place so that stays the same. As for GCW I don't need to pvp to get tokens and don't. For me personally I pvp with my smuggler doing pvp quests and it adds a little spice to know I might be hunted and to have to fight or run away (I am about 50/50 win lose on this). But I could wake up dead tomorrow and I no longer have the patience to stand absurd people who, despite their chronological age, have not grown up.

There is no easy solution here and certainly not one that will make a lot of folks happy. I would pvp with my guildmates if it was just us going against us because I know them and it would all be good natured teasing and bragging and the group would squelch any trolling and such. That does not happen outisde that context however.

And these are just a few things that make it so hard to grow the pvp end. Kudo's to you for at least trying and kudos to those that keep it going for being a, with a few exceptions here and there, a decent crowd of pvp people. (people experience pvp in other places that can be just awful and it makes one reluctant to try again)
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