Add all Heroic Jewelry sets to GCW vendors

Add all Heroic Jewelry sets to GCW vendors
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Add all Heroic jewelry sets to GCW/BF vendors. Making any 5 piece set available by using GCW/BF tokens.
Currently Heroic jewelry sets are only available through tokens that are collected by PVE content. However, these sets are absolutely necessary to compete in PVP.

Purchasing a set from another player for 20-25 million credits is also ridiculous.

A large contingent of the player base feel it would be beneficial to grant access to these sets, by player vs player content. As this community of players are not motivated to complete PVE and/or struggle to find pre-made groups at the times they play.

PvP has had a noticable decline since the last patch, due to guilds and players completing pve dungeons at peak times.

We would hope that this will encourage more pvp, in all areas.

There are still vast rewards and content that would encourage PVE instances that wouldnt not be effected by this change,
The only motivation is to encourage more PvP, base raids and battlefields. This is end game content for many people. Gearing up through pvp should be an option.
I propose all Heroic jewelry sets in game, should be purchasable by trading in GCW or Battlefield tokens. Please sign

Dots - MCM/MBH
I feel like you guys should PV pvp sets with pvp tokens instead of trying to get an alternative way.

On that note. Give battlefields a new currency and make it a similar time investment. like 1 token per NEW battlefield and make it like 50 of those tokens for a full set so you get a similar time investment to farm your precious jewelry sets

Heck maybe even make it cost more than 50 NEW bf tokens since they only take 15 minutes compared to around 1 hour per heroic OR make battlefields last for 30min to 1 hour instead. Options...
1. Games which provide equivalent exchange (any curreny for rewards designated from specific content) are usually in their death cycle or are already dead. Resto still has active development and is a newer server in comparison to others and thus it doesn't make sense to do that.

2. The content in which you participate in is easily accessible for 99% (literally just join the PvE discord and do runs with them, they run every day) and we have the lowest cost for a full jewelry set than any other server.

3. The content is less than a month old and people are still actively doing that content, there is no reason to provide alternate routes to gain the rewards.

4. The idea that heroic jewelry should be the exception to the rule of “In a sandbox MMO you need to PvE in order to PvP” makes no sense. We grind PvE for all our other things, there’s no reason to remove the rule specifically for jewelry.

5. If the devs wanted to make it easier for people to get into PvP then they shouldn’t have enabled earring slots to begin with. That’s counterproductive to making the door for PvP more accessible.

6. PvP is not dead due to jewelry or gear or any of the other excuses that have been used in this thread, so please stop trying to make them a scapegoat for this stupid idea. PvP is dead because one faction chose not to learn new builds or team comps despite half a year of the new patch being available on TC and as a result they are in their emo phase bumpin simple plan and my chem. Any other excuse is cope and should not be used to push this PV.

7. Empirical data shows that folks on Legends are doing just fine after grinding OGs for almost a decade, the content won’t kill you. Is there still more work that needs to go into adjusting things? Absolutely.

Please address the following points before moving on with the fruitless arguments, thanks.
One last thing ill add , can someone please list servers with decent population numbers that have alternate means to obtain heroic jewelry , specifically through pvp activities
One last thing ill add , can someone please list servers with decent population numbers that have alternate means to obtain heroic jewelry , specifically through pvp activities
Just because other servers lack innovation doesn’t mean Resto should follow. In fact, breaking away from the norm and providing PvP players with their own progression path would set Resto apart. "Oh BeCaUsE OtHeRs Do It ToO" is just the perfect excuse for those too scared to think for themselves or try something new. This is still a discussion, so don’t come with that ridiculous nonsense. I like the "basic" PV-idea but if the PV doesn’t get approved (and i guess chances are low) i won’t complain and nothing is going to change for me, no worries.
I feel like you guys should PV pvp sets with pvp tokens instead of trying to get an alternative way.

On that note. Give battlefields a new currency and make it a similar time investment. like 1 token per NEW battlefield and make it like 50 of those tokens for a full set so you get a similar time investment to farm your precious jewelry sets

Heck maybe even make it cost more than 50 NEW bf tokens since they only take 15 minutes compared to around 1 hour per heroic OR make battlefields last for 30min to 1 hour instead. Options...
An hour per token in pve, if you want a fair comparison then it would be closer to 500 tokens . You are also not locked out for 18 hours after each battlefield. You can get 6 tokens per day unless you decide to run 3 toons or 18 tokens per day. which is around 18 hours with no interuptions. most will do maybe 6-10 a week. you could as a pvp run 10 a day and it still wont take as long as it takes to get pve sets. You want the sets put the time into it. Or pony up the credits to buy it.
Comparing cosmetics to a must-have heroic set is absolute nonsense. And then there’s this attitude of "just because they can't be bothered to play the game." For many of us, PvP is the’s the endgame content. Farming PvE gear just to perform well in PVP has always been a heated topic in MMOs. I get it that PvP players shouldn’t just be handed free gear. But what’s so bad about having PVP-only sets that require a similar time investment as farming heroics for a PVE Set? Oh... you can’t sell the sets for 20m anymore. OR consider a compromise so everyone can be happy. Offer something on PVP vendors that can be traded for heroic sets/pieces like items for their eRP house or cosmetics so everyone can do the content they enjoy.
For the equivelent time and investment to be comparable, you would have to be locked out 18 hours pers battlefield if there are multiple ones. Or significantly increase the cost for pvp set by at least 500 times the cost. That would be closer to the time spent if the battlefield is 1 hour long. If it is 15 minutes the token cost to equal out would be closer to 2000. Battlefields have no lockout timer.
I dont see the issue with this pv, if its the same amount of time spent to get them why does it matter.

3. Don’t make players play the way they don’t want to play: The most impressive thing about Star Wars Galaxies is how big of a tent it is for so many different types of people with varying playstyles. From PvE to PvP, from Roleplay to Crafting, we need to make sure that people can play the way they want, not force them into unfun situations (even though it's usually easier that way).
I dont see the issue with this pv, if its the same amount of time spent to get them why does it matter.

3. Don’t make players play the way they don’t want to play: The most impressive thing about Star Wars Galaxies is how big of a tent it is for so many different types of people with varying playstyles. From PvE to PvP, from Roleplay to Crafting, we need to make sure that people can play the way they want, not force them into unfun situations (even though it's usually easier that way).
This is what Aconite said about that bit:

1\ cannibalizing "play your way" to mean "any game mechanic I don't like isn't letting me play my way" is a gross mischaracterization of marketing messaging. The central theme of the Expanding Horizons Publish was indeed about giving players more freedom and more customization, to the extent we did so in the patch notes. It's not launching an open season on any and all mechanics of the game that don't let you play exactly how you want to. This is an MMO with game mechanics. So let's go ahead and drop that.
I dont see the issue with this pv, if its the same amount of time spent to get them why does it matter.

3. Don’t make players play the way they don’t want to play: The most impressive thing about Star Wars Galaxies is how big of a tent it is for so many different types of people with varying playstyles. From PvE to PvP, from Roleplay to Crafting, we need to make sure that people can play the way they want, not force them into unfun situations (even though it's usually easier that way).
Dont make me bring up the jedi vis with that comment. Because it falls under the same thing but Aconite shut that down. For it yo be the same amount of time, you would have to lock people out of battlefields like heroics or increase the token cost by no less then 1000
1. Games which provide equivalent exchange (any curreny for rewards designated from specific content) are usually in their death cycle or are already dead. Resto still has active development and is a newer server in comparison to others and thus it doesn't make sense to do that.

2. The content in which you participate in is easily accessible for 99% (literally just join the PvE discord and do runs with them, they run every day) and we have the lowest cost for a full jewelry set than any other server.

3. The content is less than a month old and people are still actively doing that content, there is no reason to provide alternate routes to gain the rewards.

4. The idea that heroic jewelry should be the exception to the rule of “In a sandbox MMO you need to PvE in order to PvP” makes no sense. We grind PvE for all our other things, there’s no reason to remove the rule specifically for jewelry.

5. If the devs wanted to make it easier for people to get into PvP then they shouldn’t have enabled earring slots to begin with. That’s counterproductive to making the door for PvP more accessible.

6. PvP is not dead due to jewelry or gear or any of the other excuses that have been used in this thread, so please stop trying to make them a scapegoat for this stupid idea. PvP is dead because one faction chose not to learn new builds or team comps despite half a year of the new patch being available on TC and as a result they are in their emo phase bumpin simple plan and my chem. Any other excuse is cope and should not be used to push this PV.

7. Empirical data shows that folks on Legends are doing just fine after grinding OGs for almost a decade, the content won’t kill you. Is there still more work that needs to go into adjusting things? Absolutely.

Please address the following points before moving on with the fruitless arguments, thanks.
Someone who is voting for this PV please address the following points.

Yours truly,

A PvPer
Why not just put everything as a token purchase then? There is a reason things require special or unique rewards (like high-end weapon components, tokens, decorations, etc.) this is to incentivize players to get together and do the content. If you don't or can't do this content then use the universal currency (credits) and buy them from people who ARE doing the content. Hard down-vote on this.